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Two Pakistani boys repatriated to *** by Indian Army

Laughbale to say the least.
Joseph Goebel's sayings, " frequently repeated lies have the potential of being acknowledged as the truth".
It always is when when your fabrications and twisting of history are challenged with facts.

The program against Muslism was going on in Jammu, the tribals invaded the Kashmir Valley.

There you go again....trying to make up new facts.
The muslims where getting attacked all over JK by dogra forces and the hindu subjects joined in on the carnage.
Jammu had more hindus and the dogra forces where more successful but when the same thing was being tried out in muslim majority areas the people rose up with Muslims soldiers fom dogra Division including those of Poonch and Mirpur.who got disaffected with Dogra regime for its connivance in the ethnic cleansing of Muslims of Jammu Division.
Hari Singh’s government launched an ethnic cleansing operation against Muslims in which Dogra Army personnel took a vigorous part actively assisted by Hindu and Sikh extremists —— both local and those imported from the East Punjab.
The propaganda launched by government of India and National Conference against the Poonch Rebellion labeling it as tribal invasion has stuck to this day as some sort of soild fact that can not be disputed.

Ian Stephens, editor of The Statesman (Calcutta) noted in his book ‘Pakistan’ that “unlike every part of the State, Hindu and Sikhs slightly out-numbered Muslims and within a period of about 11 weeks, starting in August, systematic savageries ——— practically eliminated the entire Muslim element in the population, amounting to 5,00,000 people. About 2, 00,000 just disappeared,
In retaliation of this large-scale massacre, arson, loot, rape and abduction of Muslim women at the hands of Hindu and Sikh extremists facilitated by Dogra Army, Muslim organized a strong army of about 50,000 in number and started to fight,once the indian army moved in then so did the pak army.

Calling this fact a reaction is the most humorous thing I have heard.

Its not your fault......years and years of being told what the facts where without getting the other side of the story does that to you.

The tribals even if grossly misplaced were in reponse to the jammur massacare, [/QUOTE]

On November 5 and 6, 1947, more than 100 lories, loaded with women, children and old men were taken into the wilderness of Kuthua forests. Hindu extremists and armed gangs were let loose on these innocent people and an unparallel butchery was perpetrated, killing thousands of them. Women were raped, molested and their valuables looted. All these bloodsheds were taking place in full view of the Indian army, which had by that time occupied a major part of the state. In another act of butchery, a large gathering of 25000 Muslims, in Miran Sahib and Ranbir Singhpora, were machine-gunned. During migration to Pakistan in 1947, nearly 300,000 people were massacred in cold British daily "the London Times" wrote on October 10, 1947 in a report from its special correspondent in India that the Maharaja, under his own supervision, got assassinated 237,000 Muslims, using military forces in Jammu area. The editor of "Statesman" Ian Stephen, in his book "Horned Moon" wrote that till the end of autumn 1947, more than 200,000 Muslims were assassinated.

then why did they started the pillaging and looting even raping the local population seems contrary to the help narative.

Trying to compare a few isolated cases of tribesman looting to the mass murder and rape carried out by dogra-indian-RSS forces is not correct.

“The Hindus and Sikhs of Jammu and those who had gone there from outside (referring to RSS goons from Gurdaspur and surrounding areas) killed Muslims there. Their women have been dishonored. This has not been fully reported in the newspapers. The Maharaja of Kashmir is responsible for what has happened there” (Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, volume 90, page 115 and 298).

It is no wonder, then, that when Gandhi was killed by an RSS supported Hindu fanatic, sweets were distributed throughout Jammu in special thalis supplied from the Maharaja’s Palace.
I said a CERTAIN article and not the one posted...."ban on negative news from India" actually appeared in a reputable English daily.....The Independent.... a far cry from anything the Indian media can ever muster..... and if your former president did touch the issue at some point then the source of the article should be the last of your concern and if the claim lacks substance, why would the biased judgements make news...!!

On your insistence, I did Google out the article "ban on negative news from India" and guess what, its a blog post in The Independent :lol: and guess what Arundhati Roy says :blah: in an interview. Your definition of trust worthy source is getting dangerously distorted.
Is there a ban on reporting bad news from India? | Andrew Buncombe | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

Also, I tried finding where and when APJ made the quote `Why does the capital punishment confine only to the weaker sections of the Indian society?’ and he nowhere mentions Dalits cause they are not the only weaker section of our society. :lol:

However, it can be safely said that around the world there is a direct co-relation between poverty and crime, that does not mean there is a bias in our Judicial system. Pakistan whereas is setting new examples of a superficial Judiciary. Terrorists are let out free and no one gets convicted, still very very far from our Judiciary. No comparison.

Now will you come back to the topic and stop going in tangents to satisfy your ego?

Joseph Goebel's sayings,..............

:lol: Good for you!
India is fully utilizing the weaknesses in Pakistan, the worsening economy, the terrorism situation.... they have everything to gain. The terrorism situation they are utilizing to make claims against people and framing them on false charges. The Indians have found an ear where once no one gave two hoots about what they said.

The economy in Pakistan is in dire straits and if it continues to be so then Indians will fully utilize this. I fear the day when we have to go to India to find jobs.

We are capitulating to India on each and every front. My request to our rulers is please don't do it, do whatever you want with me, I will always keep saying Pakistan Zindabad but please don't sell the nation to India. Please.

We shouldn't even have trusted the Indian narrative on the Mumbai attacks though I maintain whoever did it was a terrorist of the highest order.
India is fully utilizing the weaknesses in Pakistan, the worsening economy, the terrorism situation.... they have everything to gain. The terrorism situation they are utilizing to make claims against people and framing them on false charges. The Indians have found an ear where once no one gave two hoots about what they said.

The economy in Pakistan is in dire straits and if it continues to be so then Indians will fully utilize this. I fear the day when we have to go to India to find jobs.

We are capitulating to India on each and every front. My request to our rulers is please don't do it, do whatever you want with me, I will always keep saying Pakistan Zindabad but please don't sell the nation to India. Please.

We shouldn't even have trusted the Indian narrative on the Mumbai attacks though I maintain whoever did it was a terrorist of the highest order.

We are not as bad as we are made out to be.. :tup:
I don't know when the "last time" was. But I do know that air strikes are employed by Pakistan in both balochistan and FATA.

Since you asked about Balochistan:

The Destabilization of Pakistan | Global Research

The Samosa » Archive » Balochistan: Time for a ceasefire and political settlement


Note that I have avoided sources from Baloch separatist organisations. Also note that these are only related to Balochistan, and that indiscriminate airstrikes have been employed far more often in FATA. Also note that there are plenty more reports if you google. Didn't Bugti die in an airstrike?

So you see, trying to take the moral high ground saying that "we don't have AFSPA in balochistan" is ludicrous. The debate over AFSPA can only happen in places that have the rule of law, not in warzones.

You have warzones within india (e.g your restive northeast) you should correct first. Kashmiris will never give up their freedom struggle because too much blood has been spilt. It's not in the ethos of the people of Kashmir who culturally aren't indian and have nothing to do with india

So you don't have operational info on Balochistan or army/PAF ops there as you originally seemed to claim? Okay great so don't make tall claims next time

Indiscriminate attacks in FATA? What a joke. I hail from the tribal areas.

The Air Force has hardly been employed. Only when they are certain about terrorist hideout or only when aerial support is needed to soften the enemy positions only then air strikes are called. And it isn't even always the Air Force used for that.

And even there, there have been casualties. It's a fckin warzone. The enemy we are fighting has far more Pakistani blood on their hands. And that is why majority support military operations. In fact war would be impossible without the people's support.

As I said - despite a war like situation we don't impose draconian laws which have been incredibly abused on a daily basis nor do we claim to be some super duper democracy unlike some people we know here

India is fully utilizing the weaknesses in Pakistan, the worsening economy, the terrorism situation.... they have everything to gain. The terrorism situation they are utilizing to make claims against people and framing them on false charges. The Indians have found an ear where once no one gave two hoots about what they said.

The economy in Pakistan is in dire straits and if it continues to be so then Indians will fully utilize this. I fear the day when we have to go to India to find jobs.

We are capitulating to India on each and every front. My request to our rulers is please don't do it, do whatever you want with me, I will always keep saying Pakistan Zindabad but please don't sell the nation to India. Please.

We shouldn't even have trusted the Indian narrative on the Mumbai attacks though I maintain whoever did it was a terrorist of the highest order.

All it takes is the right leadership and strengthened institutions.

And any Pakistani that were to go to indian for job must be a self-loathing and mentally challenged soul. They have nothing that we don't have. Running away isn't solution. If Pakistan goes back to the healthy 6-7% of GDP growth per annum then hundreds of thousands perhaps millions more jobs would be created.
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