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Turkish Tea House

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In Christianity, the eating of boar and pig is lawful as Christ never condemned the eating of swine, rather he said what matters is what comes out of one's mouth rather than what goes inside a man that corrupts a man.

The Quran also states this:

[The Quran 5:5] Today, all good food is made lawful for you. The food of the people of the scripture (Jews & Christians) is lawful (halal) for you......

So, that said, if swine is considered lawful in Christianity, then it should also be accepted for fellow muslims.

You are asking the wrong people,we dont care about the persons religion.
@Armstrong are you a pig eating muslim too? Thos must be some new sect, I haven't heard about.

and your buddy sinan was making fun of our tribals that get bombed by nato. women and kids included.
Yes he did. He's a nice guy, but didn't like when religious talks came up because he would go 'fire and brimstone' on our friends. My set of friends come from different religious backgrounds; christian, hindu, non-believing, muslim etc. So yea, not very healthy. Then i found out that he was also a heavy drinker. His excuse for everything was that he goes to mosque on fridays to ask for forgiveness.

My view is...don't talk the talk. walk the walk.

My view is - Don't shove your religious beliefs in another person's face - If he was interested to know what you think is right or wrong....he would've asked you ! :)

Its unfortunate that too few of us practice it ! :(
Not quite because the verse 5:3 reads as: You are forbidden to eat carrion; blood; pig’s meat; any animal over which any name other than God’s has been invoked; any animal strangled, or victim of a violent blow or a fall, or gored or savaged by a beast of prey, unless you still slaughter it [in the correct manner]; or anything sacrificed on idolatrous altars. You are also forbidden to allot shares [of meat] by drawing marked arrowsb ––a heinous practice– today the disbelievers have lost all hope that you will give up your religion. Do not fear them: fear Me. Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My blessing upon you, and chosen as your religion islam: [total devotion to God]; but if any of you is forced by hunger to eat forbidden food, with no intention of doing wrong, then God is most forgiving and merciful.

A pagan Arab custom. Arrows were also used to make other decisions, as in drawing lots, to determine the will of the idols.

But at the end of the day its your call; if the person is alright with it then who are we to tell him otherwise !


I don't believe in the notion of 'idolatous altars'. You know why?

Scripture states the following (Isaiah 66:1):

Thus says the LORD, "Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest? 2"For My hand made all these things, Thus all these things came into being," declares the LORD.

My point, @Armstrong , is that whether an animal was slaughtered, prepared, all of it is and was created by God. Be it prepared by a hindu, a muslim, a christian, a Buddhist, a non-believer etc....you're still eating something that was created by the Almighty.
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I don't believe in the notion of 'idolatous altars'. You know why?

Scripture states the following (Isaiah 66:1):

Thus says the LORD, "Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest? 2"For My hand made all these things, Thus all these things came into being," declares the LORD.

My point, @Armstrong , is that whether an animal was slaughtered, prepared, all of it is and was created by God. There is only one deity, and that is the Lord Our God.

Brother, this is all a very interesting metaphysical & theological discussion but the forum really doesn't allow religious discussions & for good reason - Religion is a highly personal thing for most people & not everyone reacts in a mature & respectful manner whenever Religion is talked about especially if his/her religious beliefs are questioned ! :)
Brother, this is all a very interesting metaphysical & theological discussion but the forum really doesn't allow religious discussions & for good reason - Religion is a highly personal thing for most people & not everyone reacts in a mature & respectful manner whenever Religion is talked about especially if his/her religious beliefs are questioned ! :)

Thanks bro, okay, let's get back to the tea house then he he he.

I still want to try 'ARAK'.

@Armstrong are you a pig eating muslim too? Thos must be some new sect, I haven't heard about.

and your buddy sinan was making fun of our tribals that get bombed by nato. women and kids included.

Where the hell would I find pork here in Pakistan ? :lol:

So no...of course I don't eat pork but nor do I go about passing 'judgement' on others who have different opinions than me ! :crazy:

And it was unfortunate if @Sinan said that but you must've said some pretty nasty sh*t to make him - a respectful & decent guy to say that !
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@Armstrong are you a pig eating muslim too? Thos must be some new sect, I haven't heard about.

and your buddy sinan was making fun of our tribals that get bombed by nato. women and kids included.

Now, at least tag me and don't make it look like you are talking behind my back...

I was joking. I like Turks.

But, If you want an answer from me because you want to start bs, then I will give you one.

You cannot develop nuclear weapons,


You are smart enough.

You have the materials.

But your papa NATO tells you no, so you obey.

Well, at least our citizens don't get killed regulary by NATO drones. o_O

If you are going to criticize my country's affairs, i will criticize yours also.

And I won't even go into NPT or other stuff to make a point. As you are doing this just for trolling.

And your claim of "your buddy sinan was making fun of our tribals that get bombed by nato. women and kids included." is false. My post is crytal clear.

So if you wanna lie more, be sure to tag me. I will put you into your place over and over again.

Religion is clean if you ask me. Unless we accuse each other of being kaffir or other bad things.

I referred to Turkmenistan thread.... see where i quoted. :)
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