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Turkish Tea House

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According to dictionary , "Kedi" is recorded as far as back Dede Korkut stories, it also gives an Oghuz word Chetuk/Chetik as a word probably coming from the same root, it says word which has similar equivalents in many languages is of unknown origin but probably middle eastern.
. . . .
@ghara ghan

Whats wit hthat Islamiz Azad University" thingy ? at first I thought everybody was going there but now I realized its like every city has a different version of this.
@ghara ghan

Whats wit hthat Islamiz Azad University" thingy ? at first I thought everybody was going there but now I realized its like every city has a different version of this.
Yup, It has different branches in different cities.
. .
Its looks like a fast food chain :D is it any good at least ?
Yeah, it is like MacDonalds University :D
Yup, some branches are relatively good. The best Universities in Iran are the governmental ones. Azad, which means free, universities are second, and Payam Nour universities are the the lowest universities.
Its mixed here , top universities are both government ones and private ones, but in recent years they have been opening tons of universities everywhere, both government and private, majority of them are normally sh.tty, their directors are useless akp pawns who contributes nothing but brings harm by discrimination.
purple wedding :whistle:
i wont search what you write here :azn: :wave:
You need to wait a few hours for the torrent links ;)
i have download one it was fake and full of virus :angry: soon i ill start the new one
@ghara ghan

Whats wit hthat Islamiz Azad University" thingy ? at first I thought everybody was going there but now I realized its like every city has a different version of this.
it's a chain university of rafsanjani but recently gov take it away from him every city/town have one check your toilet maybe there is a islamiz azad uni of your house's toilet ! :o:

the best unis exist in tehran tabriz mashad isfahan shoraz gorgan rasht babol
Its mixed here , top universities are both government ones and private ones, but in recent years they have been opening tons of universities everywhere, both government and private, majority of them are normally sh.tty, their directors are useless akp pawns who contributes nothing but brings harm by discrimination.
the cites i chose to studey

ankara - istanbul - izmir - eskishehir
Ankara is boring(If you ok with just ordinary metropol life then I guess its ok), İzmir and Eskişehir are fine and their universities are not bad, but İstanbul has better universities I think.
i wont search what you write here :azn: :wave:

i have download one it was fake and full of virus :angry: soon i ill start the new one

it's a chain university of rafsanjani but recently gov take it away from him every city/town have one check your toilet maybe there is a islamiz azad uni of your house's toilet ! :o:

the best unis exist in tehran tabriz mashad isfahan shoraz gorgan rasht babol

the cites i chose to studey

ankara - istanbul - izmir - eskishehir
:( Check your messages ;)
:( Check your messages ;)
:o: you are a real friend but the like you have send me is filtered :P right now a lot of it's link released in internet i ill get one ty anyway

Ankara is boring(If you ok with just ordinary metropol life then I guess its ok), İzmir and Eskişehir are fine and their universities are not bad, but İstanbul has better universities I think.

:o: best uni of turkey is in ankara am i not right ? o_O (odtu and hacettepe) istanbul is too big for me :( ill get lost :oops: still love that city :cheers: i personally love izmir the city of love with it's famous izmirli girls :smitten::smitten::smitten: Eskişehir is also good :yahoo: but ankara is my second home :yay::bounce::enjoy:

@ghara ghan, @rmi5

Turkmen term in Caucasus (north Azerbaijan) had been still in usage, in a slightly different form, Tarakama. Tarakama and Turk had slightly different meanings in Azerbaijan, the former was used to designate nomads, and the latter to settled Turks.

For example, a Russian traveler who visited Transcaucasia in 1771 used the Tarakama and Trukhmen term for Azerbaijani Turks.


They occupy the eastern foot of the Caucasus Mountains, the western shore of the Caspian Sea near Boynaka, Derbent and Utamisha and also own all the southern foothills of the Caucasus Alazan or Kakheti to the Caspian Sea. Their districts there are Cuba, Altipara, Tokuspara, Miskindzhal, Hinakut, Krishbudah Chamakh and all of Shirvan, they all have a common master in the person of Fath Ali Khan, whose tenure extends to Salliana. With the given border following truhmenskie district in the west: Shaka, Caballo, Agdash and Arash, who also have a ruler, now it is Hussain Khan, son of Haji Dzhalabi having a residence in the town of Nukha.

"Pişik" in Azerbaijani.

Also "Küçük" for puppy (as ghara ghan mentioned).

@ghara ghan

We alternatively call cat pisi/pisi pis,in some region I guess pishik as well.
in my region some also use pishik but majority of people use mishik /meshik . we use pish when we want to drive a cat away :D
Gorunuse gore Al-nusra ya Sarin gazini MIT(Hakan Fidan)vermis ve o yuzden Amerika Suriyeye girmemis.
Bu nasil bir is?
Az önce bende okudum, rapora göre sarin gazini MIT el nusraya vermis, ve basbakan beyaz saraya gidip obamayi kirmizi cizgi asildi diye savasa ikna etmeye calismis, ancak obama suriyede ne yaptiginizi biliyoruz diyerek red etmis.

Eger rapor gercek cikarsa basimiz büyük belaya girecek, Türkiye bir insanlik sucu islemis oluyor bu durumda.

Pulitzer ödüllü ABD’li gazeteci Seymour Hersh "London Review of Books" dergisinde yayimlanan makalesinde, Ağustos 2013'te Suriye’nin başkenti Şam’ın Doğu Guta banliyösünde gerçekleştirilen kimyasal saldırının arkasında Türk hükümetinin bulunduğunu iddia etti.
Gazeteci, Amerikan istihbarat kaynaklarına dayandırdığı iddiasinda, saldırının El Kaide yanlısı El Nusra Cephesi tarafından gerçekleştirildiğini ve militanlara gerekli malzemeyi ve eğitimi Türk hükümetinin sağladığını one surdu.

Hersh, ABD’nin son anda kimyasal saldırının arkasında Beşar Esad değil, Türkiye’nin desteklediği isyancıların olduğunu çeşitli istihbarat ajanslarından gelen raporlar sonucunda öğrenerek Suriye’ye askeri müdahale yapmaktan vazgeçtiğini de iddia etti.

Gazeteci, İngiliz istihbarat ajansı MI6’in Guta’dan aldığı sarin gazı örneklerini Suriye’nin envanterinde bulunan kimyasallarla karşılaştırdığını ve bu gazın başka bir kaynaktan geldiğini tespit ettiğini belirtti.

Hersh yazisinda ABD’nin elinde Türkiye’nin muhaliflere kimyasal silah sağladığı ve bu konuda eğitim verdiği ile ilgili birçok sağlam bulunduğunu iddia ediyor. Gazeteci Amerikan Savunma İstihbarati Ajansı (DIA) ve BM’nin bu konuda hazırladığı birçok raporu gördüğünü ancak bu raporların “korkunç sonuçlar doğuracağı” gerekçesiyle kamuoyuna açıklanmadığını belirtiyor.

Makalede dikkat çeken bir başka iddia da ABD Başkanı Barack Obama, MIT Mustesari Hakan Fidan ve Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın Mayıs ayında Beyaz Saray’da gerçekleştirdiği one surulen bir gorusme.

Hersh; Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu, ABD'li mevkidasi John Kerry, ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Danışmanı Tom Donilon’un da hazır bulunduğu gizli yemekte Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Obama’yı sürekli Esad hükümetinin “Kırmızı çizgiyi geçtiği”ni söyleyerek askeri müdahale konusunda ikna etmeye çalıştığı ancak Başkan Obama’nın, “Ne yaptığınızı biliyoruz, isyancılarla birlikte ne yaptığınızı biliyoruz” diyerek cevap verdiğini iddia ediyor.

Gazeteci, DIA’dan bir yetkilinin kendisine Erdoğan’ın yemek sırasında sinirlenerek Başkan Obama’ya parmağını salladığını belirtiyor ve Donilon’un bu olayı daha sonra “Lanet olsun! Beyaz Saray’da başkana parmağını salladı!” diyerek anlattığını belirtiyor.

Türkiye ile ilgili şok iddia - Hürriyet Avrupa
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