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Turkish Space Programs


Başta Suriye ordusunun hareketleri olmak üzere, Güneydoğu Anadolu bölgesindeki Suriyeli sığınmacıların ikamet ettiği kampların durumları GÖKTÜRK-2 tarafından izleniyor. Bunun yanında Doğu Akdeniz'de Güney Kıbrıs Rum Kesimi ve İsrail tarafından gerçekleştirilen Petrol ve Doğalgaz aramaları detaylı olarak takip ediliyor. Kamu kurumlarının isteği üzerine hiçbir kısıtlama yaşamadan Dünya'nın herhangi bir bölgesinden görüntü aktarımı sağlanıyor.

Kokpit.aero yayınlıyor: Göktürk-2 uydusunun yayınlanmayan ilk görüntüleri
Turkey's Aselsan signs $15.3 mln deal with govt defence agency
April 17, 2014 13:45 CEST
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ISTANBUL (Turkey), April 17 (SeeNews) – Turkish defence company Aselsan [BIST:ASELS] said on Thursday it has signed a $15.3 million (11.0 million euro) contract with Turkey's Defence Industry Undersecretariat, SSM, related to the Ku-Bant Satellite Communication System project.

Deliveries under the contract are schedule to be made between 2015 and 2017, Aselsan said in a bourse filing.

SSM’s Ku-Bant Satellite Communication System project would involve the procurement of mobile Ku-Band ground terminals for clear and encrypted voice, fax, data and image transmission via Ku-Band Satellite Communications channels as well as production and installation of a main and backup satellite communication control center providing connection and communication between these terminals and terrestrial satellite ground terminals.

Turkey's Aselsan signs $15.3 mln deal with govt defence agency - SeeNews The corporate wire
Turkey's Aselsan signs $15.3 mln deal with govt defence agency
April 17, 2014 13:45 CEST
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ISTANBUL (Turkey), April 17 (SeeNews) – Turkish defence company Aselsan [BIST:ASELS] said on Thursday it has signed a $15.3 million (11.0 million euro) contract with Turkey's Defence Industry Undersecretariat, SSM, related to the Ku-Bant Satellite Communication System project.

Deliveries under the contract are schedule to be made between 2015 and 2017, Aselsan said in a bourse filing.

SSM’s Ku-Bant Satellite Communication System project would involve the procurement of mobile Ku-Band ground terminals for clear and encrypted voice, fax, data and image transmission via Ku-Band Satellite Communications channels as well as production and installation of a main and backup satellite communication control center providing connection and communication between these terminals and terrestrial satellite ground terminals.

Turkey's Aselsan signs $15.3 mln deal with govt defence agency - SeeNews The corporate wire

EHF band
X Band
UHF band transponders, antennes, ground stations...etc

and Now, Ku-Band satellite communication system.
Turksat 4A in orbit

Turkey’s newly launched Turksat 4A satellite is in orbit and ready for initial testing.
World Bulletin / News Desk

According to the information by Turkey’s Communication Ministry, the satellite is expected to be in testing until mid-March and then it will be moved to its permanent slot at 42 degrees east.

The communications satellite TURKSAT 4A was launched from the Baikonur Space Center in Kazakhstan on Feb. 15.

The satellite is equipped with two 3-panel solar arrays for power generation, a chemical propulsion system for apogee maneuvers, as well as orbital adjustments and navigation and stabilization equipment.

The TURKSAT 4A has a total mass of 4,850 kilograms, and is capable of providing 15KW of power to facilitate powerful communication payloads for mission durations of 15 years and beyond.

It was jointly produced with Turkish and Japanese engineers.

Television broadcasts and satellite communication signals will be able to cover the whole of the African continent, Europe, the Middle East and South and Central Asia with spot beam coverage of Turkey.

Turksat 4A will provide TV broadcasting and communication services for commercial and government customers, with communication payload consisting of 2 Ka-Band and 28 Ku-Band transponders.

TURKSAT 4B, Turkey’s sixth satellite, will be launched on the second quarter of this year.

TURKSAT 4B Internet services provider fees will be fifty percent cheaper in the country, officials say.:yahoo:

Turksat 4A in orbit | General | Worldbulletin News
good job Turkey!! keep it up. I cant wait to have a satellite to track ballistic missiles and SAR technology
MDA Wins Strategic Contract to Provide Communication Satellite Hosted Payload Solution


(Source: MDA; issued April 29, 2014)

RICHMOND, BC. --- MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (MDA), a global communications and information company, today announced that it has signed a contract valued in excess of CA$30 million with Aselsan Electronic Industries Inc. (Aselsan), to provide an X-band communication hosted payload solution.

Aselsan is Turkey's leading space and defence company, and prime contractor for the construction of the Turksat 6A X-Band payload, which is scheduled to provide government and other communication services once it is launched in 2018.

Leveraging the long-term experience of MDA's Montreal facility with L, C, Ka, Ku and X band payloads for communication satellite subsystems, MDA and Aselsan will co-develop a unique X-Band communication hosted payload solution. This solution has the potential to open new international government and defence communication market opportunities.

Joanna Boshouwers, the general manager responsible for MDA's communications business in Montreal said, "Like many other rapidly developing countries with a vast territory, Turkey has an increasing demand for satellite communication solutions and a strong desire to engage its domestic industry to help meet this demand. This project is a great example of a cooperative approach between MDA and domestic industry to meet a country's satellite communication objectives. We are working on using the same approach to expand the number of space-related opportunities within Turkey, as well as in other similar markets."

MDA is a global communications and information company providing operational solutions to commercial and government organizations worldwide. MDA's established global customer base is served by more than 4,800 employees operating from 11 locations in the United States, Canada, and internationally.

MDA Wins Strategic Contract to Provide Communication Satellite Hosted Payload Solution
@Bismarck, are you ethnic German? Just curiousity, what makes you so interested in Turkish tech news? :)

Amazing.. it is known when Turk maps will be ready?

As far as I know and my mom doesn't betrayed my dad with a Turk! Hahahaha

German has lots of interests. Some one are interesting in Burkina Faso, some one in Nicaragua and some one in Turkey. My interest was aroused by a Turkish friend of mine.

Their is one thing more. EU has to much country like Rumania, Bulgaria or Greece. If Turkey will ever enter in EU, it must be powerful in many ways like defense, economy....I wish turkey in this position. EU needs strong partner in the global world.
As far as I know and my mom doesn't betrayed my dad with a Turk! Hahahaha

German has lots of interests. Some one are interesting in Burkina Faso, some one in Nicaragua and some one in Turkey. My interest was aroused by a Turkish friend of mine.

Their is one thing more. EU has to much country like Rumania, Bulgaria or Greece. If Turkey will ever enter in EU, it must be powerful in many ways like defense, economy....I wish turkey in this position. EU needs strong partner in the global world.
Yes, Germany and Turkey are natural allies. We were allies in WW1 and helped each other a lot. About EU, Germany doesn't want to share power with Turkey in EU. I think that is strange since we are ww1 allies but also somewhat understandable. If Turkey joins EU it will be biggest country in EU in 10 years in terms of population. It will be very hard for Turkey to be accepted. Maybe if EU falls apart it will lead to something else.
Turkey reveals plans for Space Command
Ankara, Turkey – Turkish Air Force, country’s top scientific and technological research organization, dubbed TUBITAK and a number of industry participants are collaborating for the development of an integrated command and control center exclusively for Turkey’s upcoming space projects, officials familiar with the program told TR Defence. The new center’s exact location has not yet been disclosed but Ankara, the nation’s capital, is on top of a very short list of candidates.

It will eventually host over 180 personnel around the clock, oversee all of Turkey’s orbital operations and will also act as a mission control center as part of Turkey’s ambitious satellite launcher project spearheaded by missile manufacturer Roketsan. It will operate in conjunction with an existing, smaller operations center.

“The center will be capable of tracking all space objects of Turkish origin, but only be managing government-sponsored satellites and missions,” a TUBITAK press correspondent said.

“We’re consulting with ESA, NASA, CNSA and other international industry partners to build an efficient space infrastructure and make our systems interoperable with theirs as part of Turkey’s wider space strategy,” official added.

Turkey currently operates a number of telecommunications and Earth observation satellites and is hoping to produce its next generation of satellites in Turkey with maximum local contribution.

A high-resolution spy satellite that stirred some heat with Israel last year over Israeli and Western worries that sensitive images might end up in the hands of Islamist terrorists, named Gokturk-1, is scheduled to be launched this year, followed up by an indigenously built SAR satellite planned for orbit in 2018.

Turkey hopes to begin sending its own satellites to space by 2023, its 100th anniversary as a modern republic.

Short URL: Turkey reveals plans for Space Command | TR Defence
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