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Two Israeli soldiers captured seven killed in Hezbollah attack

It's clever if the Arabs take the bait and open fronts with Israel as well.

It's foolish that such a move would be great militarily, but crap if not done without cooperation and instead one nation playing games to get the other involved.
Asim Aquil said:
Well c'mon guys lets not forget, Lebanon started it! And it can all end if they just hand over the 2 guys back!

It's needless. Lebanon did this taking orders from Iran and Syria, since they thought Israel won't open a battle on two fronts. The only way Israel would sweat if Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, all open fronts simultaneously.

If such a thing happens, what will be the set goal of the military offense? Invasion? Highly unlikely, Israel will nuke Arab countries before it allows that.

Even if they got 2 solders, where is the logic in killing 42 + people in one raid by F-16s?

Isreal has a very bad record of killing civlians for no reason. Lebonana has no control over hezbollah.
A.Rahman said:
Even if they got 2 solders, where is the logic in killing 42 + people in one raid by F-16s?

Isreal has a very bad record of killing civlians for no reason. Lebonana has no control over hezbollah.

it's called REVENGE.

It's funny how when Isreal responds back, they're killing the 'civilans'

when a moron straps bomb and blows himself up in the middle on busy place killing 'civilans' - I wonder what you call that...hmmm!!!

Lebonese and Palestinians basically asked for it. they had it coming...of course, thousand of innocents lives have been taken on BOTH sides - but i think that's what we call a 'war'
JSK said:
it's called REVENGE.

It's funny how when Isreal responds back, they're killing the 'civilans'

when a moron straps bomb and blows himself up in the middle on busy place killing 'civilans' - I wonder what you call that...hmmm!!!

Lebonese and Palestinians basically asked for it. they had it coming...of course, thousand of innocents lives have been taken on BOTH sides - but i think that's what we call a 'war'

so you means that Israel is doing right?. huh!
that moron blown one bomb where as Israel has started the rain of these bombs on civilians. is this justified??

you said that thousands of live taken on both sides. but actually, its only on one side, the lebnese side. this ratio in israel is very much low.
this is a war in which one side have no military might. while the other (israel) is the king of holocast.:devil:
Owais said:
so you means that Israel is doing right?. huh!
It's justified - yes!

that moron blown one bomb where as Israel has started the rain of these bombs on civilians. is this justified??
its not about one bomb here, couple of soldiers there - its a buildup of many many many 'occurrences' over the years

you said that thousands of live taken on both sides. but actually, its only on one side, the lebnese side. this ratio in israel is very much low.
Maybe according to you - according to the reports and newspapers I read - it's always the Isrealis that are victims. and besides, it doesnt matter how many civilians I've lost on my side and how many they've lost on their side, If I'm being harrassed, there's only so much I'll be able to take - and after a certain point, I'll blow up and Retaliate

this is a war in which one side have no military might. while the other (israel) is the king of holocast.:devil:
Yes, it is a war - it doesnt matter if one side is better than the other in a WAR -
I suspect we have a zionist amidst us. Remember the Gaza Beach massacre?! Entire Power plant taken out in GAza, why? 80 + Pals killed in Gaza incursion.

they come with their inane replies.

Watch Journalist Jon Snow own the zionist.

Maybe according to you - according to the reports and newspapers I read - it's always the Isrealis that are victims. and besides, it doesnt matter how many civilians I've lost on my side and how many they've lost on their side, If I'm being harrassed, there's only so much I'll be able to take - and after a certain point, I'll blow up and Retaliate

Oh how very correct of you, Jewish lobby has led to several newspaper being so mindnumbingly pro israel.

Even when Harvard university published an academic research paper on the effects of jewish lobby in the US, the media started calling them antisemites etc.

In this paper, John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science and Stephen M.Walt of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government contend that the centerpiece of U.S. Middle East policy is its intimate relationship with Israel. The authors argue that although often justified as reflecting shared strategic interests or compelling moral imperatives, the U.S. commitment to Israel is due primarily to the activities of the “Israel Lobby." This paper goes on to describe the various activities that pro-Israel groups have undertaken in order to shift U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction.


If you are an avid viewer of Fox News or a reader of the New York Times, then Israel is yet to exceed its legitimate legal boundaries: that of a democracy opting to defend its citizens. But only racism can lead to such rationale. Only a racist media portrays the capture of a soldier whose army units have besieged Gazans for years, denying them food and medicine, as a violation of all that is holy. Only a racist media presents the kidnapping of 9,000 Palestinians, now in Israeli jails, as a just outcome of Israel's routine arrests of Palestinian terrorists or potential terrorists. Only racism can play down the Israeli destruction of Gaza's infrastructure, which is justified without question, for such actions are necessary to impede the militants' efforts.


And the lies the media shows is truly horrific. I find that those like yourself JSK are academically retarted. Historical facts are of no use, it's all a game of Might is Right

When Israel was created, the land which was owned and inhabited by Muslim & Christian PAlestinians was stolen, UN gave them 55 % while they only owned 5 %, and the israelis through terrorism took 75 % of the land, while expelling 1,000,000 Pals through Genocide. refer to any israeli scholar for this, even ben ami shlomo or whatever his name is. They repeated this in 67 and took over the remaining land. And they continue to confiscate more land DAILY IN THE WEST BANK.

The Apartheid Wall takes over More land. This was the only country that supported apartheid south africa in all fields of cooperation. A country whom human rights continuely cites for human rights violations.

The founders of Israel were all terrorists. Ben Gurion, Yitzhak shamir... blowing up buses, bombing king david hotel and british consolates in Palestine.

Israel occupied Lebanon for 20 years, causing massacres, the most horrific occupation to be witnessed after their occupation of GAza and West Bank. Israelis do not even uphold basic human rights and geneve conventions in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Israel demonstrates that it can take out any missile launched at it, and yet we are to assume they let russian WWII katyusha rockets into israel?

Israel has started all the conflicts, by routinely murdering PAlestinians. By cutting off water to PAlestinians, by bombing their only supply to electricity, all in defiance of International Law. They hold 9,600 Palestinian prisoners of which 1000 + are without any charges or trials and among them hundreds of children. Israel legalized torture and kidnapping, only country to legalize kidnapping in the world. They've kidnapped dozens of PAlestinian academics with no connection to militancy, and all this over 1 & 2 soldiers? You are a fool JSK, but I do not blame you, if you are a jew zionist then it falls under your agenda, if not then its due to ignorance.

Israel is an Apartheid State, everything it does would convict any nation, yet it is above all Laws. as Jewish Professor Michael Neumann says, "a state that has apartheid high court rulings, apartheid policies and apartheid laws is an apartheid state. No way around it." in his book Case against Israel

When you read the history of Israel from objective sources, you discover that it is an outlaw state, created by the powers that be by stealing the land from its original inhabitants, and systematically exterminating them ever since — John Kaminski
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Abduction is excuse with Motive -Attempt to hijack Lebanon Syria waterfront linking to Armenia via kurdistan in Turkey..
Attempt to hijack land of 4 m pop Lebanon Syria waterfront land with bombing and invasion has begun.It is in the interest of Turkey and all Muslim world to stop this Israeli evil design. We should consider dispersing Muslim population from populated region to
Sparsely populated region in future after warding off Israeli settlers’ expansionism free
Land acquisition programme.
Jana said:
Abduction is excuse with Motive -Attempt to hijack Lebanon Syria waterfront linking to Armenia via kurdistan in Turkey..
Attempt to hijack land of 4 m pop Lebanon Syria waterfront land with bombing and invasion has begun.It is in the interest of Turkey and all Muslim world to stop this Israeli evil design. We should consider dispersing Muslim population from populated region to
Sparsely populated region in future after warding off Israeli settlers’ expansionism free
Land acquisition programme.

i'm sorry but......whatt??:what1:
I suspect we have a zionist amidst us. Remember the Gaza Beach massacre?! Entire Power plant taken out in GAza, why? 80 + Pals killed in Gaza incursion.

they come with their inane replies.

Watch Journalist Jon Snow own the zionist.

Oh how very correct of you, Jewish lobby has led to several newspaper being so mindnumbingly pro israel.

Even when Harvard university published an academic research paper on the effects of jewish lobby in the US, the media started calling them antisemites etc.



And the lies the media shows is truly horrific. I find that those like yourself JSK are academically retarted. Historical facts are of no use, it's all a game of Might is Right

When Israel was created, the land which was owned and inhabited by Muslim & Christian PAlestinians was stolen, UN gave them 55 % while they only owned 5 %, and the israelis through terrorism took 75 % of the land, while expelling 1,000,000 Pals through Genocide. refer to any israeli scholar for this, even ben ami shlomo or whatever his name is. They repeated this in 67 and took over the remaining land. And they continue to confiscate more land DAILY IN THE WEST BANK.

The Apartheid Wall takes over More land. This was the only country that supported apartheid south africa in all fields of cooperation. A country whom human rights continuely cites for human rights violations.

The founders of Israel were all terrorists. Ben Gurion, Yitzhak shamir... blowing up buses, bombing king david hotel and british consolates in Palestine.

Israel occupied Lebanon for 20 years, causing massacres, the most horrific occupation to be witnessed after their occupation of GAza and West Bank. Israelis do not even uphold basic human rights and geneve conventions in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Israel demonstrates that it can take out any missile launched at it, and yet we are to assume they let russian WWII katyusha rockets into israel?

Israel has started all the conflicts, by routinely murdering PAlestinians. By cutting off water to PAlestinians, by bombing their only supply to electricity, all in defiance of International Law. They hold 9,600 Palestinian prisoners of which 1000 + are without any charges or trials and among them hundreds of children. Israel legalized torture and kidnapping, only country to legalize kidnapping in the world. They've kidnapped dozens of PAlestinian academics with no connection to militancy, and all this over 1 & 2 soldiers? You are a fool JSK, but I do not blame you, if you are a jew zionist then it falls under your agenda, if not then its due to ignorance.

Israel is an Apartheid State, everything it does would convict any nation, yet it is above all Laws. as Jewish Professor Michael Neumann says, "a state that has apartheid high court rulings, apartheid policies and apartheid laws is an apartheid state. No way around it." in his book Case against Israel

When you read the history of Israel from objective sources, you discover that it is an outlaw state, created by the powers that be by stealing the land from its original inhabitants, and systematically exterminating them ever since — John Kaminski

I believe what I want to believe in and you believe what you want to beleive in...

I'm not trying to change your opion on the whole situation and you're certainly not gonna be able to change mine.
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try to refute it you fool.

... no wait, you can't.

It's very simple, israel is an outlawed state. On media level where no facts are involved, they engage in heavy propaganda, but once you go unto an academic realm, israel has nothing that defends it. u have apologetics like dershowitz, but they get owned by scholars like Finkelstein or Chomsky.
A.Rahman said:
Even if they got 2 solders, where is the logic in killing 42 + people in one raid by F-16s?

Isreal has a very bad record of killing civlians for no reason. Lebonana has no control over hezbollah.
They were stupid enough to give them a reason. And even now they should take the people from Hezbollah and hand em to Israel.

Kidnapping isn't a stately thing to do. Israel is pulling out of Gaza, I think they just don't want to appear soft to their own people. Politics demands that they attack and attack hard.

Israel has ZERO regard for human life as you may think. Then why give them that excuse? Even now first priority should be on how to end the fighting. Get a Palestinian state readied and build a nation out of it.
Israel is pulling out of Gaza, do you even know why, they had to do it because of demographics, see it needs to sustain itself as a racist jewish state, gaza the Palestinian population was too much for them to kill? Also, what retreat? the operation continues, they've demolished schools, only powerplant, its ridiculous.

Kidnapping was legalized by Israel, only country to have done that. they have thousands of prisoners who they torture according to Bt Selem israeli human rights even.
Intensifying Israeli attacks on Lebanon raise world concern

Fri, 14 Jul 2006, 01:10

Israeli forces have intensified their attacks on Lebanon in pre-dawn raids, striking at the heart of Hezbollah's command headquarters in Beirut's suburbs, amid world concern that the escalation could spark a regional war.
At least 46 civilians were killed Thursday as Israeli jets pounded Lebanon in retaliation for the capture and killing of soldiers by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.
Friday was the third straight day of Israeli attacks on Lebanon and the international community reacted with calls for restraint and the hasty sending of envoys to the region.
A UN Security Council meeting has been called for Friday at the urgent request of the Lebanese government, while Arab foreign ministers were due to meet on Saturday.
Worried about a rapid escalation of Middle East violence, the United States urged Israel to exercise restraint and called on allies and regional powers to try to contain the crisis.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and White House national security adviser Stephen Hadley praised UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's initiative to send a three-person team to the region to try to defuse the volatile situation.
The UN delegation and European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana were to make snap visits to the region in an attempt to contain the conflict.
Regional heavyweight Saudi Arabia indirectly accused Hezbollah of "adventurism" for its capture of two Israeli soldiers that prompted the major offensive, the kingdom's official news agency reported.
The agency, which did not mention Hezbollah by name but appeared to implicitly refer to the group throughout, said "these elements... risk putting in danger all the Arab countries".
In a series of pre-dawn strikes Friday, Israeli forces bombarded Hezbollah's command headquarters in Beirut's Shiite-dominant southern suburbs, several bridges leading to the international airport and a power station south of the capital.
On Thursday, Israeli forces hit Beirut's international airport in two air strikes that damaged runways, sent fuel tanks in flames and forced Lebanon's only international airport to shut down completely.
Israel has imposed an air and sea blockade on its northern neighbour in the deadliest violence in 10 years, and its overnight attacks on Friday severed the main highway leading to neighboring Syria through which thousands of tourists had been fleeing.
Israel has accused Syria and Iran for the crisis, saying its two arch-foes formed an "axis of terror" along with Hezbollah and Palestinian militant group Hamas, the target of a devastating offensive in the Gaza Strip.
In an indication the offensive was far from over, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert authorised the army "to press on with its operation in Lebanon and hit more targets".
As international concern mounted over the bloodshed, US President George W. Bush said Israel had the right to defend itself but several European powers criticised the scale of the Israeli operation as disproportionate.
Britain called for "restraint on all sides" and a return to peace talks.
UN chief Kofi Annan's personal representative to Lebanon, Gier Pederson, said he was "highly alarmed by Israel's heavy attacks and escalation" while the Arab League has called an emergency meeting on Saturday.
Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas warned of the risk of "regional war."
Bush also said that Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, who was forced to end 29 years of military domination in Lebanon last year, should be held to account over the escalation of violence.
For his part, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Assad in a telephone call that Israel would receive a "stinging response" from the Islamic world if it committed any aggression against Syria.
After a day of relentless air raids on targets across southern Lebanon on Thursday, two rockets fired from south Lebanon penetrated deeper than ever inside Israel by hitting its third largest city of Haifa. However Hezbollah denied it was involved.
The attack on Haifa, some 40 kilometres (25 miles) from the Lebanese border, came after a string of other rocket attacks in northern Israel left three people dead and wounded more than 50 civilians.
The army ordered some half a million Israelis in northern towns, including Haifa, to enter bomb shelters and reinforced rooms.
Lebanon has been mired in its own political crisis since the murder of ex-premier Rafiq Hariri in 2005 and is still rebuilding after the devastating 1975-1990 civil war.
The Lebanese government -- which includes a Hezbollah minister but is led by anti-Syrian politicians -- denied any involvement in the Hezbollah action and demanded a "complete and immediate ceasefire"."
Hezbollah, the Party of God, which was instrumental in forcing the Israeli troops out of Lebanon in 2000, has said it was seeking the release of Arab prisoners in return for the soldiers.
Israel also kept up its offensive on the Gaza Strip, bombing the Palestinian foreign ministry overnight in the latest wave of air strikes over the seizure of another soldier three weeks ago by Palestinian militants also seeking a prisoners' swap.
The return of Israeli troops to Gaza 10 months after the army ended a 38-year-occupation has already evoked painful memories of its disastrous full-scale invasion of Lebanon in 1982 where soldiers became bogged down in a deadly quagmire before finally leaving.
A total of 75 Palestinians have also been killed in the military onslaught against Gaza, which the United Nations has warned is causing a humanitarian crisis in one of the most densely populated areas on earth.
Israel has launched air strikes almost nightly in Gaza in a bid to stop rocket attacks and secure the release of an Israeli corporal captured on June 25 by three groups including the armed wing of Hamas -- which is branded a terrorist movement by Israel and the West.
JSK said:
It's justified - yes!

its not about one bomb here, couple of soldiers there - its a buildup of many many many 'occurrences' over the years

Maybe according to you - according to the reports and newspapers I read - it's always the Isrealis that are victims. and besides, it doesnt matter how many civilians I've lost on my side and how many they've lost on their side, If I'm being harrassed, there's only so much I'll be able to take - and after a certain point, I'll blow up and Retaliate

Yes, it is a war - it doesnt matter if one side is better than the other in a WAR -
so you think that these couple of solidjers are innocent civilians of lebanon?:idiot:
more than 80% of media in US is owned by jews. so if you are thinking that they will provide you any information against Israel, that should be plain stupid.!!
and if you call this "a war" then why you people call hitler's actions gainst jews "the holocast" in WW2.
Israel is the perfect example of "STATE TERRORISM" in world.
Owais said:
so you think that these couple of solidjers are innocent civilians of lebanon?:idiot:
more than 80% of media in US is owned by jews. so if you are thinking that they will provide you any information against Israel, that should be plain stupid.!!
and if you call this "a war" then why you people call hitler's actions gainst jews "the holocast" in WW2.
Israel is the perfect example of "STATE TERRORISM" in world.
On that subject, I just saw this site: http://www.ifamericansknew.org

5x more children killed by the Israelis!!!

But anyway this current escalation is very stupid. Saudi Arabia gave a statement today where it dissed Hezbollah for creating a crisis.
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