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Two Pakistani British Girls Marry Each Other

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Its a welcome news and I strongly support this trend in pakistan.

Just give me an english source to this news, so that I may go to other forums and make fun of pakistan :lol:

Edit:- Shadi mubarak ho Faaqooqui sahab.:mps:
Methai nahin....tissues to wipe the tears.....hum noujawan kis liye houey. !!

This is so bloody unnatural. :sick:

Was it necessary to post this picture ? We are all educated enough to understand a written word.
@WebMaster Can this offensive picture be removed please.
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We can only play role in stopping abnormal things when abnormal things are harming others physically. in this case and such cases i consider it their Personal matter hence i dont see any reason we should stop it.

I personally believe all such abnormal things are result of some harsh/frusrtaed envirnoment hence we must work for providing a breathing space

Such descriptions of normal and abnormal behaviour come from a very narrow minded explanation.Homosexuality for example,How can you call it an abnormal behavior when its been exhibited by so many different species(over 1500 of them so far identified) of the animal kingdom.
Was it necessary to post this picture ? We are all educated enough to understand a written word.
@WebMaster Can this offensive picture be removed please.

:))) Sir a mere scene is offensive but some people here are saying the action is quiet normal funny isnt it
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Was it necessary to post this picture ? We are all educated enough to understand a written word.
@WebMaster Can this offensive picture be removed please.

Picture is equal to a thousand words......we should stand up against this menace before human race becomes extinct. :cheesy:
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