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U.S. Aircraft Carrier Enters Zone Near Iranian Oil Route as Tensions Rise

Iranians are overplaying this. USN carriers go on patrols all over the world, I'm sure this patrol route was planned months in advance and the fact there is an Iranian warfare going on nearby is irrelevant. It really seems it is the IRANIANS ringing the war bell rather than the US these days, constantly accusing US of this and that and launching provocative accusations at them.

+ I have seen an F-18E/F up close, it is a beast of a machine as is the E-2C/D AWACs but it is crazy how the mammoth carrier makes them look like toys.
Bcz US didn't want the communism spread to Japan ,so US joined the war.And Soviet-China lost when trying to spread communism to SK-Japan.

Wrong. The answer you are looking for is they do not want Communism to spread at all. Hence they supported Chiang Kai Shek until he lost the civil war and ran to Taiwan and then they went into another proxy war with USSR and China in Vietnam. Don't tell the readers Vietnam is anywhere near Japan now :no:

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

US won the war, bcz they successfully stop China-Soviet spreading communism to SK-Japan.But communism is not US's threat anymore, so they won't care about SK when NK shelled SK island, that's it

U.S. was trying to stop the spread of communism everywhere because the USSR was undermining USA's global domination. Not just to Japan or rest of Korea, they feared the same in Europe hence they wanted Germany to be controlled by both. It was a stale mate actually, USSR and China both managed to spread Communism into Vietnam, kept North Korea as a communist country and stopped war spreading into its own countries. Learn more about history, you seem to have problems understanding how this world works :azn:

Heheh, people know that China govt. even dare to kill their own people in Tienanmen square instead of peacefull negotiation, so they won't care about Taiwanese life too. Just bcz China is too weak to counter US seven fleet, so Taiwan is always be a sour grape to China

:lol: I know your weaknesses annoys you, but you just have to accept fate that your country is and was always too weak to do anything against powers like Russia, China or America. You are simply contained and manipulated by all three. Yep the famous propaganda against China, when was that Tienanmen incident? 30 years ago? There is no point in killing your own people if you want them to integrate, Taiwan isn't an issue we want to rush into and it will eventually play into the hands of China. You should worry more about your poor economy and your so called best friends. Heck your country even failed to become the big brother of ASEAN let alone can do anything in the Malacca Straight :lol:

We control the largest part of SCS(east sea), that's quite good already, we're just modernize our Navy, so just wait and see, more fun still ahead

Then be a good boy and don't make anymore foolish claims, either be happy with what you have or do what China did to your country to all neighbours with claims to those islands. Too weak perhaps? Can't kick China let alone America from protecting the Philippines? :azn:

Heheh, year, the beggar just kicked China out of Lybia , robbed China's investment there and China could not do anything to punish that naughty beggar

:lol: It hurts America more in the long run, can they go to war with the world? China has a vast network of businesses. It's about being efficient. Care to explain how on earth Japan manages to help China undermine the US dollar? Don't take pride in what other countries are doing. Only a failed nation like yours would do so because you have no friends and can do nothing ;)
Wrong. The answer you are looking for is they do not want Communism to spread at all. Hence they supported Chiang Kai Shek until he lost the civil war and ran to Taiwan and then they went into another proxy war with USSR and China in Vietnam. Don't tell the readers Vietnam is anywhere near Japan now :no:
US could not stop Communist China bcz China has a large territory, and China's main land is not US's national interests too, they only want to stop Communist spreading to Japan-SK to protect and they did it successfully, Soviet-China strategically lost . :coffee:
Obambam said:
U.S. was trying to stop the spread of communism everywhere because the USSR was undermining USA's global domination. Not just to Japan or rest of Korea, they feared the same in Europe hence they wanted Germany to be controlled by both. It was a stale mate actually, USSR and China both managed to spread Communism into Vietnam, kept North Korea as a communist country and stopped war spreading into its own countries. Learn more about history, you seem to have problems understanding how this world works
Only Soviet got credit in VN war, China became enemy of Communist block after that.

Obambam said:
I know your weaknesses annoys you, but you just have to accept fate that your country is and was always too weak to do anything against powers like Russia, China or America. You are simply contained and manipulated by all three. Yep the famous propaganda against China, when was that Tienanmen incident? 30 years ago? There is no point in killing your own people if you want them to integrate, Taiwan isn't an issue we want to rush into and it will eventually play into the hands of China. You should worry more about your poor economy and your so called best friends. Heck your country even failed to become the big brother of ASEAN let alone can do anything in the Malacca Straight
Obambam said:
Then be a good boy and don't make anymore foolish claims, either be happy with what you have or do what China did to your country to all neighbours with claims to those islands. Too weak perhaps? Can't kick China let alone America from protecting the Philippines
Heheh, we're too weak to control all SCS(east sea) bcz our Navy is just crap now, but with this crap, we still control the largest parts of it, so just wait for some more time , Night mare will knock your door soon after we receive our Kilos :lol:

Sour grape is always sour grape to the coward fox even it riped already , keep bragging , but all people can see that poor Chinese don't have enough sea territory , then they have to elligally go fishing in SK sea territory and got jailed .They can not go fishing in Taiwan sea territory just bcz PLAN is too bad and too weak to take Taiwan back :lol:
It hurts America more in the long run, can they go to war with the world? China has a vast network of businesses. It's about being efficient. Care to explain how on earth Japan manages to help China undermine the US dollar? Don't take pride in what other countries are doing. Only a failed nation like yours would do so because you have no friends and can do nothing
in the long run, may be more Chinese fisher men will be in jail in SK bcz PLAN is too weak to help them to go fishing in Taiwan sea territory:lol:

Japan help China undermine the US dollar bcz they're angrry with US troop in Okinawa, but let's see if US worry about China-Japan collaboration or not. US base still station in Okinawa to contain China , nothing diffrent:coffee:
US could not stop Communist China bcz China has a large territory, and China is not US's national interests too, they only want to stop Communist spreading to Japan-SK to protect and they did it successfully, Soviet-China strategically lost . :coffee:

:lol: Don't make readers laugh buddy. If American have no particular interests then they wouldn't have wasted men and money going into a war. Fact is Russia and China secured their objectives in the case of Korea same with America in the South therefore it was a stalemate. America did strategically and politically lost in Vietnam though. Don't tell me those number of years spent fighting in Vietnam was nothing and Vietnam was not in their interest or they wanted to stop Communism spreading from Vietnam over to Japan? Learn history properly, get basic facts straight. The world already knows USA and USSR were struggling for power hence it led to a period known as the cold war.

Only Soviet got credit in VN war, China became enemy of Communist block after that.

Yep in your eyes, but nobody cares about what you claim here. Last I heard North Korea, Laos and Cuba even Russia are still seeing each other and are happily trading and participating in both military or regional operations. False claims again em trai? :azn:

Heheh, we're too weak to control all SCS(east sea) now bcz our Navy is just crap , but with this crap, we still control the largest parts of it, so just wait for some more time , Night mare will knock your door soon after we receive our Kilos :lol:

Sure, and I give you credit for acknowledging that your navy is crap. We would love to see your navy actually come over and do anything against all parties who filed claims on those islands.
When are you loaned kilos coming by the way and how many will you be getting? I hope the size of China's navy alone won't scare you into dumping your entire economy on buying ships and repaying loans. With your level of inflation, growth and size of economy, it will take you a thousand years to catch up even if China was to collapse tomorrow :azn:

Sour grape is always sour grape to the coward fox even it riped already , keep bragging , but all people can see that poor Chinese don't have enough sea territory , then they have to elligally go fishing in SK sea territory and got jailed .They can not go fishing in Taiwan sea territory just bcz PLAN is too bad and too weak to take Taiwan back

Wrong. All the people can see a sour Vietnamese grape crying and bragging about destroying certain ASEAN countries as well as China to reclaim your so called islands. A little country trying to look big now are we? It doesn't matter how many times you make your stupendous claims, it will not change the readers opinions of your country. It is trying to do what China and other countries are doing with the exception that you do not have support like Philippines or Taiwan does neither are your country strong enough to do anything like what we did to your Vietnamese invaders in Paracel. War does not need to be won over a fight, I guess you simply does not have the capacity to understand that ;)

in the long run, may be more Chinese fisher men will be in jail in SK bcz PLA too weak to help them to go fishing in Taiwan sea territory:lol:

Does that even make any sense? You are being very desperate now. This is funny "dude". :lol:
What the hell is going on???? Thread is regarding Iran and US but here I can see China, Vietnam, Japan, USSR, Korea etc
Kindly stick to the topic....

Moderators, where are you?
Why does America want to have war with Iran? They are so stupid. But then American policy has never made sense to me.
America (as in regular citizens) doesnt want war, but power and military groups wants wars for profits and extended influence, and they couldnt care less how many trillions wars cost and how many deaths follow - regular people and soldiers will pay with their taxes and/or lives.
What the hell is going on???? Thread is regarding Iran and US but here I can see China, Vietnam, Japan, USSR, Korea etc
Kindly stick to the topic....

Moderators, where are you?
dude, I'm proving that even China also avoid US seven fleet, so Iran should do the same, just wait for some more time, US will get more headache from China-Japan and has to send more troop to contain China, so US's forces will be weaken in Middle east soon^^

But Mr. Obambam brag that China can take Taiwan back anytime she want, so we have to have a debate, tha's it :partay:
Obambam said:
Wrong. All the people can see a sour Vietnamese grape crying and bragging about destroying certain ASEAN countries as well as China to reclaim your so called islands. A little country trying to look big now are we? It doesn't matter how many times you make your stupendous claims, it will not change the readers opinions of your country. It is trying to do what China and other countries are doing with the exception that you do not have support like Philippines or Taiwan does neither are your country strong enough to do anything like what we did to your Vietnamese invaders in Paracel. War does not need to be won over a fight, I guess you simply does not have the capacity to understand that
Oki, so just focus on Taiwan issue , pls tell me when China can take Taiwan back, so your poor fishermen don't need to elligally go fishing in SK sea territory and got arrested anymore ??:coffee:

You think Taiwanese's life is far important than Chinese's life in main land ??
For failing to secure the American objective and bs'ing his country and troops about coming home for Christmas? :lol:

Don't tell readers here that America does not have anyone, from then till now, that is more capable to replace him with who can wipe North Korea off the world map. :azn:

Wrong the main objective is to ensure nothing gets spilled beyond the borders of China. America on the other hand wanted to destroy communism, THAT my friend was America's main objective. North Korea's existence irks them even on this very day :lol:

So first was the China supported North Korea's invasion then comes spills over the border because the U.S. was close to victory when MacArthur would have won. China had no choice but to help North Korea invade South Korea. Its a fact that Mao supported the invasion in the first place.
I just updated some of your information, if you say sea battle, China still can not compete with the United States, it is true, but Taiwan is too close to the mainland, China's development of military strength is sufficient for the force to resolve ,the question ,now a bit like Hong Kong and Macau . China has been able to recover Hong Kong and Macao in 1949, but in order to have two external windows, we have been extended to the 90S, and then recover Hong Kong and Macao, not because China has no military power, but some other factors.

---------- Post added at 10:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 AM ----------

Sometimes, it is interesting to see the Vietnamese touted U.S. military strength, it is very interesting.

The Vietnamese touted the U.S. military strength is because they respect it. Not fear it but respect it. Remember that North Vietnam succeeded in taking over South Vietnam after the peace treaty was signed by North Vietnam and violated the treaty and waited for American troops to leave to invade South Vietnam which they prevented from being conquered in the first place. Had American troops pulled out in South Korea early in the war, North Korea would have succeeded.
if iranians were a democracy i would have sided with iranians but iranians are a mullacracy. i prefer usa over iran although we are much closer to iranians but look even pakistanis who are like our brothers are hell bent on distroying us. go USA go as long as it does not affect our interests
dude, I'm proving that even China also avoid US seven fleet, so Iran should do the same, just wait for some more time, US will get more headache from China-Japan and has to send more troop to contain China, so US's forces will be weaken in Middle east soon^^

Wrong. You simply proved that you have no idea on the issues surrounding the Korean peninsula. You've also failed to understand the fact that America entered a series of wars because they have interests in the region. Just like they did in Vietnam. :lol:

But Mr. Obambam brag that China can take Taiwan back anytime she want, so we have to have a debate, tha's it :partay:

Oki, so just focus on Taiwan issue , pls tell me when China can take Taiwan back, so your poor fishermen don't need to elligally go fishing in SK sea territory and got arrested anymore ??:coffee:

You think Taiwanese's life is far important than Chinese's life in main land ??

Correct, China can indeed take back Taiwan by force should we want to. Problem here is, you have failed to understand differences between integrating forcefully and integrating peacefully. We don't work like your country Vietnam. We can see your desperacy as your country is too weak to achieve any major objectives. Be it keeping your close friends away from China, producing weapons, purchasing weapons or retaking your so claimed islands. Keep dreaming buddy. Your country can only move forward as much as your economy can allow. Taiwan is not an issue of your concern neither is it an issue to be discussed on this particular thread. Open up a thread and I will gladly have an debate with you there :lol:
:lol: Going by your logic that America did not care, then why bother fighting for the South Koreans during the war? Don't make the readers laugh bud. The was ended with North Korea still remaining on the world maps today.

The reason they did not pursue to escalate the war was because they did not want to enter a direct conflict with USSR and China. Here re-read the extract which you have posted:

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China needs not kick America out of Japan to retake Taiwan. We can retake Taiwan by force if we want to. However, that is not the case. We want a peacefull re-unification :cool:

You on the other hand can kick the U.S. out of Philippines and kick China out of South China Sea to try take those claimed islands of yours. I guess your country cannot do that, because - no money no honey, no honey no funny :lol:

Could have taken Taiwan, should have taken it. Peaceful unification. Positioning hundreds of missiles at Taiwan. Actions speaks louder than words.
Could have taken Taiwan, should have taken it. Peaceful unification. Positioning hundreds of missiles at Taiwan. Actions speaks louder than words.

Did China fire a single missile into Taiwan? I guess China made it very clear indeed. It will reunify peacefully :azn:
Wrong. You simply proved that you have no idea on the issues surrounding the Korean peninsula. You've also failed to understand the fact that America entered a series of wars because they have interests in the region. Just like they did in Vietnam. :lol:
Dude, VN location is far diffrent with Korea peninsula, we're in the center of ASEAN , we also share the border with China, so if one can control VN, it means they can control the whole resouces rich ASEAN region and put a great threat to China. South VietNam is US's national interests , US need to control South VN to protect Malacca straits(but failed), it's diffrent with SK.
Obambam said:
Correct, China can indeed take back Taiwan by force should we want to. Problem here is, you have failed to understand differences between integrating forcefully and integrating peacefully. We don't work like your country Vietnam. We can see your desperacy as your country is too weak to achieve any major objectives. Be it keeping your close friends away from China, producing weapons, purchasing weapons or retaking your so claimed islands. Keep dreaming buddy. Your country can only move forward as much as your economy can allow. Taiwan is not an issue of your concern neither is it an issue to be discussed on this particular thread. Open up a thread and I will gladly have an debate with you there
Year you can not work like VN bcz even VN women also can give 'mighty' PLA a bloody nose :lol:, PLA can't even fight against VN women, so how can they fight against US seven fleet ??:lol:

That why, poor Chinese fishermen are arrested day by day in SK bcz they can not go fishing in Taiwn:coffee:
Dude, VN location is far diffrent with Korea peninsula, we're in the center of ASEAN , we also share the border with China, so if one can control VN, it means they can control the whole resouces rich ASEAN region and put a great threat to China. South VietNam is US's national interests , US need to control South VN to protect Malacca straits(but failed), it's diffrent with SK.

Trying too hard to twist the story now? like how you think Vietnam will be able to control Malacca Straight and be the big boss of ASEAN because America is handing power over to your country? :lol:
Of course Vietnam is a different part of Asia, The problem is you have failed over and over to convince the public that America does not have interests in Korea which is not the case as it was important enough for them to have their men die there ;)

Year you can not work like VN bcz even VN women also can give 'mighty' PLA a bloody nose :lol:,

Sure, we don't mind them since they have failed to stop North Vietnam going up in smoke. More over, shows how useless Vietnamese men are. Perhaps that is why Gaddafi failed, he did the same thing Vietnam did ;)

PLA can't even fight against VN women, so how can they fight against US seven fleet ??:lol:

You mean you can't even fight like a women, hence your country is still going nowhere? Funny you even talk about your country's might when no world power even takes your country seriously. :lol:

That why, poor Chinese fishermen are arrested day by day in SK bcz they can not go fishing in Taiwn:coffee:

We don't mind that. Being able to do fishing around Vietnam's claimed island is already enough. We want peace with Taiwan but we careless about you :lol:
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