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Two Nation Theory originated by Hindus.

Maybe you just came out of your cacoon 2 days ago? Your blind nationalism is enough to make you a nazi, 90% of indian population is living in slums and rest 10% are blind nazis.

Congress is the biggest fascist party ever, ghandi was fascist and had fascist inclinations, the biggest supporter of inhumane caste systems in india where dailts are treated worst then dogs, their women raped by bharaman holy priests. (learn why he was murdered).

Fascism has strong roots in india, it forms all the indian parties and their sick mentality.

thank god everyday i was not raised next to a dirty hindu.

I just don't understand why there is isn't a flourishing business for strait jackets in Pakistan, there don't seem any dearth of candidates to be put into them.
yu got what yu wanted Pakistan and now yur saying hindus are responsible for it go ahead and thank them.Why all the hate meesages?
If it was ONLY Gandhi than you would have forced Muslims to wash Black @$$E$, thanks to Our founding Father we had been saved from it . ;)

What 'black a$$e$'? Nigro? What were you doing in Africa? :lol:

As far as history is concerned NWFP, Baluchistan was against joining Pakistan and Congress got huge support from Punjaba and Sindh as well. East Bengal was the only province where Muslim League had a clear majority!!!

Stop presenting Independent of Sub-Continent as something which was achieved by Gandhi alone. Infact the Muslims were part of the struggle rather a stronger part.
The entire non-violent part of freedom struggle was mainly initiated by congress that also includes Jinnah and the Muslims of KK led by Abdul Gaffar Khan.

The Hindu leaders wanted a bigger share and eat it at the same time excluding Muslims
Nonsense!!! Gandhi even offered Jinnah to be the PM of India.

ever seen 3 idiots and want to know what will happen next ?

see they have smartly named it rupee news.. if they named is Pakistani Rupees news , we would have used it as toilet paper.
Anyway, most indians are glad abuot india and pak splitting. 99.9% recognize pak. I agree there is a small right wing that says we will win pak back from muslim yoke, but that group can be ignored. Unlike in Pak there is a big group saying India will be captured by islam and we cant afford to ignore them and we will be forced to give them some mehmaan nawaazi.
What 'black a$$e$'? Nigro? What were you doing in Africa?

If you merged with South Africa ;)

The entire non-violent part of freedom struggle was mainly initiated by congress that also includes Jinnah and the Muslims of KK led by Abdul Gaffar Khan.

Freedom struggle started much before Congress political stunts. And congress was not only composed of Hindus but also Muslims but alas the true intentions of Congress came to light very early.

And so far so for so-called non-Violent movement of Gandhi who supported WWII

Whats KK?? and oh dont bring Ghafar Khan into it he did NOT led Muslims rather he was playing to tunes of Hindus thats why we from KP Joined PAKISTAN

Nonsense!!! Gandhi even offered Jinnah to be the PM of India.

if the decision of only Gandhi was dominating than he might not had been killed by the likes of sarvarker and Godse
Well it is said that they originated the name "Pakistan" too. :D

Give me one reply .

How popular was this 'Ideology' then and 'Now' ??
Heck even the pogroms like post Godhra Gujrat are blamed on VHP and Bajrang Dal . :rolleyes:
Where s the space for 'Facsist Hindutva Ideology' in pre- Independence and post-Independence India . C'mmon before making your claim name the political party which represents this Ideology , fights electons , wins seats at the Lok Sabha and state assemblies .

Waiting for a prompt reply :cool:

Dear Sir,

This 'ideology' was no more than a theory, a theory which justified the sentiment among a minority calling for special protection. We need to go into historical and social reasons for both the conditions that led to the growth of this feeling, as well as the demand that arose from it.

The so-called theory itself was articulated by a number of people at different times. Even committed secularists took it seriously as a social and political paradigm.

Was it a bad thing? Theories are by themselves neither good nor bad, it depends on what use is made of them by us ourselves. Hindu right-wingers - I will not use emotive words - used it to recommend a segregation of Hindu society from the mlechha; Muslim spokespersons used it to ask for protection from the overwhelming majority that was then taking away all the perks of social development.

It is by and large true that Pakistan grew out of the Two Nation Theory, although the theory never called for a partitioned state to be carved out of British India. Pakistan itself had slightly different origins, first, in a fanciful paper written by the erratic Chaudhry Rahmat Ali, later, in an extreme bargaining position taken up by the AIML under M A Jinnah. Owing to Congress losing confidence on being able to pull along with the AIML in a federated set-up as the Cabinet Mission Plan of May 16 1946 advocated, they first agreed, and then drew back, not in so many words but indirectly, by stating that delegates to the Constituent Assembly should be free to act individually, and not be bound by the policy of the 'blocs' appointing them. This would have made a joke of the carefully-engineered plan for going forward that had been made, and Jinnah found no option but to surrender to circumstances and Congress intransigence, and inform the British that partition then would be the only option.

The Two Nation Theory was mistaken, as it failed to take into account the many ways in which people see themselves. In the late 90s of the nineteenth century, and the first decade of the twentieth, there was a divide between Hindu and Muslim because of the deeply vertically-divided nature of Bengali society. This led to a British attempt to split the state, which led to huge opposition among the Hindus, and to a sudden realisation among the Muslims that they had actually enjoyed few of the benefits of British reforms in Bengal.

That is why the AIML was formed, in 1906, one year after the Partition of Bengal in 1905, in Dhaka, where the Nawab of Dhaka had invited 3,000 delegates of the All India Mohammedan Conference on Education to meet under his hospitality. The nature of the conference, the occasion for everyone meeting, will itself give us all a clue as to the thinking of Muslims at the time. It was education, progress, sharing in the fruits of development that they wanted then, and that they, and Hindus and Sikhs and Christians and Buddhists and animists, want today.

The AIML was promptly hijacked, taken away to Lucknow, and the Muslims of Bengal were left to be led, albeit very effectively, by Sher-e-Bengal Fazlul Haq Saheb of glorious memory, with his Krishak Praja Party commanding the loyalty of the rural voter throughout Bengal, whether Muslim or Hindu.

Separate electorates were a direct result of these developments, and were introduced in 1919. They were rapidly seen by the Muslims to be inadequate, as the majority could do what they liked, irrespective of how many minority legislators were elected; as long as the minority legislators were in a minority in the legislature, there was nothing they could do. This is what led directly to the legislative engineering of the next phase.

The reason why I introduced a reference to the ultimate inadequacy of this Two Nation Theory is because once Muslims got their promised homeland, although they got it in rather more extreme fashion than they had planned and struggled for, their other affiliations came to the fore. Exactly this happened on the Indian side of the Radcliffe Line as well, in spite of the Congress fiercely denying that there was any divide at all among Indians. We have just been through a lot of bloodshed on another similar thread, and I do not wish to got through that nonsense again, so I refrain - deliberately - from enumerating the minorities who resisted absorption in India. Anyone with an excessive bump of curiousity can go across to that thread and look it up.

If we look at why these things took place, the whole debate takes on a clear perspective, and we can stop arguing about who would washed backsides of which pigmentation.

The fact is that both India and Pakistan are looking at failed paradigms of state management of minorities - Bangladesh got out of it by breaking away and forming a Westphalian state of some integrity in the structural sense - and need to evolve other paradigms. Both states have to recognise that minority feeling is to be found outside religion as well as within, and have to map it, and work out how to deal with it.

I am sorry, but with suicide bombings in Lahore, at the most revered shrine Data Darbar, with Ahmedis machine-gunned at their mosques just a little over a month ago, with 26 CRPF jawans slaughtered by the Maoist tribals, tribals more than Maoists, the inhabitants of Bastar that was treated so brutally barely a generation ago, with over 30 listed organisations engaged in armed insurrection in the north-east, neither Indian nor Pakistani can point a finger at each other.

This discussion is a shameful exercise in futility.

Muslims are still in India...but things haven't changed much for Pakistan.
Earlier it was British but now you are washing American behinds!!

Welcome to the Club Indians have also joined the club recently ;)

And for us well its still much much much better than washing hindu behinds

could you elaborate on how you were able to measure the "patriotism" and "struggle for independence" of these two communities.

In the same way by which Indian hindus define it excluding all the Muslim leaders and Muslim public and only giving credit to Hindu leaders for that struggle

Well , It was suppose to be a democracy ,any one who has more votes, will have the power..there were no discriminatory laws against any community.

There as NO there were no discriminatory laws against any community :agree::agree: agreed how can be there any law in an imaginary govt which was never there. Supposed to be a big word but not literally
1. How it is related to military history??

2. The member "Marxist" has proved that the same thread starter has posted the same thgread in "World Affairs" section also.


3. Why are you spamming PDF????????

4. Godse killed Gandhiji because in his opinion Gandhiji allowed partition of India and till date RSS & Vishwa Hindu Parishad is against two nation theory and they want "Akhand Bharat".

So its a slap on the faces of troll who says it was Hindus who have proposed it.

5. Even if one goes by thread starter's viewpoint then you should be grateful to Hindus for creation of your nation Pakistan.
5. Even if one goes by thread starter's viewpoint then you should be grateful to Hindus for creation of your nation Pakistan.

I dont know whether the Paks have the emotion called gratefulness and being thankful but I am certainly thankful for whoever it is that created Pak and take away 2/3 of the subcontinents Muslims away from indian politics.
As per the poster's opinion, Hindus created Pakistan. All pakistanis should be greatful of Hindus. By the same logic, Quaid - e- azam should be Savarkar not Jinn. Pak historians need to rewrite their history.
Welcome to the Club Indians have also joined the club recently ;)
awwww....Thank you for your heartiest welcome :smitten:

And for us well its still much much much better than washing hindu behinds

In the same way by which Indian hindus define it excluding all the Muslim leaders and Muslim public and only giving credit to Hindu leaders for that struggle

Pathetic !!!..you really can not think beyond ones religion..can you ??
It rather exemplifies bigotry and communal hatred.

and by the way if you love Americans so much then why curse them all the time??

There as NO there were no discriminatory laws against any community :agree::agree: agreed how can be there any law in an imaginary govt which was never there. Supposed to be a big word but not literally

Well if proceed by your logic..if govt was imaginary then who was responsible for atrocity on Muslim population of India..which acc to you was casus belli for partition ??

By the way election use to take place before independence too..or are you in anyway suggesting that ..some how ,a particular community was being targeted in these elections??
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