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From the days of beginning India was home to migrants from North east and North west, before Islamic Invasions people who are migrated adopted the customs and culture of this land.
Chariots and other advancements have no evidence that they were invented in central asia.

I quoted the tools because they are the ones who stand testimony to ancient civilization.

Aryan is a hugely controversial term and there are various definitions for that " The word Aryan in Vedas means Noble" .

Our identity is already preserved if there is strong evidence that is true then we will accept it. Until then no need to discuss and about the myth of Aryan Invasion when the word Aryan was not defined properly.

so you admit that India was in a cross roads for migrations, but you can't admit that the Aryans came to these cross roads.
Interesting dilemma.

No one said Chariots were invented in Central Asia. What we are saying is that they existed in Central Asia, then magically they existed in India just as the Aryans came by to say hello.

Aryans are only controversial to Indians because how can invaders be "noble"
This would negate your entire victim card and leave you wondering who you really are.
I mean you guys think you are better than the Muslims because you didn't succumb to evil foreigners......but the evidence shows that you kind of did.....
"The Indic sphere"? What was that mystical object? How many divisions did it muster? Who was the king or the dynasty ruling? What did it do to preserve its territorial integrity?

Civilizational sphere. Collaboration among kingdoms did happen.
so you admit that India was in a cross roads for migrations, but you can't admit that the Aryans came to these cross roads.
Interesting dilemma.

No one said Chariots were invented in Central Asia. What we are saying is that they existed in Central Asia, then magically they existed in India just as the Aryans came by to say hello.

Aryans are only controversial to Indians because how can invaders be "noble"
This would negate your entire victim card and leave you wondering who you really are.
I mean you guys think you are better than the Muslims because you didn't succumb to evil foreigners......but the evidence shows that you kind of did.....

I get a headache when revisionists clash.

I am out of here unless you guys have something useful to say.

Joe I'm disappointed.
so you admit that India was in a cross roads for migrations, but you can't admit that the Aryans came to these cross roads.
Interesting dilemma.

No one said Chariots were invented in Central Asia. What we are saying is that they existed in Central Asia, then magically they existed in India just as the Aryans came by to say hello.

Aryans are only controversial to Indians because how can invaders be "noble"
This would negate your entire victim card and leave you wondering who you really are.
I mean you guys think you are better than the Muslims because you didn't succumb to evil foreigners......but the evidence shows that you kind of did.....

India is not on cross roads and the migrants are minute percentage when compared to indigenous people. It is Pakistan that is in cross roads.

How can you say Chariots were brought by central asians to India Do you have evidence or is it a myth of yours?

For Pakistanis invaders are nobles, I agree on that.

Don't try to come up with myths and try to show Pakistani mentality as Indian.
If you read the divide between islam you will get the answer, There is no forced conversion here.

I am a Syed by the way.

I am not talking bout Islam, I am talking bout a specific fraction of Islam..
Example of Islamic conversion.. a) Sufism, b) Setters of Kerla, c) Settelers in Burma d) converison of Indosnasian Himdus etc

The one I am referring is
a) Persecution of Parsis b) Tyrany of Babur , Kasim, Gori and Gaznavi...

Not all apples were bad..
I get a headache when two revisionists clash.

I am out of here unless you guys have something useful to say.

Joe I'm disappointed.

Interesting statement considering the absolute lack of evidence you brought to the discussion.
Must be exhausting having a discussion without any evidence to back up what you say.
But hey don't let the door hit you on they way out :wave:
Interesting statement considering the absolute lack of evidence you brought to the discussion.
Must be exhausting having a discussion without any evidence to back up what you say.
But hey don't let the door hit you on they way out :wave:

You want evidence, try Google.

Maine kya tere ko educate karne ka vrat liya hai?

Educate an underprivileged child a day ....
India is not on cross roads and the migrants are minute percentage when compared to indigenous people. It is Pakistan that is in cross roads.

How can you say Chariots were brought by central asians to India Do you have evidence or is it a myth of yours?

For Pakistanis invaders are nobles, I agree on that.

Don't try to come up with myths and try to show Pakistani mentality as Indian.

relax man, no need to get your blood pressure high.
Instead of throwing a temper tantrum after you realize you cant discuss with evidence, you should do what vsdoc did.
It's a more dignified way to exit a discussion you are getting pummeled in.
relax man, no need to get your blood pressure high.
Instead of throwing a temper tantrum after you realize you cant discuss with evidence, you should do what vsdoc did.
It's a more dignified way to exit a discussion you are getting pummeled in.

vsdoc has his priorities right.

Arguing with deluded kids is not part of them.
I am not talking bout Islam, I am talking bout a specific fraction of Islam..
Example of Islamic conversion.. a) Sufism, b) Setters of Kerla, c) Settelers in Burma d) converison of Indosnasian Himdus etc

The one I am referring is
a) Persecution of Parsis b) Tyrany of Babur , Kasim, Gori and Gaznavi...

Not all apples were bad..

Persecution of Parsis?
Now are we just making up history?
since we are, I want to add the persecution of Yaks by the Buddha.

The parsis came to India before Islam arrived in Iran.
Their own books say that they came to India via trade routs and settled there.

I know you really hate Muslims and Islam but c'mon man, no need to just make stuff up.
relax man, no need to get your blood pressure high.
Instead of throwing a temper tantrum after you realize you cant discuss with evidence, you should do what vsdoc did.
It's a more dignified way to exit a discussion you are getting pummeled in.

Are you kidding me, Do you even know how to conclude the discussion?

I am trying to debunk your myths.
Very strange.

And the earlier entry of the Indo-Aryan speaking tribes, who converted the whole of the north of the sub-continent to their way of speaking, their religion, their social customs? That is not something that turned the country on its head, and led to the permanent division between Indo-Aryan language and Dravidian language groups?

Both ANIs (Ancestral North Indians) and ASIs (Ancestral South Indians) have been in the subcontinent and influencing each other for many millenia BCE.
No I do not.

Please explain.

P.S. I have been waiting to be challenged by you on this.

P.P.S. I hope you realize that all that I say of India and Hinduism, is doubly true for Persia and Zoroastrianism.

In fact its the elephant in the room.

I don't particularly like challenging people, Doc; I'm a very peaceful, bespectacled, more than a little overweight, vegetarian Bong.. How much more harmless can you get than that?

If you bother to look along north India, up to the Meghalaya hills, the Jaintia and Khasi Hills that were, you will find a variety of languages descended from Prakrit - middle Prakrit, either Sauraseni or Ardhamagadhi - spoken. But under their shadow, there are a very distinct family of obviously older languages, the adivasi languages. Very simply, Mundari and Khasi languages contributed to the overlying Indo-Aryan languages, and hence are seen as being older. These are the evidence of a huge and brutal civilisational war that is still being fought in India; the good side isn't winning.

When we tend to whine about the brutality and savage nature of the Turks and Afghans who swept into India from the end of the first millennium onwards, we tend to lose ourselves in abundant self-pity. We tend to look at all the damage that has been done by Muslim invaders and their heirs and assignees, and tend to lose sight of what we are doing, currently, to an older race. You might like to see for yourself, and ponder things over.

Adivasi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Indo-Aryan speaking tribes tore apart the adivasi culture, tore apart their settlements, enslaved them and trod them underfoot in a system which soars far beyond the most pleasurable dreams of the Cape Dutch, shoved a religion down their throats, raped countless generations of their women and destroyed their sacred places. The descendants of these exemplary conquistadors then raise a quavering voice of outrage at the equally unspeakable behaviour of the Muslim invaders. There is little to choose between the two sets.

Don't, for pity's sake, shove Iran and Zoroastrianism in my face; I am feeling quite fragile. The fact is that there was no comparable situation in Eran; it was tabula rasa, and your ancestors took to it with yips of delight. No elephant in the Persian room, not about your autochthones. None at all.
vsdoc has his priorities right.

Arguing with deluded kids is not part of them.

I provide evidence from linguists and archaeologists and yet I am the deluded one.
Maybe I should go around wearing a saffron cloth and calling myself a swami then I wont be so deluded. :rofl:
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