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Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

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Some people insist its a 4 lane VLS in the back. But we cannot see the 4th line because, image perspective.

View attachment 429452

Let guessing

Yes, from this angle 128 is every bit as good a guess as 112.

Let’s wait until a better picture without obstruction of the rear set of VLS launchers is available.
Henri KENHMANN from East Pendulum opines that Type 055 DDG has 112 silos in its vertical launch system, based on that CCTV picture.

He also says "...But the question to see if the new Chinese destroyer Type 055... has 112 or 128 silos in its vertical launch system has already caused very long debate among fans.

An eternal debate also found on the other buildings of the navies of the world, as for the FREMM or the new FTI of the Marine Nationale in France. It is also a debate which, for us, is meaningless but becomes synonymous with 'power' in a lot of people..."

Read his just posted article (04 Oct) in French here: http://www.eastpendulum.com/et-si-le-destroyer-type-055-na-que-112-silos
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This is the first ever 055.

Sometimes I believed that some of our friends should learn to cut their expectations in half.:-)

Yes, i believe you are right, as the 2nd 055 was behind the 1st, and there isn't an 055 ahead of this vessel in the photo.........unless after the 1st was launched, the 2nd 055 was shifted up to where the 1st was. Anyway, the superstructure looks too far advanced in construction, as when the 1st 055 was launched, the hull of the 2nd had been completed only?

One other point, it was good to see a photo of the ship workers working inside the shipyard on a vessel, as i always believed security was very tight, as the only photos we get are from long shots taken by people outside the naval shipyards..........it could be though that the modules being welded as shown, were actually for a commercial vessel, or that if it was a naval vessel then as what is shown is of an early stage of construction, then it wouldn't have any meaningful purpose to anyone else.
China's new Type 055 missile destroyer to upgrade reaction capability of weapons, improve country's navy: expert
By Shan Jie Source:Globaltimes.cn Published: 2017/10/5 14:38:22

Media have reported that China's new missile destroyer equips more than 100 Vertical Launching Systems (VLS), which experts said on Thursday could upgrade the rapid-reaction capability of weapons.

A report published by CCTV on Tuesday showed that China's new Type 055 guided-missile destroyer has had 112 VLS cells installed, surpassing the US Navy's Arleigh Burke-class destroyers in quantity.

"The number of VLSs shows the combat and rapid-reaction capability of [China's] warships," military expert Song Zhongping told the Global Times on Thursday.

"Since recharging a VLS is relatively difficult, the more VLSs a vessel takes, the stronger and quicker its reaction," he said.

According to Song, China's previous destroyers could only equip limited numbers of launching cells, so the Type 055 could upgrade rapid-reaction capabilities of weapons, Song said, noting that increasing the number of launching tubes and cells of vessels is the necessary road for China's large warships in the future.

The Type 055 destroyer, the Chinese navy's first 10,000-ton domestically designed and produced vessel, was unveiled at Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) in East China's Shanghai on June 28, the Xinhua News Agency said.

The destroyer is the first of China's new generation destroyers. It is equipped with new air defense, anti-missile, anti-ship and anti-submarine weapons. The vessel marks a milestone in improving the nation's navy armament system and in building a strong and modern navy, said Xinhua.

"The Type 055 destroyer will form China's anti-missile system together with the 052D destroyer, which has been commissioned. China will also be able to build a Chinese version of the Aegis missile defense system with the inclusion of the Type 055," Song told the Global Times in a previous interview.
It's almost certainly 112 VLS cells at this point. There is just not enough space for another row in the rear. I think it will be laid out like below, subjected to mission requirement change of course.

Front VLS section:
32 - HHQ-9B long range SAM
16 - HQ-19 anti-ballistic missiles
16 - HQ-16 medium range SAM, quad packed

Rear VLS section:
16 - CJ-10 land attack cruise missiles
16 - Yu-8 ASW missiles
16 - YJ-12 Anti-Ship missiles
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It's almost certainly 112 VLS cells at this point. There is just not enough space for another row in the rear. I think it will be laid out like below, subjected to mission requirement change of course.

Front VLS section:
32 - HHQ-9B long range SAM
16 - HQ-19 anti-ballistic missiles
16 - HQ-16 medium range SAM, quad packed

Rear VLS section:
16 - CJ-10 land attack cruise missiles
16 - Yu-8 ASW missiles
16 - YJ-12 Anti-Ship missiles

YJ-12 can not be vertical launched. It should be YJ-18. Moreover, some sources claim a special version of YJ-18 is the shipborne land attack missiles.


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