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Turkiye gets the contract to build a tanker ship for Pakistan Navy.

Outstanding news..... can't wait to see it my father use to capt one of these in his days in PN then for PNSC can't wait to show him pic's thanks for sharing the news guys :)
Not strange at all, it's almost entirely about business and PR. Turkey wants better relations with the rest of the Muslim world which they neglected during military rule, and the best way to do that is through Pakistan.

Israel has been trying to do the same thing, but failing at it.

As much as I'd like to believe it - Thats BS !
As much as I'd like to believe it - Thats BS !

And I don't blame you for being skeptical, but Pakistan is known as a gateway for a reason. Pakistan's large military force, it's nuclear weapons, and it's military influence in foreign Muslim nations makes Pakistan a perfect gateway for enhanced relations with other Muslim nations. Of course this has declined in recent years, but if Pakistan's economy can recover (and it looks like it will), we can expect Pakistan's influence to increase once again.
And I don't blame you for being skeptical, but Pakistan is known as a gateway for a reason. Pakistan's large military force, it's nuclear weapons, and it's military influence in foreign Muslim nations makes Pakistan a perfect gateway for enhanced relations with other Muslim nations. Of course this has declined in recent years, but if Pakistan's economy can recover (and it looks like it will), we can expect Pakistan's influence to increase once again.

Dude that makes my chest swell with pride reading that but then again I'm a realist & I know that that ain't the truth & our extremely.....extremely trying ordeals in the past & a very conspicuous absence of help of any kind from our under influence foreign Muslim Nations in them, speak for themselves !
Dude that makes my chest swell with pride reading that but then again I'm a realist & I know that that ain't the truth & our extremely.....extremely trying ordeals in the past & a very conspicuous absence of help of any kind from our under influence foreign Muslim Nations in them, speak for themselves !

That's mostly because most other Muslim nations don't have the means to send boots to Pakistan. They have donated billions to Pakistan whenever a natural disaster occurred. During the last floods, Arab nations were the largest number of financial donors to Pakistan and gave the combined single most assistance to Pakistan in the form of food, clean water and tents, after the US.

Now if you're talking militarily, what could they offer anyway? Troops? Their militaries don't have the experience that Pakistani troops have and would mostly get in the way. Air power? They don't have the means of transporting air crafts to foreign nations. Financial aid? They have. Diplomatic aid? They have as much as they can afford.

I will fully admit that they don't respect Pakistan as much as they used to, but come 5-10 years from now, Pakistan will show them once again who's the mugger crocodile and who's the lamb that shouldn't stray too close to the water. (took me 10 minutes to come up with that analogy xD)

Pakistan has suffered, but she is resilient and will rise out of this situation, dominating those that would do her harm.
That's mostly because most other Muslim nations don't have the means to send boots to Pakistan. They have donated billions to Pakistan whenever a natural disaster occurred. During the last floods, Arab nations were the largest number of financial donors to Pakistan and gave the combined single most assistance to Pakistan in the form of food, clean water and tents, after the US.

No...I wasn't referring to boots on the ground ! Philanthropy is one thing & most appreciated but close knit relations is something quite different; the Arab nations gave a lot to Haiti too !

The point is that Arabs are an exclusive club & whereas we might be Muslims...we're not really a part of the family ! Therefore whereas Egypt might get bail-out plans, Jordan might have her military acquisitions financed & Arab countries have a very conspicuous congruence on strategic issues - We're really the friendly guy on the outside...nothing more !

Palestine & Syria might bleed their eyes dry but Kashmir wouldn't figure in !
No...I wasn't referring to boots on the ground ! Philanthropy is one thing & most appreciated but close knit relations is something quite different; the Arab nations gave a lot to Haiti too !

The point is that Arabs are an exclusive club & whereas we might be Muslims...we're not really a part of the family ! Therefore whereas Egypt might get bail-out plans, Jordan might have her military acquisitions financed & Arab countries have a very conspicuous congruence on strategic issues - We're really the friendly guy on the outside...nothing more !

Palestine & Syria might bleed their eyes dry but Kashmir wouldn't figure in !

Kashmir is something that no outside force wants to get involved with, because a wrong move can start a nuclear conflict (no matter how unlikely). One cannot blame the Arabs for that.

Of course you're right that the Arabs don't consider us apart of the "family", but they still need us and we still need them. They realize it, and we realize it. They may hate us, they may wish harm on us, but in the end, they'll always come back to us.

Palestine and Syria is in their neighborhoods and they have a strategic interest in it, whereas they have no real strategic interest in Kashmir. If Syria was located in EU or Asia, even with a majority Arab population, they would give a crap.

P.S. you didn't quote my entire posted edited comment :(
Kashmir is something that no outside force wants to get involved with, because a wrong move can start a nuclear conflict (no matter how unlikely). One cannot blame the Arabs for that.

Of course you're right that the Arabs don't consider us apart of the "family", but they still need us and we still need them. They realize it, and we realize it. They may hate us, they may wish harm on us, but in the end, they'll always come back to us.

Palestine and Syria is in their neighborhoods and they have a strategic interest in it, whereas they have no real strategic interest in Kashmir. If Syria was located in EU or Asia, even with a majority Arab population, they would give a crap.

P.S. you didn't quote my entire posted edited comment :(

Israel is more erratic & trigger happy than anything therefore Kashmir starting a nuclear war is hardly a big thing compared to whats sitting wedged in their bosom called the Middle East.

Dude its not just that - Tunisia or Libya haven't any strategic interest in Israel-Palestine but they're vehemently against Israel. Similarly when it comes to Iran the whole Arab world starts frothing from the mouth - Why ? Because they are Arabs ! And we're not invited to that party !

When its our issues - its simply our issues ! When its theres....it becomes a Muslim Issue & the gullible foOks we are - We jump onto the bandwagon enthusiastically !

So at the end of the day its not about strategic interests & its not about the risks involved - Its all about us not being worth enough to take the risks & align those strategic interests to ours because we're not Arabs !

The Turks realized this long....long ago & so did the Indonesians & the Malaysians - Its high time we do to !

P.S I read your post & your analogy ! :kiss3:
Israel is more erratic & trigger happy than anything therefore Kashmir starting a nuclear war is hardly a big thing compared to whats sitting wedged in their bosom called the Middle East.

Dude its not just that - Tunisia or Libya haven't any strategic interest in Israel-Palestine but they're vehemently against Israel. Similarly when it comes to Iran the whole Arab world starts frothing from the mouth - Why ? Because they are Arabs ! And we're not invited to that party !

When its our issues - its simply our issues ! When its theres....it becomes a Muslim Issue & the gullible foOks we are - We jump onto the bandwagon enthusiastically !

So at the end of the day its not about strategic interests & its not about the risks involved - Its all about us not being worth enough to take the risks & align those strategic interests to ours because we're not Arabs !

The Turks realized this long....long ago & so did the Indonesians & the Malaysians - Its high time we do to !

P.S I read your post & your analogy ! :kiss3:

I disagree completely, but like I said in other threads, I don't want to keep derailing these threads. I've already gotten in trouble, I don't need anymore.

Let's just agree to disagree. We'll see what happens 5-10 years from now.
Great News .... Thanx turkey.. Design very cool and pretty..:cheers:

No flag of turkey here..:angry:
Even in this circumstances, this pathetic country is more advanced than Pakistan in every aspects.

No offence, just saying.

Sorry Brother, this guy is the worst Troll on PDF and he is an embarrassment for rest of the Pakistanis. I want you to know we love our Turkish Brothers.
The new tanker, displacing 15,600 tonnes and approximately 155m in length, will be equipped with replenishment-at-sea rigs for underway replenishment. It will also have a helicopter flight deck, allowing for vertical replenishment operations.
what is mean by Vertical replenishment ?
what is mean by Vertical replenishment ?

Vertical replenishment, or VERTREP is a method of supply of seaborne vessels by helicopter. The United States Department of Defense defines VERTREP as:

"the transfer of cargo between ships using helicopters. VERTREP is often used to supplement connected replenishment. Weapons loads, generally limited to 4,000 pounds, are transferred from the supply ship to the flight deck of the amphibious ship. The decided advantage of a VERTREP is that it can effect replenishment without ship-to-ship connection"

Vertical replenishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Surely for a country like Pakistan with such tight purse strings a JSS would be ideal as it can combine the roles of multiple types of ship (replenishment tanker, transport, amphibious assault etc) in one hull.

Still, an interesting move from a defenceively poised navy like the PN. These sort of assets are tradtionally to project naval power. Possibly this move is meant to increase the endurance of PN ships but not nessercarily the range so that PN ships patrolling the Pakistani coast can remain at sea longer.
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