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Two PTI member killed and a few seriously injured

Nonetheless, something to pay attention to, I would suggest, since it makes claims of permissions and legality moot.
No it doesn’t. Last minute bans on protests (after approvals were already given) when rally preparations were made and workers traveling etc indicates malicious intent, especially given the violent crackdown on PTI supporters.

When you couple that with the double standards of allowing PDM rallies to continue, then this is obviously selective and PTI protesters cannot be held responsible for Government incompetence and ineptitude in cancelling permissions at the last minute without any planning on how to peacefully deal with a large rally already in motion.
Khan still does not want to attack establishment. His hand is being forced but there will come a time where tough decision will have to be made.
I am in awe of people like you. You guys love what establishment does in Pakistan but enjoy the freedom provided by countries you reside in.

LOL. I am perhaps the longest surviving ardently vocal critic of the establishment on this forum. :D

This is a game of 1vs All. All political parties have the right to hold rallies once the election announce. Especially when the ruling party is already on the road.

Except when Sec 144 is enforced.

And you should expect all the things that happen after the inqilab.

Of course. Fair is fair. It is always messy and sometimes bloody in revolutions, both in the leadup and in the aftermath.

No it doesn’t. Last minute bans on protests (after approvals were already given) when rally preparations were made and workers traveling etc indicates malicious intent, especially given the violent crackdown on PTI supporters.

When you couple that with the double standards of allowing PDM rallies to continue, then this is obviously selective and PTI protesters cannot be held responsible for Government incompetence and ineptitude in cancelling permissions at the last minute without any planning on how to peacefully deal with a large rally already in motion.

I agree that would be a dirty trick to play. I abhor violence and condemn it of course. But it would also naïve of PTI to not expect the other side to play dirty tricks like this, wouldn't you say?

We really are living in goddamn North Korea!

Remember when I used to say that and people used to get offended at me? :D
The Pakistan Army is a corrupt, disgusting, fascist institution.

The top Army leadership (retired and serving) needs to be prosecuted and hanged for treason and violation of the constitution.
Anyone thinks that Pakistan is liveable in the presence of goons in uniform lives in a fool's paradise.

It is an enterprise, that only gets tamed by outsiders.

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