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şimdi gördüm bu yazıyı, mention gelmedi. ben ilk mesajımda "bu sesler" yazarak yanlış bir şey yazmışım. kastettiğim kalın ve nazal o'ydu. zaten tacikçenin farsçadan en büyük farkı a-o değişimidir. ä sesi vardır doğru, yanlış hatırlamıyorsam Starostin ve Dıbo bu sesi karluk-uygur sesi olarak tasnif ediyorlardı. ama yine de "Tengri"nin asıl biçimi "Täŋri"dir kısmına katılamayacağım, zira Täŋri türkütlerin yazdıklarında o şekilde geçiyor. bunun yanında Teŋri ve Taŋgara kullanımları da kaydedilmiştir. bir de altaylılar ve tuvalılarla 2 sene kadar aynı evde kaldım ama bu ä sesini kullandıklarına şahit olmadım.

O zaman Seŋge/Seŋgee diyorlar. Ben maŋa/saŋa yerine bizim mäŋä/säŋä söylediğimize benzer (a yerine ä-e) başka Türk dillerinde de söyleniyor mu merak etmiştim, söylediğim o bağlantıda.
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Man what the hell is wrong with your names, I can't see any more names starting with a in this legend :D

i said its related to romulus and wolf, but its not about them :D so far we have: 1. has something to do with roman army, 2. related to romulus and wolf.

hint 3: has something to do with Mars. but don't focus on romulus. forget that legend :D now you should figure it out :D i'm being much more generous than @rmi5 :rofl: :angel:
i said its related to romulus and wolf, but its not about them :D so far we have: 1. has something to do with roman army, 2. related to romulus and wolf. hint 3: has something to do with Mars. but don't focus on romulus. forget that legend :D now you should figure it out :D i'm being much more generous than @rmi5 :rofl: :angel:

Augustus ?
I will throw myself out of window :D

Arval ?
no, that name was on @rmi5 list.

edit: i'm gonna change my avatar. people mix me with you LOL :D

Yup, That is very good idea. your names and your avatars are very close to each other, and people continue to confuse you two with each other. ;)
Is your first name Telkon, by any chance? :D We did not try this one. :)
Yup, That is very good idea. your names and your avatars are very close to each other, and people continue to confuse you two with each other. ;)
Is your first name Telkon, by any chance? :D We did not try this one. :)

here, changed my avatar. in high school my nickname was master yoda LOL.

no, telkon is from from telkontar, another name of aragorn in lord of the rings :D

@olcayto no, sorry :)
@Targon no, dude.

@rmi5 still waiting for hints, man :sniper:
@telkon your hint Sucks :)

Romulus aurelius from the movie last legion.

I was so confident :)
just forget that romulus and wolf part. i used it to point to Mars and from there i said that my name starts with A.
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