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Two trillion galaxies in 'observable' Universe

religious books never claimed that there is no life anywhere except earth, but infact quran clearly talks about multiverse when he used the word KAINAAT, secondly there can be many stages of Soul/Rooh (energy block) so multiverses could be our previous destinations and might be our next destinations and when i say our it means SOUL's destinations so Soul(energy) will never die and was never created but transform. Thirdly as definition suggests energy can neither be created nor be destroyed and in my opinion/logic/study Soul is an energy and it was in another destination with different time, space, physical dimension which we dont know due to lack of consciousness and will be on another destination with having different dimensions. Our physical spectrum is lacking many things due to it we have limitations. Life in another galaxy or alien place may have a life but due to different spectrum or dimensions we are not seeing it or observing it.
Of all religions, Islam is the only one that recognizes "Rab ul Aalameen".

Rab means God, Aalam means world, Aalameen is plural of Aalam meaning worlds.

So yeah, I believe there are many worlds, and creatures out there. Some creatures are in other dimensions as well (read Jinns and Angels) and there are not one, but multiple dimensions.

Time and space concept was also explained fairly in just one account and that is enough for us to believe, when Prophet (PBUH) went up on "Burraq" (arabic of lightening) and spent considerable time in different heavens. When he returned, the lock on his door was swinging as he left it. Some accounts say that he spent close to 27 years on that trip (but not confirmed)

This concept couldn't be explained to common men 14 centuries back. They were just amazed how a physical being can spend so much time in heavens only to return to find out the door lock swinging as it was left. Some time and space explanation may be fit here. There is a ayah in Quran that talks about relativity of time. Like Quran says that a day in hell/ paradise is like a thousand years of what we count....

Regarding size of universe, Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The universe compared to Allah’s kursi (footrest) is like a ring in a desert. And Allah’s kursi compared to His ursh (throne) is like a ring in a desert.” [Ibn Hibban, Ibn Abi Hatim]

Universe at that time was only thought to be very small, having earth, moon, sun and small stars (people imagination). Even then, prophet tried to explain the vastness by comparing that known universe to a ring in a desert and that desert too like a ring in another desert.
There are seven Universes, one bigger than the other, and our is the smallest...
earth is only planet we know abut there is life . we are same stupid humans we don't know there is America few hundreds years ago . there is life but we don't know our speed is slow our ability to look is very short .i am sure there is life and also there is life in our milky way galaxy

abut me yeah i am not good man i admit it .
Well sir, the science believes in proof so whatever any so called scientist is claiming is nothing but speculation until we find some evidence...up to so far with the advancement..nothing has been found and this proves that the Earth is really very special and that is really bugging the atheists like a "chamona" after eating too much sugar.

I don't intend to say anything about you sir,,it was just a response to your sweeping statement in which you insinuated the whole mankind... while there are exceptions and we cannot ignore them...
Earth is the only planet that has the LIFE

Sir, not all of the human being are like you :)

Earth is the only known planet that has life. Corrected there for you.

Facts have different dimensions ..For a blind man every picture is simple dark and its a fact for him .

Touche !

In different Universe's though, as far as our Universe go, we are only intelligent life, unless there are beings in other dimensions.

Anyway, explanations from religious text not going to convince anyone these days, people today want a miracle, or some sort of divine proof. And if one believes in a God, then they know that God is aware of that, and will deliver.

As far as topic goes, it really is hard to comprehend and amazing, it's so significant that people immediately speculate where this came from or how it came about.

We are only intelligent life form in documented universe which I am afraid extends till our solar system. People speculate that's true. That is the reason we are not living in caves and dying of dysentry in the caves' shadows rather stepping on the moon and planning for Mars.

You think reading "a book" or "a bunch of books" only could have got us there ? No. What it needed was curiosity and exploring the unknown by keeping an open mind rather than a closed mind.

You can never learn something if you already pretend to know it.
Of all religions, Islam is the only one that recognizes "Rab ul Aalameen".

Rab means God, Aalam means world, Aalameen is plural of Aalam meaning worlds.

So yeah, I believe there are many worlds, and creatures out there. Some creatures are in other dimensions as well (read Jinns and Angels) and there are not one, but multiple dimensions.

Time and space concept was also explained fairly in just one account and that is enough for us to believe, when Prophet (PBUH) went up on "Burraq" (arabic of lightening) and spent considerable time in different heavens. When he returned, the lock on his door was swinging as he left it. Some accounts say that he spent close to 27 years on that trip (but not confirmed)

This concept couldn't be explained to common men 14 centuries back. They were just amazed how a physical being can spend so much time in heavens only to return to find out the door lock swinging as it was left. Some time and space explanation may be fit here. There is a ayah in Quran that talks about relativity of time. Like Quran says that a day in hell/ paradise is like a thousand years of what we count....

Regarding size of universe, Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The universe compared to Allah’s kursi (footrest) is like a ring in a desert. And Allah’s kursi compared to His ursh (throne) is like a ring in a desert.” [Ibn Hibban, Ibn Abi Hatim]

Universe at that time was only thought to be very small, having earth, moon, sun and small stars (people imagination). Even then, prophet tried to explain the vastness by comparing that known universe to a ring in a desert and that desert too like a ring in another desert.
Please, space-time concept is completely different from what you are talking.. Anyway I have no interest in debating religion,lets end it here, but one question sir what is a ring in the desert? Have a good day
When ever there is a scientific discourse some ppl rush to bring in religion due inherent insecurity of there belief systems.
When ever there is a scientific discourse some ppl rush to bring in religion due inherent insecurity of there belief systems.
You got it wrong. They do not feel insecure, rather fascinated.

Scientific research is not about proving existence of God or an entity. It is about understanding the external environment. However, some people are curious and look for signs.

Big Bang Theory tells us that it all started from a point in time. The raw energy began to take shape and gave birth to new entities such as stars and planets. And all of that eventually led to conditions suitable for life in some planets. Big Bang process is continous.

Big Bang also fueled the debate about Random Design versus Intelligent Design. Some people find the philiosophy of Intelligent Design more credible.

Another topic of interest is Dark Energy. Scientists used to think that gravitational forces were responsible for putting everything in order in the Universe. That notion flopped when they observed that the Universe is actually expanding. Something is responsible for this expansion. Some perceive Dark Energy as a sign.

In the nutshell, this topic fascinates both the believers and athiests.
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1500 Years ago Holy Quran Mentioned about the Universe, Skies, Stars, Moon and Sun above us which Science discovering today...

O assembly of jinn and men, if you are able to pass through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass through. You cannot pass through but with authority.

-sura 50, verse 6.
"Do they not look at the sky above them, how We have built it and adorned it, and there are no rifts in it."

--sura 31, verse 10:
"(God) created the heavens without any pillars that you can see..."

--sura 13, verse 2:
"God is the One Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see, then He firmly established Himself on the throne and He subjected the sun and moon . . ."

--sura 22, verse 65:
"(God) holds back the sky from falling on the earth unless by His leave . . ."

--sura 23, verse 86. God is speaking to the Prophet.
"Say: Who is Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the tremendous throne?"

--sura 45, verse 13:
"For you (God) subjected all that is in the heavens and on the earth, all from Him. Behold! In that are signs for people who reflect."

--sura 55, verse 5:
"The sun and moon (are subjected) to calculations"

--sura 6, verse 96:
"(God) appointed the night for rest and the sun and the moon for reckoning."

--sura 14, verse 33:
"For you (God) subjected the sun and the moon, both diligently pursuing their courses. And for you He subjected the night and the day."

-sura 36, verse 39: God is speaking:
"And for the moon We have appointed mansions till she returns like an old shriveled palm branch."

--sura 16, verse 12:
"For you (God) subjected the night and the day, the sun and the moon; the stars are in subjection to His Command. Verily in this are signs for people who are wise."

-sura 6, verse 97:
"(God) is the One Who has set out for you the stars, that you may guide yourselves by them through the darkness of the land and of the sea. We have detailed the signs for people who know."

--sura 16, verse 16:
"(God sets on the earth) landmarks and by the stars (men) guide themselves."

-sura 10, verse 5:
"God is the One Who made the sun a shining glory and the moon a light and for her ordained mansions, so that you might know the number of years and the reckoning (of the time). God created this in truth. He explains the signs in detail for people who know."

--sura 25, verse 61:
"Blessed is the One Who placed the constellations in heaven and placed therein a lamp and a moon giving light."

-sura 71, 15-16:
"Did you see how God created seven heavens one above an other and made the moon a light therein and made the sun a lamp?"

-sura 78, verses 12-13:
"We have built above you seven strong (heavens) and placed a blazing lamp."

sura 86, verses 1-3:
"By the sky and the Night-Visitor, who will tell thee what the Night-Visitor is, the Star of piercing brightness." [ Here, the sky and a star are used to bear witness to the importance of what is to come in the text.]

--sura 21, verse 33:
"(God is) the One Who created the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion."

--sura 36, verse 40:
"The sun must not catch up the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion."

-sura 31, verse 29:
"Hast thou not seen how God merges the night into the day and merges the day into the night."
Earth is the only known planet that has life. Corrected there for you.

And earth is the only planet we know well..:)

1500 Years ago Holy Quran Mentioned about the Universe, Skies, Stars, Moon and Sun above us which Science discovering today...

Nope, all these were discovered long before 1500 years, modern science is trying to measure the vastness more accurately. And being educated, you should know that...
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