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Type 054A FFG News & Discussions

The 30th Type 054A has launched in 2018.6.30.
Hull 542 枣庄舰
In which part of the South Poland you are? Krakow? Wroclaw? :-) Nice cities, neat not so crowded. Can spot some Chinese presence there. Been there last winter.
Near Krakow :)

So 30th launched, now the question is, it is going to be 32 054A or the next we will see the appear of 1st 054B?
Near Krakow :)

So 30th launched, now the question is, it is going to be 32 054A or the next we will see the appear of 1st 054B?
Still need to wait and see.
These ships used for air defence and surface combatants for ASW helis can do job
We dont need ASW platforms most of orions helis and previous sword class frigates are capable of ASW we need to get rid of one sided mentality work on our weaknesses which we have lacked in defendiing our ships from air remember india has three aircraft 3 carriers
In fact, Type 054A is mainly used for ASW in PLAN.
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