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Two Pakistani British Girls Marry Each Other

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Such descriptions of normal and abnormal behaviour come from a very narrow minded explanation.Homosexuality for example,How can you call it an abnormal behavior when its been exhibited by so many different species(over 1500 of them so far identified) of the animal kingdom.

thats ABNORMAL indeed
hope they will inform me, if they need any help..... :angel: two chinkny chameli's....
Such descriptions of normal and abnormal behaviour come from a very narrow minded explanation.Homosexuality for example,How can you call it an abnormal behavior when its been exhibited by so many different species(over 1500 of them so far identified) of the animal kingdom.

I guess that's where the difference between HUMANS and ANIMALS lies or at least one expects it to be. !!
Consider this, these girls anyways didn't seem to have any likings for men so if they were forced into marriage 4 people's lives would have gotten spoiled. Good they followed their heart and decided what they thought was right, it's their life after all. Moreover this is not against law so no one got any rights poking their nose in their private lives.
See I told you are very narrow minded person.

I dont think she is.

However , you are entitled to your view while she is entitled to hers.

I consider this abnormal and against the natural laws of nature and do not find myself in a minority.

Having said this, I am willing to make allowance for the changed times and say - to each his own. We are after all responsible to our Gods & be accountable for our Karmas.

Good luck.
I guess that's where the difference between HUMANS and ANIMALS lies or at least one expects it to be. !!

Humans are animals dumba$$!!.We didn't came from Mars.We belong in the Animal Kingdom, and we are the most vicious and most dangerous animal in the planet who reins at the very top of the food chain.
I am proud of them being a S Asian. may they have happy married life
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