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how can we know who closed my thread @ 'The Uyghur issue'?
i clearly stated in my first post that i only wanted realistic and sensible posts, not trolling.
only 2 pages in (and that;s how much i have read so far) and we can already see Chinese trolling.
can't we even create our own thread without it getting trolled by some Chinese, Russians and Indians and then getting locked?
@Aeronaut do you know who has locked the thread?

Welcome to PDF.

Do not expect any serious discussions here, especially on some specific subjects. Just have fun...
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how can we know who closed my thread @ 'The Uyghur issue'?
i clearly stated in my first post that i only wanted realistic and sensible posts, not trolling.
only 2 pages in (and that;s how much i have read so far) and we can already see Chinese trolling.
can't we even create our own thread without it getting trolled by some Chinese, Russians and Indians and then getting locked? im sure they do it on purpose to get it locked
@Aeronaut do you know who has locked the thread?
They may just be cleaning it. They will probably open it again. But I have noticed that the people that run this forum are very pro chinese government. They locked one of my threads about chinese government paid trolls
To be fair, Atatwolf also helped much to turn it into a troll fest, dont expect a serious dicussion about this issue.
Actually, some of these Chinese member have literally no brain, and they are ready to say any BS to do propaganda for their own commie government. Atatwolf has a lower tolerance than us toward their BS, but, still, Chinese , and some Indians were responsible for derailing the thread. ;)
i actually don;t want a discussion, just a thread to post those news in. why can the Chinese post threads about the Uyghur situation and talk about it freely (they got control with their own mod), but we cannot in our own section?
i want my own Turkish mod.
Creating a thread for Uyghur issue was a good idea, but it just got derailed.
Racih, Rabbani, Rafız, Ragıp, Rahman ?
Racih, Rabbani, Rafız, Ragıp, Rahman ?
Nope. Dude, let it go. :lol:

yes he has his share, but that Kiss of the dragon kid started first. Atatwolf even had a normal post in the beginning before the Chinese came in.
That is true. That Chinese clown is literally a troll worse than Al-******, and his mind is full of crap, and he derails every thread by his BS.
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i actually don;t want a discussion, just a thread to post those news in. why can the Chinese post threads about the Uyghur situation and talk about it freely (they got control with their own mod), but we cannot in our own section?
i want my own Turkish mod.
I support this..

To be fair, Atatwolf also helped much to turn it into a troll fest, dont expect a serious dicussion about this issue.
Pffff... Git ya
Abi sen direk hakarete geçip iyice büyütüyosun olayı, bak mesajlarıma , sövmedende cevap verilebilir.

Adam niye racial segration yapıyorsun dedi, ben IQ segration yapıyorum dedim(koyduk mu :D)

Sende söyle ismini, isimlerimizi söylüyoruz.
No problem dude, I thought that you have went to sleep :D
you said that it is a latin name, and it is not general and emperor?
is it a religious name? :undecided:
BTW, nope, I think raushan is used as a girl's name here. :-)

it has something to do with romulus and wolf. so we can say its religion related. now its your turn to give some more hints. i was very close with ravsanjani i know that, but i couldn't make connection with isa. i think its something only persian speaking or living in iran would understand.

@Targon none of them :D
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Mesela eski Türkçe "Tengri"nin asıl biçimi "Täŋri" şeklinde. Bu ses Türk dilinin "native" bir sesi, belirtelim. :)

Bizim "Mana/Maŋa", "Sana/Saŋa" yerine "Mänä/Mäŋä", "Sänä/Säŋä" değişimiz de aslında o açıdan ilginç (Anadolu Türkçesinde Bana/Baŋa, "Sana/Saŋa", diğer Türk dillerinde Maŋ(g)a/Mağa, "Saŋ(g)a/Sağa"), Altay Türkleri ve Tuvalılar benzer şekilde Mäŋgä/Mäŋgää, Säŋgä/Säŋgää diyor.

şimdi gördüm bu yazıyı, mention gelmedi. ben ilk mesajımda "bu sesler" yazarak yanlış bir şey yazmışım. kastettiğim kalın ve nazal o'ydu. zaten tacikçenin farsçadan en büyük farkı a-o değişimidir. ä sesi vardır doğru, yanlış hatırlamıyorsam Starostin ve Dıbo bu sesi karluk-uygur sesi olarak tasnif ediyorlardı. ama yine de "Tengri"nin asıl biçimi "Täŋri"dir kısmına katılamayacağım, zira Täŋri türkütlerin yazdıklarında o şekilde geçiyor. bunun yanında Teŋri ve Taŋgara kullanımları da kaydedilmiştir. bir de altaylılar ve tuvalılarla 2 sene kadar aynı evde kaldım ama bu ä sesini kullandıklarına şahit olmadım.

nope :D though mars was romulus and remus' father.
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