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Two Of A Kind


Nov 9, 2009
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Islamabad—Pakistan and Turkey enjoy unique relations which are deep rooted in people to people contacts. ‘Two States one people’ is the phrase that best describes the relations between Turkey and Pakistan. The people of both countries have brotherly relations which date back to centuries.

This was stated by the visiting Turkish writer and intellectual, Prof Dr Turkkaeyk Ataoe while delivering a lecture organised by Pakistan Observer at Aiwan-i-Quaid here on Tuesday.

Prof Ataoe who served in the Turkish Embassy in Islamabad had made great contribution in the projection of Pakistan and its founding fathers through his writings as Editor of the Magazine “The Post” published fortnightly.

He is currently on a week-long visit to Pakistan. His itinerary included visit to Pakistan Observer as part of his itinerary, which was described by the paper’s Editor-in-Chief Zahid Malik, as a great honour.

Prof Ataoe said he had great love for Pakistan and its people from his childhood. Through his columns in the Turkish magazine he tried his best to identify the various fields, particularly economic sector, in which the two countries could cooperate for their mutual benefit.

He said both nations maintain extensive cultural, commercial, strategic and military cooperation. There was great scope for the two countries to further cement their relations. Both Turkey and Pakistan are Muslim-majority states and share extensive cultural and geopolitical links. The leadership of the two countries have always expressed a desire to develop Pakistan on the Turkish model of modernism. In spite of the geographical distance and clear economic and social diversities, Pakistanis have always been called ‘brothers’ in Turkey. Pak-Turk International Schools and Colleges is a chain of Turkish schools and institutes in several cities of Pakistan.

Talking about the reforms introduced by the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the visiting Prof Ataoe said, this has highly raised his image among his people. His emphasis on public participation in economic progress of the country has been greatly welcomed.

He said Recep Tayyip Erdogan is now so popular because of his internal policies and for supporting the cause of the Muslims, particularly the Palestinian that he can be elected as Prime Minister of Turkey for a fourth term.

Asked about the possibility of formation of a Commonwealth of the Muslim countries on the pattern of European Union, Prof Ataoe said such grouping can be formed with similar economic policies.

Answering another question, he said there is a campaign on in the West in favour of promoting Christian fundamentalism. This, he said, could lead to war between the Christians and the Muslims.

The Editor-in-Chief, Pakistan Observer and Chairman of Nazriya Pakistan Council Trust, Zahid Malik paid rich tributes to Prof Ataoe for his inspiring lectures which fascinated the people of Pakistan.

He said, Turkey must feel honoured for having such an eminent personality as a son of its soil, who is author of 130 books on critical issues facing the world.

He thanked Turkish Embassy in Islamabad for including visit to Pakistan Observer in the programme of the learned Professor while in Pakistan. He said: “We feel honoured that we have been given preference over other Papers. It is perhaps on account of the fact that the Pakistan Observer has the best of relations with the Turkish Embassy and particularly I hold the Ambassador Babur Hizlan, in high esteem. Our Paper also projects the Turkish Prime Minister, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, almost on a regular basis. Premier Erdogan deserves the superlatives. Some of his recent initiatives have earned appreciation and respect from many quarters. The fact that Mr. Erdogan has been elected for the third consecutive term, is reflective of his immense popularity domestically as well.”

Zahid Malik said, Pakistan-Turkey relations are not just limited to Government-to-Government level. They enjoy unique people-to-people relations as well. He said: “The sentimental attachment of the people of one country with the other is reflective of the fact that a young boy of Turkey donated a gold chain for the flood affectees of Pakistan last year. The touchy aspect of the donation was that the chain had been presented to the boy by his grandmother. A news item to this effect appeared in the Pakistan Observer. I got in touch with the Turkish Embassy, got the address of the young motivated boy, wrote him a letter of thanks and the NPC will invite him, Inshallah, in March 2012 for conferment of a gold medal.”

Senior editors of the Pakistan Observer and members of Nazriya Pakistan Council were among those who attended the lecture by the learned Turkish scholar.

Pakistan, Turkey two states, one people: Prof Ataoe
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