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Two Policemen shot dead in Indian Occupied Kashmir

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dude these guys are analyst and thats that nothing else you can hire them to act in bollywood movie about india winningall the wars with pakistan,
all the battles that were fought only people that lost more lives and equipment were the loosers not the other way around but in india history is different the ones that loose more lives and equipment seems to be the winner like i said siachin,71 india won rest is pakistan SO you can listen to these non military serving personel that dont know **** about **** talk all they want but reality is pakistan took part of kashmir in 48 by killing indian soilders, 65 pakistan dominated air sea and land battle destroyed tanks aircrafts and ships,kargil pakistan is still thier it destroyed 3 aircrafts, took the point 5353(still owns it) and killed more indian soilder not to mention the cost of fighting for india compared to pakistan
RIP to the policemen. Let the terrorists & their supporters face the same music..
dude these guys are analyst and thats that nothing else you can hire them to act in bollywood movie about india winningall the wars with pakistan,
all the battles that were fought only people that lost more lives and equipment were the loosers not the other way around but in india history is different the ones that loose more lives and equipment seems to be the winner like i said siachin,71 india won rest is pakistan SO you can listen to these non military serving personel that dont know **** about **** talk all they want but reality is pakistan took part of kashmir in 48 by killing indian soilders, 65 pakistan dominated air sea and land battle destroyed tanks aircrafts and ships,kargil pakistan is still thier it destroyed 3 aircrafts, took the point 5353(still owns it) and killed more indian soilder not to mention the cost of fighting for india compared to pakistan

LOLz don't say all these craps to anyone...first he will laugh at you and then he will think that what a fool you are who even found a way to celebrate your loss!! Fact is everytime we won more lands than you and we killed more of your soldiers!! If you are talking about kargil war then your then PM and some of then brigediers,major generals already have admitted that you guys had about 1000 casualties!! Do I need to say more?? I will post some more links if you are still delusional!

LOLz don't say all these craps to anyone...first he will laugh at you and then he will think that what a fool you are who even found a way to celebrate your loss!! Fact is everytime we won more lands than you and we killed more of your soldiers!! If you are talking about kargil war then your then PM and some of then brigediers,major generals already have admitted that you guys had about 1000 casualties!! Do I need to say more?? I will post some more links if you are still delusional!

Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik - thenews.com.pk
Even if they had 1000 you guys had more And why you think generals are saying it was a total disaster becasuse of the fact of loss of lives so my point still remains the same the side that loose more lives/equipment is the looser 99.99999 Percent the other odd factor is indian fantasy from fantasia look like i said it takes a bigger man to admit its fault MUSHaraf did the operation not all these guys under his command knew about the operation and in any millitary no other general is know about every general and how they RUN their SOP even in brigades other brigades dont know what type of thing one is doing only the Post commander knows about it only his post/base not every other post even in battalions they dont know about the other battalion same thing down to the platoon level, YOU ask me how i cuz i am retired military served in mi company and all i knew was about my platoon thats that nothing else nothing more. LOOK at war in afghanistan people say americans are loosing no they are not they change the regime killed alot of talibans/civilians got "bin laden" in IRaq killed alot of people change the regime Got saddam their objective is complete they could give two **** less about rest of the world when i was deployed in afghanistan my battalion was deployed in different regions no one new what was going on accept that missions came from TOC which is runned by the XO and battalion commander they got theirs from the General that was incharge of our division
Same thing all these GEN are crying about loos of pakistani soilders and the mission could have been better with less loss of lives
they did'nt know what was going on cuz they were not part of that division/brigade/battalion/company that was fighting in kargil they got their info from the sources which got it from hear say, Cuz not every Gen in the army is briefed on every operation that is conducted by some one in the army GET IT GOT IT GOOD
Even if they had 1000 you guys had more And why you think generals are saying it was a total disaster becasuse of the fact of loss of lives so my point still remains the same the side that loose more lives/equipment is the looser 99.99999 Percent the other odd factor is indian fantasy from fantasia look like i said it takes a bigger man to admit its fault MUSHaraf did the operation not all these guys under his command knew about the operation and in any millitary no other general is know about every general and how they RUN their SOP even in brigades other brigades dont know what type of thing one is doing only the Post commander knows about it only his post/base not every other post even in battalions they dont know about the other battalion same thing down to the platoon level, YOU ask me how i cuz i am retired military served in mi company and all i knew was about my platoon thats that nothing else nothing more. LOOK at war in afghanistan people say americans are loosing no they are not they change the regime killed alot of talibans/civilians got "bin laden" in IRaq killed alot of people change the regime Got saddam their objective is complete they could give two **** less about rest of the world when i was deployed in afghanistan my battalion was deployed in different regions no one new what was going on accept that missions came from TOC which is runned by the XO and battalion commander they got theirs from the General that was incharge of our division
Same thing all these GEN are crying about loos of pakistani soilders and the mission could have been better with less loss of lives
they did'nt know what was going on cuz they were not part of that division/brigade/battalion/company that was fighting in kargil they got their info from the sources which got it from hear say, Cuz not every Gen in the army is briefed on every operation that is conducted by some one in the army GET IT GOT IT GOOD

In india,s case, Siachen is a great example, should check its opreational maps showen to how many commanders?
Kashmir, is a disputted land,& india has occupied it that the reality is?
& this reality has its own, dangers for india & pakistan!
Kashmiri freedom fighters are re-grouping themsleves since,last year & with US & NATO gone on back seats in afghanistan! Kashmir could become next hot spot surly?
Down with indian occupation of kashmir!
In india,s case, Siachen is a great example, should check its opreational maps showen to how many commanders?
Kashmir, is a disputted land,& india has occupied it that the reality is?
& this reality has its own, dangers for india & pakistan!
Kashmiri freedom fighters are re-grouping themsleves since,last year & with US & NATO gone on back seats in afghanistan! Kashmir could become next hot spot surly?
Down with indian occupation of kashmir!

word that wut i have been trying to say that siachen and 71 are pakistani defeat but the rest is just indian fantasy out of the media
in 48 pakistan attacked it took part of kashmir and india took the rest in 65 india attack and pakistan repelled cuz all of the army was involved and navy and airforce in 71 india sent in troops to bangladesh pakistan attacked and lost and partitioned in kargil
freedom fighters took the indian COPs/FOBs and india violated Loc airspace hence the brigade that was involved at loc responded with limited numbers and india lost aircrafts/soilders/equipment and pakistan still operates point 5353 which they captured initially india lost more soilders then pakistan army In siachen Pakistan lost more soldiers then india hence gave up on taking the site back Now when U.S leaves and if pakistan becomes stable the first thing is going to happen is Indian embassies will get it and then kashmir front will open again and indian internal security would be compromised with terroristic activities from the freedom fighters BUT That will happen only if Pakistan gets a uncorrupt stable Govt(inshallah) and US will always have to have pakistan on board because Special OPs contingecy will remain in afghanistan for years to come, IF india is smart it would only leave one embassy operating in afghanistan and should remain on good terms with taliban and ana and not endorse one over other for its own stability
cuz deobandi's are taliban sympathizers and deobandis are in bigg numbers in india
RIP to the dead.

word that wut i have been trying to say that siachen and 71 are pakistani defeat but the rest is just indian fantasy out of the media
in 48 pakistan attacked it took part of kashmir and india took the rest in 65 india attack and pakistan repelled cuz all of the army was involved and navy and airforce in 71 india sent in troops to bangladesh pakistan attacked and lost and partitioned in kargil
freedom fighters took the indian COPs/FOBs and india violated Loc airspace hence the brigade that was involved at loc responded with limited numbers and india lost aircrafts/soilders/equipment and pakistan still operates point 5353 which they captured initially india lost more soilders then pakistan army In siachen Pakistan lost more soldiers then india hence gave up on taking the site back Now when U.S leaves and if pakistan becomes stable the first thing is going to happen is Indian embassies will get it and then kashmir front will open again and indian internal security would be compromised with terroristic activities from the freedom fighters BUT That will happen only if Pakistan gets a uncorrupt stable Govt(inshallah) and US will always have to have pakistan on board because Special OPs contingecy will remain in afghanistan for years to come, IF india is smart it would only leave one embassy operating in afghanistan and should remain on good terms with taliban and ana and not endorse one over other for its own stability
cuz deobandi's are taliban sympathizers and deobandis are in bigg numbers in india

you have a nice imagination.
all three of them are look at the loss of equipment personel and others Fact is a fact in any war you dont win by loosing morepeople andequipment only in bollywood you do i.e eik tha tiger

Tell me any objective which Pakistan successfully achieved except for training some fake jehadis who can come on trawler and kill innocent people in India, which is not an achievement.
RIP to soldiers of nation

No it sounds Indian first .

No I was trying to say that if Azad Chand was a Muslim, Pakistani argument of Kashmiri freedom fighters killing a Hindu oppressor becomes moot.
Kill the pigs who martyred the Policemen.

Kill the pigs and display them on the LoC. I think that should send a message.
yeah as if we care about what an illiterate person like you has to say about our brave soldiers and policemen.btw there is an old saying in hindi which states"hathi chale bazaar aur KUTTE bhonke hazaar"!hope you have understood the meaning.
Anyways my deepest condolences to the families of the Martyrs who laid down their lives for the sake of our Motherland!R.I.P. brothers for your sacrifice won't go in vain!

A perfect definition to describe yourself from your own mouth !
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