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Turkish Tea House

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looks like i've started a discussion up there ^^ . i'm so sorry guys . i really didnt want that to happen


anyhow we are Iranian Azeri , which is different from turk . :P

Mate i looked up Azeris, we are both descendants of Oghuz Khan and in the same Turkic family. Not much difference. :)

Yazmadigim birseyi kendin yazip quote ederken benim ismimin bile olmadigini fark etmeyip , benim Yazdigim göstermek senin ne kadar alcaldiginin bir göstergesidir.

Ya Sinan,iki uc kelime Turkce bilmekle sarayli olursak,coban olurum daha iyi.
Avrupadaki Turklerin 80%,coban o zaman.
Degmez,ben pembe ruyalar aramaya cikiyom.

Abi, öyle bi şeyi savunmak zaten aptallık olur. :)

Forumdaki Avrupa'da yaşayan Türk kardeşlerimizin Türkçesinde bir problem yok.

Zaten onunda dediği Türkçe'yle değil, üslupla alakalıydı. Canını sıktığına değmez yani. :)

Yazmadigim birseyi kendin yazip quote ederken benim ismimin bile olmadigini fark etmeyip , benim Yazdigim göstermek senin ne kadar alcaldiginin bir göstergesidir.

Ne diyorsun sen kardesim daha bir saat önce yazdigin seyimi unuttun yoksa?
Abi, öyle bi şeyi savunmak zaten aptallık olur. :)

Forumdaki Avrupa'da yaşayan Türk kardeşlerimizin Türkçesinde bir problem yok.

Zaten onunda dediği Türkçe'yle değil, üslupla alakalıydı. Canını sıktığına değmez yani. :)
Neyse mac daha onemli;)
And I'm not a Turk! 8-) I'm a pure Aryan and we shall conquer you all someday. My Nazi brothers are hiding in the holes everywhere in the world to rise up someday. :lol:

@Sinan: Genetic tests show that Iranian Azeris have no difference with rest of Iranians. After the migration of Turkish tribes to northwestern parts of Persia (which included Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia in those times), they adapted to area very well and with inter marriages,after generations, Turkish found its place in Caucasus. That's why Iranian Azeris are mostly similar to rest of Iranians and different from their lingual brothers in Turkey and to lesser extent, R of Azerbaijan.
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And I'm not a Turk! 8-) I'm a pure Aryan and we shall conquer you all someday. My Nazi brothers are hiding in the holes everywhere in the world to rise up someday. :lol:

@Sinan: Genetic tests show that Iranian Azeris have no difference with rest of Iranians. After the migration of Turkish tribes to northwestern parts of Persia (which incluyded Azerbaijan, Armenia and Geogia in those times), they adapted to area very well and with inter marriages,after generations, Turkish found its place in Caucasus. That's why Iranian Azeris are mostly similar to rest of Iranians and different from their lingual brothers in Turkey and to lesser extent, R of Azerbaijan.

youre such a buzz kill :o:

:P lol
O gelecek hakkinda ,Altay ile ne alakasi var ?
Bende zaten onu sordum, sence neden iyi görünmüyor diye, niye yazdigini inkar ediyorsun ozaman?

Ama suc bende seni muhattap alipta soru soruyorum, birdaha millete alcak demeden önce acaba neyi yanlis anladin birdaha kontrol et.
And I'm not a Turk! 8-) I'm a pure Aryan and we shall conquer you all someday. My Nazi brothers are hiding in the holes everywhere in the world to rise up someday. :lol:

@Sinan: Genetic tests show that Iranian Azeris have no difference with rest of Iranians. After the migration of Turkish tribes to northwestern parts of Persia (which incluyded Azerbaijan, Armenia and Geogia in those times), they adapted to area very well and with inter marriages,after generations, Turkish found its place in Caucasus. That's why Iranian Azeris are mostly similar to rest of Iranians and different from their lingual brothers in Turkey and to lesser extent, R of Azerbaijan.

Many contradictions in one post is just a proof of how much the talker knows what she is talking about.
And I'm not a Turk! 8-) I'm a pure Aryan and we shall conquer you all someday. My Nazi brothers are hiding in the holes everywhere in the world to rise up someday. :lol:

@Sinan: Genetic tests show that Iranian Azeris have no difference with rest of Iranians. After the migration of Turkish tribes to northwestern parts of Persia (which incluyded Azerbaijan, Armenia and Geogia in those times), they adapted to area very well and with inter marriages,after generations, Turkish found its place in Caucasus. That's why Iranian Azeris are mostly similar to rest of Iranians and different from their lingual brothers in Turkey and to lesser extent, R of Azerbaijan.

I don't care, word "Azeri" is enough for me, they are my brothers. :yay:
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