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Turkmenistan Makes Another Quiet Purchase Of 8 Warships

Surely I agree with you. Of course they´re not comparable. Not in the slightest. But I mean those countries can actively try to move in one direction or another. The direction of arming-up and possible confict, or the direction of trying to communicate and find a fair solution. Even children can understand that perhaps you could split energy reserves by either boundary limits or per capita. Anything that remotely sounds fair. But this: my d!ck is bigger than yours, so I'm just going to grab it, will only result in pain and death. I didn't mean there needs to be a central-asian union asap or whatever. Those countries are stuck at least a century behind the current one politically.
Exactly. They (us to a certain extent as well) are stuck 50-100 (some cases more) years behind them politically and technologically. We have to try and close this gap which we are but such a transition isn't smooth due to it's magnitude and if there is no commitment we will fail and be doomed to be 2nd class countries and pariah states (which would serve the West best).
Exactly. They (us to a certain extent as well) are stuck 50-100 (some cases more) years behind them politically and technologically. We have to try and close this gap which we are but such a transition isn't smooth due to it's magnitude and if there is no commitment we will fail and be doomed to be 2nd class countries and pariah states (which would serve the West best).

True. In a way, bence, Turkey should join the EU and will. The sheer amount of history and experience they have is staggering. Already of course, many Turkish laws are adjusted and implemented in order to comply with EU law. Just being a part of the European Convention of Human Rights gives the Turkish people huge amounts of protections they otherwise perhaps wouldn't have. This, in turn, aside from HUGE economic benefits for Turkey, would allow Turkey to 'export' such modernity and political stability to other nations in the ME and Central Asia (given historical ties). War becomes too expensive, literally and figuratively, if you're so bonded together economically and legally. See the beginnings of the EU after WW2, the European coal and steel community, they started out with economic cooperation.

So Central Asian and Middle Eastern economic integration, paired with calming and stabilizing legal and judicial know-how from Europe, can probably help this region more than anybody else. Heck, the Balkans were a basket case not 20 years ago. Now it's pretty much up to snuff with Europe (give or take a few years).

Let's be honest, Europe is the future (stability wise). We all need to strive to achieve that.
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