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Two Nation Theory originated by Hindus.

Goras are no more in India then why India failed to protect Muslims

Qaid-e-azam even after initiating the 'DIrect Action Day' told the people that Pakistan will be secular then why was the West Punjab and NWFP and 'AJK' and vast areas of sind cleansed of non-muslims ??:mod:
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Wise men don't forget their history. Talk about the topic rather then trying to hide like sissies.

World cannot ingnore the fascist hindivta ideology, the ideology over which the hindustand is built upon. Thus, i rightfully declare it as a sister-nazi state.

Give me one reply .

How popular was this 'Ideology' then and 'Now' ??
Heck even the pogroms like post Godhra Gujrat are blamed on VHP and Bajrang Dal . :rolleyes:
Where s the space for 'Facsist Hindutva Ideology' in pre- Independence and post-Independence India . C'mmon before making your claim name the political party which represents this Ideology , fights electons , wins seats at the Lok Sabha and state assemblies .

Waiting for a prompt reply :cool:
Well , these folks seem to have a 'reason' . Just like you are trying to prove that muslims had every reason to be afraid of this almost politically non-existant group and put their faith behind Muslim League in its demand for Pakistan :bunny:

Just as there is Hindu religion in Nepal, so there must be Hindu institutions in Afghanistan and the frontier territory; otherwise it is useless to win Swaraj. For mountain tribes are always warlike and hungry. If they become our enemies, the age of Nadirshah and Zamanshah will begin anew. At present English officers are protecting the frontiers; but it cannot always be. . . .If Hindus want to protect themselves, they must conquer Afghanistan and the frontiers and convert all the mountain tribes.” Excerpt from Dr. Ambadekar’s book “Pakistan”.
Pakistan are unable to protect majority and minority and India doesnt protect them too...
But the point is The Govt of either countries shouldnt be involved in such incidents.....
We heard that GOI is involved Babri Mosque and Sikh's Temple thats my point you can disagree with mee but with proofs...
Pakistan are unable to protect majority and minority and India doesnt protect them too...
But the point is The Govt of either countries shouldnt be involved in such incidents.....
We heard that GOI is involved Babri Mosque and Sikh's Temple thats my point you can disagree with mee but with proofs...

first prove that to me and then ill answer your question.

Thinking of the Hindu alternative to Pakistan, the scheme that at once comes to one’s mind is the one put forth by the late Lala Hardayal in 1925. It was published in the form of a statement which appeared in the Pratap of Lahore. In this statement, which he called his political testament, Lala Hardayal said:—

The reason behind partition is because of hate campaign by hinduvta terrorists since early times, and they wont stop at nothing.

Dear Sir,

That is not completely accurate. The Two Nation Theory did not appear in discussions and political agendas overnight. It developed from the ideas of several men and grew. Some of these men were Muslim, some were Hindu; they approached the same conclusion from different directions.

A short list of those who contributed must include Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Savarkar, Sir Muhammad Iqbal, and, in implementing it and fleshing it out, Mohammad Ali Jinnah. There were others. It was political common coin in the 30s of the last century.

A reasonably full account of how this grew is possible to write but will be long. It is doubtful that there will be much interest in the subject. It is being written for another purpose for another forum.


Well it is said that they originated the name "Pakistan" too. :D

Dear Sir,

Is it then that Chaudhry Rahmat Ali converted to Hinduism at some time of his life? :D

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Where s the space for 'Facsist Hindutva Ideology' in pre- Independence and post-Independence India .

Maybe you just came out of your cacoon 2 days ago? Your blind nationalism is enough to make you a nazi, 90% of indian population is living in slums and rest 10% are blind nazis.


(Subash Bose, Former President of the Congress Party, with German troops.)

"[Indian politics must have] an authoritarian character. ... To repeat once again, our philosophy should be a synthesis between National Socialism and Communism." -- Subhas Bose, Speech to Students at Tokyo University, November 22, 1944. Subhas Chandra Bose, Fundamental Questions of Indian Revolution (Calcutta: Netaji Research Bureau, 1970), pp. 403-4.

Congress is the biggest fascist party ever, ghandi was fascist and had fascist inclinations, the biggest supporter of inhumane caste systems in india where dailts are treated worst then dogs, their women raped by bharaman holy priests. (learn why he was murdered).

"In accepting the fourfold division I am simply accepting the laws of Nature, taking for granted what is inherent in human nature and the law of heredity. ... [But] it is not possible in one birth entirely to undo the results of our past doings. ... So ugly did he find Western-style competition that he would prohibit anyone who acquired a skill other than his "hereditary" one from earning a living by the new one." -- Mahatma Ghandi, The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi (Delhi, 1958-94), Volume XXIX, pp. 410f.

Fascism has strong roots in india, it forms all the indian parties and their sick mentality.
Goras are no more in India then why India failed to protect Muslims

thats a fallacious assertion that India failed to protect it s muslims.

Significantly less muslims have been killed in secular hindu majority india , than Pakistan since 1947 (try 2million in Bangladesh to 500-1000 in Gujarat). Apart from that hindus have also been killed by indian muslims in large numbers.
Muslims have not only been protected by Govt Of India but have also thrived. So shut it and write this tripe elsewhere.
Maybe you just came out of your cacoon 2 days ago? Your blind nationalism is enough to make you a nazi, 90% of indian population is living in slums and rest 10% are blind nazis.


(Subash Bose, Former President of the Congress Party, with German troops.)

"[Indian politics must have] an authoritarian character. ... To repeat once again, our philosophy should be a synthesis between National Socialism and Communism." -- Subhas Bose, Speech to Students at Tokyo University, November 22, 1944. Subhas Chandra Bose, Fundamental Questions of Indian Revolution (Calcutta: Netaji Research Bureau, 1970), pp. 403-4.

Congress is the biggest fascist party ever, ghandi was fascist and had fascist inclinations, the biggest supporter of inhumane caste systems in india where dailts are treated worst then dogs, their women raped by bharaman holy priests. (learn why he was murdered).

"In accepting the fourfold division I am simply accepting the laws of Nature, taking for granted what is inherent in human nature and the law of heredity. ... [But] it is not possible in one birth entirely to undo the results of our past doings. ... So ugly did he find Western-style competition that he would prohibit anyone who acquired a skill other than his "hereditary" one from earning a living by the new one." -- Mahatma Ghandi, The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi (Delhi, 1958-94), Volume XXIX, pp. 410f.

Fascism has strong roots in india, it forms all the indian parties and their sick mentality.

you just have an angry mind without doing any research and you fail and dont choose to contextualise what you may be reading. I think most Pakistanis are like you and this is a sure portent of more extremism to come from indias western border.
and if not for gandhi and nehru we'll asll still be washing white a$$e$.
you just have an angry mind without doing any research and you fail and dont choose to contextualise what you may be reading. I think most Pakistanis are like you and this is a sure portent of more extremism to come from indias western border.
and if not for gandhi and nehru we'll asll still be washing white a$$e$.

If it was ONLY Gandhi than you would have forced Muslims to wash Black @$$E$, thanks to Our founding Father we had been saved from it . ;)

Stop presenting Independent of Sub-Continent as something which was achieved by Gandhi alone. Infact the Muslims were part of the struggle rather a stronger part.

The Hindu leaders wanted a bigger share and eat it at the same time excluding Muslims
If it was ONLY Gandhi than you would have forced Muslims to wash Black @$$E$, thanks to Our founding Father we had been saved from it . ;)

Stop presenting Independent of Sub-Continent as something which was achieved by Gandhi alone. Infact the Muslims were part of the struggle rather a stronger part.

The Hindu leaders wanted a bigger share and eat it at the same time excluding Muslims

LOL.. muslims only came to the table after the food was cooked. To eat and go awaay. in 1857, muslims lost the subcontinent. 1947 hindus took it back. Gandhi is like a saint in india so dont abuse him. Quietly reflect on how much he had done for the muslims and his efforts to have 1 nation. Personally I am happy about partition otherwise united india would have had 40% muslims and they could have easily overpowered a fractured hindu peoples ( i am not happy about this but its a fact).
If it was ONLY Gandhi than you would have forced Muslims to wash Black @$$E$, thanks to Our founding Father we had been saved from it . ;)
Muslims are still in India...but things haven't changed much for Pakistan.
Earlier it was British but now you are washing American behinds!!

Stop presenting Independent of Sub-Continent as something which was achieved by Gandhi alone. Infact the Muslims were part of the struggle rather a stronger part.

could you elaborate on how you were able to measure the "patriotism" and "struggle for independence" of these two communities.

The Hindu leaders wanted a bigger share and eat it at the same time excluding Muslims

Well , It was suppose to be a democracy ,any one who has more votes, will have the power..there were no discriminatory laws against any community.
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