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U.S. Aircraft Carrier Enters Zone Near Iranian Oil Route as Tensions Rise

Iranians are overplaying this. USN carriers go on patrols all over the world, I'm sure this patrol route was planned months in advance and the fact there is an Iranian warfare going on nearby is irrelevant. It really seems it is the IRANIANS ringing the war bell rather than the US these days, constantly accusing US of this and that and launching provocative accusations at them.

+ I have seen an F-18E/F up close, it is a beast of a machine as is the E-2C/D AWACs but it is crazy how the mammoth carrier makes them look like toys.

who they f**** are they to patrol ? lets send Iran Pakistan etc with there boats to patrol American waters ???
Trying too hard to twist the story now? like how you think Vietnam will be able to control Malacca Straight and be the big boss of ASEAN because America is handing power over to your country? :lol:
Of course Vietnam is a different part of Asia, The problem is you have failed over and over to convince the public that America does not have interests in Korea which is not the case as it was important enough for them to have their men die there ;)
1. Our leader Ho Chi MInh dismissed Communist party, and want US's help in 1946, but US refused, US support France a white ally to control IndoChina instead, so he have to rejoined Communist .US knew clearly that Soviet-China couln't spread communism in VN,( bcz Ho Chi Minh didn't care about Communist theory) but Malacca is crucial ship lane , so US must control it , but failed.

2. US troops left SK before war happend , and US only joined the war to stop commmunism spread to SK-Japan, and they did it successfully
Obambam said:
We don't mind that. Being able to do fishing around Vietnam's claimed island is already enough. We want peace with Taiwan but we careless about you
and it's illegal too, that's why China ship got rammed, and your vice president have to pay 200 million for your illegal fishing in VN sea territory :lol:

Try to take Taiwan back, so you don't have to pay 200 million more to VN for illegal fishing arrested:lol:
US knew clearly that Soviet-China couln't spread communism in VN,

They got that one right :lol:

US troops left SK before war happend , and US only joined the war to stop commmunism spread to SK-Japan, and they did it successfully

A win-win for all sides. Whilst China and Russia managed to also secure its border and have a portion of Korea under Communist control, just like Germany was.

and it's illegal too, that's why China ship got rammed, and your vice president have to pay 200 million for your illegal fishing in VN sea territory :lol:

More like your country cannot afford to feed its own people and repay Russian and Japanese loan, so your leaders came over in October asking for a loan ;)

Try to take Taiwan back, so you don't have to pay 200 million more to VN for illegal fishing arrested:lol:

Worry about taking back your country's wanted islands instead and learn to stop begging countries for loans :lol:
When you're weaker than enemy, you must be patience . Just learn from China, she've lost Taiwan for very long time already, but she still need to wait bcz her forces still weak, can not take it back now.

When China can take back Taiwan, then it's will be the time for Iran to retaliate US.
Yes, we will not have to wait for long. At the same time Vietnam will get its due too.

In 1979, we fought for 28 days, and according to your government, we killed 100,000 civilians. When you fought USA, you fought for 19.5 years (= 7117.5 days), and USA killed a million soldiers and 2 million civilians. In fact, China inflicted greater pain on you per day than USA -- calculate it out yourself.

And your general admit China army is far inferior than US army already, so who cares about some Ah Q here keep bragging about Chinese controlling Tawain ?Inferior forces wanna win the war must have some special tactic, China doesn't have it but "human wave" :coffee:
Today China's modern warfare is even more efficient at killing than back in 1979. We will let your army feel directly the burn of our "inferior forces."
Yes, we will not have to wait for long. At the same time Vietnam will get its due too.

In 1979, we fought for 28 days, and according to your government, we killed 100,000 civilians. When you fought USA, you fought for 19.5 years (= 7117.5 days), and USA killed a million soldiers and 2 million civilians. In fact, China inflicted greater pain on you per day than USA -- calculate it out yourself.

Today China's modern warfare is even more efficient at killing than back in 1979. We will let your army feel directly the burn of our "inferior forces."

Ok.. fine. You do all this (if you really can!).

And the story will end by dropping a couple of contemporary equivalents of atomic bombs, on Chinese cities.

Then, China will move to renounce war and militarisation .... for ever.

Perhaps, the Chinese flag will be all white, with a single yellow star in the middle.
Ok.. fine. You do all this (if you really can!).

And the story will end by dropping a couple of contemporary equivalents of atomic bombs, on Chinese cities.

Then, China will move to renounce war and militarisation .... for ever.

Perhaps, the Chinese flag will be all white, with a single yellow star in the middle.

lmao and our H-bombs are toys right? lest you forget, our first H-bomb test had more power than the total of India's entire nuclear arsenal, and how many H-bombs have we made since 1968? :lol:

---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 AM ----------

Could have taken Taiwan, should have taken it. Peaceful unification. Positioning hundreds of missiles at Taiwan. Actions speaks louder than words.

Have to be ready for anything. Who knows when a fascist US president will try to occupy Taiwan?
Have to be ready for anything. Who knows when a fascist US president will try to occupy Taiwan?

I guess he forgot the countless US military bases around the globe. They use it for "peace keeping" apparently. :lol:
Ive already explained it, go back a few posts in this thread. No way US navy+airforce can track down every single mobile and fast speedboat and destroy it. Its impossible. those speedboats are produced for Irans preplanned navy assymetrical warfare.
Those speedboats and other ships are equiped with the Noor missiles and other domestic produces anti ship missiles.
US will get a bloody nose in a conflict with Iran.
You want to bet ?
if you have 200km range missiles you dont need boats...use them from ground
also boats or missiles has poor chance against close-in weapon system (CIWS) and naval guns. +electronic warfare
The Vietnamese touted the U.S. military strength is because they respect it. Not fear it but respect it. Remember that North Vietnam succeeded in taking over South Vietnam after the peace treaty was signed by North Vietnam and violated the treaty and waited for American troops to leave to invade South Vietnam which they prevented from being conquered in the first place. Had American troops pulled out in South Korea early in the war, North Korea would have succeeded.

So your American now are touted by the vietnamese military strength either??? after gotten your nose blooded badly in Vietnam war???

The vietnamese are just using you as their pawn to confront with China in South China Sea, you are nothing in their eyes but still the best enemy instead, they never forget how you tortures and slaughtered their civilians!

Your American seem loving sweet words; heck, now I know why viet cong could send their spies deep into the south vietnam republic and USA in the past!!! and the result we are all known!!!??? :azn:
A win-win for all sides. Whilst China and Russia managed to also secure its border and have a portion of Korea under Communist control, just like Germany was.
But China and Russia got strategycal lost in spreading communism to SK-Japan .
Obambam said:
More like your country cannot afford to feed its own people and repay Russian and Japanese loan, so your leaders came over in October asking for a loan
Heheh, Africa have lots of people starving every day, give them your loan if your leader is so gennerous. We only use your"loan" to build more ship to capture more illegal Chinese fishermen :lol:
Obambam said:
Worry about taking back your country's wanted islands instead and learn to stop begging countries for loans
Heheh, I suggesst Iran that they must avoid US fleet untill China can take Taiwan back , so stop incite Iran to war against US when even you also have to avoid US seven fleet:coffee:
Yes, we will not have to wait for long. At the same time Vietnam will get its due too.

In 1979, we fought for 28 days, and according to your government, we killed 100,000 civilians. When you fought USA, you fought for 19.5 years (= 7117.5 days), and USA killed a million soldiers and 2 million civilians. In fact, China inflicted greater pain on you per day than USA -- calculate it out yourself.
Heheh, OKI, let see what China can do, don't forget that you have more speed boats, more warship etc than Iran, so don't use your Big mouth to brag about "protecting "Iran when war happen, China even can't protect hershelf against US seven fleet :coffee:

At least US dare to face with our regular forces, but PLA fled as fast as they could when our forces from Cambodia on the way back to the border. China didn't declare a war before attacking VN , it's so ashamed to use the "animal way" to attack people, dude.Only animal and fasist didn't declare a war before attacking another nation :coffee:
SinoChallenger said:
Today China's modern warfare is even more efficient at killing than back in 1979. We will let your army feel directly the burn of our "inferior forces."
Dude, US used modern warfare in VN war already, nothing news about it :coffee:
But China and Russia got strategycal lost in spreading communism to SK-Japan

Nope, it wasn't in China's interests to spread communism anywhere, it was more of USSR's interests. Both only needed to keep North Korea where it is as a buffer zone. Therefore it was a stalemate. They did, however win in the proxy war against America on Vietnam. The chest game was a lot more interesting there :coffee:

Heheh, Africa have lots of people starving every day, give them your loan if your leader is so gennerous. We only use your"loan" to build more ship to capture more illegal Chinese fishermen

If the condition is right, then perhaps we will.

By the way your country is too poor and your leaders are fedup that money is coming in so slow with the ultra high inflation etc.
Hence they had to get more money somewhere and are forced to accept more Chinese men and projects in return for small personal loan (majority will only end up in the pockets of your dear leaders), so enjoy protesting around Hanoi some more whilst we set up bugs all around your country :lol:

Heheh, I suggesst Iran that they must avoid US fleet untill China can take Taiwan back , so stop incite Iran to war against US when even you also have to avoid US seven fleet

This version is better - Do not listen to Vietnamese because they cannot do anything, can't even lay a pinky on Taiwan or the Philippines. Avoid US seventh Fleet until Vietnam can force America away and be the big brother of ASEAN. :coffee:

I think you are also having comprehension problems. Have I incited anyone to go to war with America? You need to crawl out of that fantasy world of yours. No one will fight your wars and you are alone :lol:
Heheh, and Chinese fishermen now got trouble with that stalemate. More and more Chinese fishermen will be in jail bcz of China-Soviet strategical lost in Korean war

We will soon get to see :azn:

We're still richer than Camb-Laos-Myanmar and many Africa nations

So mighty Vietnam finally realizes it's position in the world :lol:

and we don't have to pay for Serious environmental impact like you. Help yourself from Japan's toxic trash and those nations first if your leader is really generous , stop fishing around our sea territory from now, or you have to pay more 200 million.

We are already the leader on green energy, making improvements on emissions etc.
Can't say the same about Vietnam. A country still littered with dangerous mines, lands intoxicated by agent orange (people now and in the future will continue to suffer from) and bad investment framework and infrastructures making it extremely unpopular with the Europeans and they are all going to leave you behind for Indonesia. Keep borrowing loans, pile up on debts and become a slave nation for another 1000 years. With the way things are going, soon Vietnam will become another province of China, full of Chinese men and factories, products and spies :lol:

Heheh, as I said: VN don't have strong Navy now , but we still control the largest parts of SCS(east sea), when China have stronger Navy, but can't even set up a single guard point in disputed zone like VN. so, people should never listen to the loser

Wrong. Our guard points looks more modern and supports more troops and ships compared to yours. Don't see your navy do anything to our men in Paracel and other parts controlled by us. Heck you even fail to do anything to the Taiwanese and the Filipinos controlled islands, talk about the one being a powerless barking loser :lol:

btw: an useless Chinese like you can't incited Iran to war with America , but your General did
“China Will Not Hesitate To Protect Iran Even With A Third World War” « Rajaten's Blog

Oh dear, the uneducated little boy with no idea how things work in global politics let alone economy is bragging about his weak country taking over ASEAN, kicking America and China out of the region etc suddenly thinks he is very useful :coffee:

Anyway, here re-read c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y what you have posted:

“China Will Not Hesitate To Protect Iran Even With A Third World War”

Fast forward to 2:08: “It is puzzling to some that Major General Zhang Zhaozhong, a professor from the Chinese National Defense University, said China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War… Professor Xia Ming: “Zhang Zhaozhong said that not hesitating to fight a third world war would be entirely for domestic political needs….” And don’t forget Russia, which recently said it is preparing to retaliate against NATO and has put radar stations on combat alert: “Russia is another ally of Iran, with similar policy to that of China. Toward Iran.”

Meaning China will not be the only one who will take actions if America does anything to Iran. Did you hear the Russians say anything about that statement afterwards? Their silence is a tacit acknowledgement of that statement. You see how The Brits and the Americans have since backed down from their initial intention to "invade Iran by Christmas"? It was not an "Incite Iran to war" but rather a "Do not touch Iran" statement. You need to learn better English my dear Vietnamese "dude" :lol:

Take Taiwan back first before bragging about "protecting "another nations

Do something about Taiwan or smaller countries such as the Philippines before you talk smack about challenging China's claims :azn:
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