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Two front war | Which nation will ally with India against SinoPak ?

Which state/states will join India in combat in a war against SinoPak ?

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Historically China has not joined Pakistan against any war with India... Chinese are really smart at that... they will let Pakistan suffer just like they did in all other wars... pay some lip service and give some weapons and thats' about it ..
Hypothetical question should be answered with equal hypothetical responses,isn't? Why Indians should have reasons to believe that it will have to fight a two front war? Don't you think New Delhi will create a mayhem vehemently in the diplomatic world if it gets slightest hint of this attack? Why are we ignoring two vital factors, International Pressure and minimum Nuclear deterrent?

Nuclear deterrent is irrelevant here, since India has a "No First Use" nuclear policy, same as China.

No first use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So nukes are out of the question, unless Pakistan nukes first. Which they won't, since the China + Pakistan side has the overwhelming advantage.

As for International pressure, guess who is the largest trading partner for most of the countries in the world? China.

Guess who loans the most money to countries around the world? China.

As Hilliary Clinton said, "How can we be tough with our banker?"

Even if the above two points were not the case, then tell me how did International pressure stop Russia from invading Georgia? Their ally America didn't help, nobody helped. Countries care about their own interests, first and foremost.
You have mentioned mostly the SAARC countries who neither have the military capability nor the political will to ally with anyone. Countries that would most likely come to India's aid would be Israel (definitely) and the US. Israel though would not be putting boots on the ground, but would embark on massive interdiction of Pakistan's industrial assets as well as nuke reactors and troop concentrations.

This would free Indian forces to a great extent especially the air force to concentrate on going after the Chinese vital installations, infrastructure and troop concentrations in the TAR.

The US though may not directly apply pressure militarily in the region but put pressure on the Chinese by threatening to or physically taking over disputed islands in the South China Sea.
Your Army has a totally different opinion to that of yours, when they are seriously worried and preparing for a two front war. This opinion is based on your military thinking not my personal opinion.

Indian War room secrets are not meant for Chinese Blue book publications. And Its tactically imprudent to extravagantly solidify one war front while keeping the back open for the other possible threat.


How stupid it is from our war strategist's end not to throw the useless no first use doctrine into trash box when India will fight a two front war?
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Hypothetically one can assume whatever he or she wishes to.

However if one considers the military potential of the countries listed above than none of them are in any position to affect the outcome of war India shall fight against China and Pakistan.

A two front war at the moment seems highly unlikely.
There won't be a two front Sino-Pak vs India scenario. One thing we keep discounting in the Sino-Pak vs India scenario, is the Saudi factor.

Couple of things,

India has the worlds second largest standing army, nuclear armed, we don't need any direct support, we have enough to make Pakistan+China regret any misadventure.

Secondly, USA will not let India go down just like the that. USA sees India as a hedge against China. Although it depends on the motive and the objective of the so called two front war. If its just quick territory grab, then USA might just sit back and reap the benefits of a real pissed off and anti-China India post war.

However, if the motive of the two front war is more than territory grab, then USA will definitely put pressure, not on China but Pakistan. Whether Pakistanis like it or not, Americans still command a considerable amount of control over Pakistani foreign policy. If not direct control, then control via Saudi Arabia. The same goes in a Sino+Pak Vs America scenario, one religiously packaged statement from the Saudis will make Pakistan switch camp, if not then at least cause internal strife within Pakistan and its military.

Thirdly, Russian factor. Russia will help India covertly, cause Russia too fears a belligerent China with lot of its far eastern territory will come under direct threat from China in the future. Keeping China in check will help its cause.

Israel will help as much as it can, specially if it can achieve the neutralization of the Islamic bomb. However it won't go against the wishes of America.

France will definitely help with weapons and such, covertly mainly.

UK would sit back and enjoy the show.

Nepal and Bhutan will help India in their own capacity.
Any war involving China, India and Pakistan will be catastrophic. With advanced delivery system and 500 nukes between them, half the world population will be wiped out. The other half will suffer severely because of the polluted atmosphere, rivers and oceans with nuke waste. The world as we know will end.

I guess in case of a war between India and China, no powers will take sides and will try to pacify the situation.
There won't be a two front Sino-Pak vs India scenario. One thing we keep discounting in the Sino-Pak vs India scenario, is the Saudi factor.

Couple of things,

India has the worlds second largest standing army, nuclear armed, we don't need any direct support, we have enough to make Pakistan+China regret any misadventure.

Secondly, USA will not let India go down just like the that. USA sees India as a hedge against China. Although it depends on the motive and the objective of the so called two front war. If its just quick territory grab, then USA might just sit back and reap the benefits of a real pissed off and anti-China India post war.

However, if the motive of the two front war is more than territory grab, then USA will definitely put pressure, not on China but Pakistan. Whether Pakistanis like it or not, Americans still command a considerable amount of control over Pakistani foreign policy. If not direct control, then control via Saudi Arabia. The same goes in a Sino+Pak Vs America scenario, one religiously packaged statement from the Saudis will make Pakistan switch camp, if not then at least cause internal strife within Pakistan and its military.

Thirdly, Russian factor. Russia will help India covertly, cause Russia too fears a belligerent China with lot of its far eastern territory will come under direct threat from China in the future. Keeping China in check will help its cause.

Israel will help as much as it can, specially if it can achieve the neutralization of the Islamic bomb. However it won't go against the wishes of America.

France will definitely help with weapons and such, covertly mainly.

UK would sit back and enjoy the show.

Nepal and Bhutan will help India in their own capacity.

That's just Ifs and buts - I made it clear that this thread is about the S.Asia region.
America won't even help their closest allies like South Korea (whom they have a mutual defence pact with) when they are getting bombed and having hundreds of sailors killed in a single incident in 2010 by North Korea.

They wouldn't help Georgia when Georgia got invaded by Russia. Though to be fair, Russia is serious business in a fight, unlike North Korea above.

And America wouldn't even help their ALLY Pakistan either.

So why on Earth would they help a non-ally like India? Especially India, who is stubbornly "non-aligned" and likes to thumb their noses at America over issues like Iran?

They will do what is best for their own interests.

As Roybot pointed out, losing India as a country is not in America's interests... since India though non-aligned still acts as a hedge against the regional aspirations of both China and Pakistan.

But it would be in America's interests for India to lose a war against China + Pakistan, because it would finally shake the stupid "non-aligned" ideas out of India's head and force India to run to the US camp, giving up their independent foreign policy and becoming yet another military ally of America.

An angry and disillusioned India, forced to give up their non-alignment and run into the US camp, would be the best thing for America's strategic interests in the region.
Russia won't help India IF China is involved. Because unless Russia can somehow repair relationship with US, Russia involvement will at least mean Russia will lose China as an Ally. As of this moment, China is far more important than India in Russia's fight against US.

US also won't, China is sort of leaning towards Russia, but won't go as far as war for Russia. Looking at this G20 meeting, China is also priority number 1 for US as is US for China. US might be forced to go to war if it's Japan, but not India. Especially just that little dispute land.

Bhutan, come on let's be real.

Israel, go to war against China? Sure, it'll only take them a few weeks to reach the front, by the time the war would have been long over.

And any neighbor countries won't go to war against China.

So India is very much alone in any war against China and Pakistan.

Though I doubt it will happen.

china is not USA.... and attacking Big country like India... will create mess in the world... that to two front war....
That's just Ifs and buts - I made it clear that this thread is about the S.Asia region.

Any war between India and China will not be confined to South Asian region. If America fighting Taliban can put Pakistan and the region in turmoil, India vs China war can be catastrophic that will go beyond the region.
@Aeronaut we do not need any assistance when it comes to South Asian neighborhood.. They being neutral is fine with us..
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