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Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

Indian politicians are full of hijras and chakkas with choodis, only good for talk and talk and talk and even more talk..
That's what I don't get. why would an army who have been in the receiving end of the barbaric acts would do to another soldier ?...

Hold on before commenting like the sheep this world thinks we are. Emotions always get the best of us.. If this is true .. I can guarantee my life this was not done by PA acknowledgment.. If this was done by a rogue soldier then that soldier should get whats coming to him. I still cannot throw away the TTP statement that came a week or two back and they are my prime suspect as of now.
This Clash lasted for hardly 30 minutes , so there is no way PA soldiers had any time for Mutilation , And We dont do that .

plue Combat knifes are not used for Cleaving a Heads , so as Pakistan Army spokesman said this is not true , Indian media is trying to dig an Elephant from an hole,

It could just very well be an head Shot , that Media is just hyping .
I am repeating myself... these are not good omens... 5 reported breaches of ceasefire in the last 6-7 days in the worst border between India and Pakistan... This can escalate quickly...

On the Beheading question - I just hope this is not correct. No army in the world would take that. If that news is true, Poonch border will not have a peaceful night tonight. It is just not done or acceptable this way!
Of course, anything is possible. But in situations like this, the question one has to ask is what is probable. Or, what is MORE probable.

What is more probable, that Indian soldiers would mutilate their colleagues' bodies to malign thee pak army, or that a few rogue soldiers in the pak army would behead two Indian soldiers?

If it was the other way round too, what would a neutral person have concluded? If a pak armyman's body was brought back with the head missing, which of the two alternatives would be more probable? That a few rogue Indian soldiers beheaded him, or that his own colleagues mutilated his dead body to cast India in a bad light?

Asking for concrete evidence in cases like this is a non-starter. You cant expect to get any. In such cases, one has to ask the question I just raised. Which of the two sides story is MORE likely than the other.

So essentially we're going to pass judgements on mere 'conjectures'.

One might even argue that :

(a) the very argument that there could be 'rogue' soldiers in the Pakistan Army is unsubstantiated; we didn't have anything like the Samjohta Express.

(b) could it be that the Indian Army was simply trying to demonize Pakistan to cover up their earlier intrusion into Pakistani territory where they killed one of their soldiers ?

(c) why would the Pakistani soldiers not be smart enough to take the bodies back with them seeing that they did manage to slip in & slip out unnoticed.

(d) why would Pakistani soldiers not be smart enough, after 65 years of association with this enemy, to know that India's greatest strength lies not in the number of bullets they fire but with the amount of ease they can mold public perception. How is that even after being demonized by all & sundry in the past decade or so they didn't think this when even you & I, mere forummites, can ?

I would think a whole host of possibilities might be more plausible or equally plausible to the one suggested here.

Besides even terrorists aren't handed out their sentences on mere 'weightage' of your word against theirs & here we're talking about two countries & the many people that go with it.
RIP to the soldiers..
Time to put Gurkha Regiment or Laddakh Scout or Garwhal Rifle to put into forward areas...
What I can see another script of Atlantic Shootout has been written...
This Clash lasted for hardly 30 minutes , so there is no way PA soldiers had any item for Mutilation , And We dont do that .

It could just very well be an head Shot , that Media is hyping .

Of course, how can your great PA ever go wrong..
I have to agree with Koovie here. Pakistanis have nothing to lose if they get destroyed in a war , so they are not bothered. But we do have a lot to lose now , so we should be careful and cautious.

This certainly does not apply to all Pakistanis. I am sure the majority of the GoP does not want a total war. The problem here are some rogue and fundamentalist elements within their government and military.
This Clash lasted for hardly 30 minutes , so there is no way PA soldiers had any item for Mutilation , And We dont do that .

It could just very well be an head Shot , that Media is hyping .

IA Officials confirmed the mutilation of body.
This Clash lasted for hardly 30 minutes , so there is no way PA soldiers had any time for Mutilation , And We dont do that .

plue Combat knifes are not used for Cleaving a Heads , so as Pakistan Army spokesman said this is not true , Indian media is trying to dig an Elephant from an hole,

It could just very well be an head Shot , that Media is just hyping .

Don't all soldiers have a combat knife ?
That is why I said in the earlier post that if that is the case..

However, ToI is showing the damaged house due to Pakistani firing.. This again you will dispute but still it will be unacceptable if the be headings are done..

Of course it is most unacceptable if the be-headings were done & if the house was damaged due to Pakistani fire & if it was deliberately so but the amount of 'ifs' that took me to even type that out makes it all the more imperative for me to determine whether these 'ifs' really did happen or not ?
It might be the work of terrorists and the terrorists working along Soldiers are no less than soldiers.... so it means the same.

Its not the first time Pak Army would have done it based on their track record to agitate India for a full scale war.

Since its about 10 years Pak is looking for another war.

It seem right now

work of Soldiers and the Soldiers working along terrorists are no less than terrorists....
Well looks like PA is trying to do something. Maybe peace in Kashmir is not letting them sleep. Given that PA has long track record of lying, I will stick to IA's version.
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