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Two Iranian naval ships in Kochi

In the entire Islamic world if there are any sane people they are the Iranians, even though my Iranian friends act like angels from heaven they are better then the Pakistanis or Saudis, welcome to India fellow aryans
India can have healthy relationship with either Israel or Iran and any day Israel is much better ally to have than Islamic IRAN .
Please STFU false flagger:angry:.Iran and India shares a cultural link for the past 5,000 years.There's a reason why the Indian branch of the Aryans were known as Indo-Iranians!Israel may be a good friend of ours but so is Iran and we can't sacrifice any one of them for the sake of the other because both friendships are extremely vauable to us.Got it,Mr.False Ranger:azn:!!
I hope BANDAR Abbas is not involved in any monkey business

You know Bandar or Monkey in India come from the root word, Vana Dhara - forest dweller.

Vana also means distant land, so vanadhara or Vandhar means a place to go to distant land or place where peple from distant land come. The word "Bandar" or Port is a corruption of this sanskrit word.

Bandar in Persian means town or Port. It means "port" in India too e.g. Porbandar (place where Gandhi was born), Bandra (suburb in Mumbai), Apollo Bunder, Tank Bund (hyderabad) etc.

Even today ALL ports in India is called Bandar.

The capital city of Brunei is called "Bandar Seri Begawan" or " City of the god" (Sri Bhagwan) .
Before calling me names you should get yourself acquainted about how much Israel is an asset to out defense industries and how Islamic Iran is a threat to whole free world , countries which calls USA a big Satan and openly threatens to wipe out Tel Aviv out of map is a modern terrorist nation , Islamic countries can never be Indians allies.

LOL. Why not ? How does Iran hate for US or Israel affect us ? We do not take sides. If Israel is an asset to our defence, Iran is an asset to our energy security.

India has enough reason to be friendly to both Iran and Israel.

Lets keep the nonsense of "free world" and "axis of evil" back in the US :lol: ...... those propaganda crap does not really bother Indians.
Islamic people cannot co exist with anyone , so no question being friends of Hindus , Christians , atheist ,
Indian friend i think the problem is you think everybody is same as Pakistan and want to do terrorism to pursue it interest .

you do not worry me and you will see each other when time comes .

in next war when ever India going to be in . we will see weather Israel or US or Russia is your friend or Islamic Republic . time will tell
you do not know much about Islamic Republic but you Indian friends will find out about true friends in next war
Lol,mate he is a false flagger.He was once banned from this forum.His previous ID was Etilla and he used to post all sorts of crap about our country's defense establishment.Please don't take him seriously as he doesn't represent us:-).
In the next war, apart from sea blockade which you are able to impose with your mighty navy, you can expect a severe land blockade from the west, too.

From now on, Pakistan is our common enemy.
Kollang bro,i just don't understand why are you guys taking him seriously:(.I already told @yavar that he is a flase flagger and his previous id was Etilla,a rabid anti-Indian poster who used to post many insulting articles on our security forces until he got banned by the mods.Some of the members have already asked the mods to look into his account.He is just trying to put a wedge between us.Please it's my sincere request to all Iranians to ignore trolls like him because we all know who will gain the maximum by creating a rift between the Indian and the Iranian members in this forum.
Kollang bro,i just don't understand why are you guys taking him seriously:(.I already told @yavar that he is a flase flagger and his previous id was Etilla,a rabid anti-Indian poster who used to post many insulting articles on our security forces until he got banned by the mods.Some of the members have already asked the mods to look into his account.He is just trying to put a wedge between us.Please it's my sincere request to all Iranians to ignore trolls like him because we all know who will gain the maximum by creating a rift between the Indian and the Iranian members in this forum.
I think, we have a misunderstanding here.I am talking about an all-out strategic friendship between Iran and India.
I think, we have a misunderstanding here.I am talking about an all-out strategic friendship between Iran and India.
I know,i was only talking about ignoring that troll loneranger whose only intention is put down a wedge between us.
On topic,i think it'll be benificial to both of us if we can forge a strategic partnership in the near future:-)
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