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Turkish Space Programs

PKK is slaughtering Your Mongolian subhuman race as we speak LOL. You mother is probably getting rapped up her Mongol *** by a Kurd right now :rofl:
Your donkey race cannot even send it's own stallite to space, I suppose you're finding it hard to find a SLV to steal and claim it to be " Torkish" just like how you stole Korean tanks and NATO weapons hahahahahah.


A noob question: What this 2,5m resolution means exactly?

According to Hurriyet:

Uydu üzerindeki silindirik yapı, 2,5 metre çözünürlükte görüntü almaya imkan sağlayan kamerayı barındırıyor. 2,5 metre çözünürlük, yeryüzünde 2,5 metrekarelik bir objenin görülmesine olanak veriyor. Yani buradan alınan görüntülerle karayolu üzerinde giden bir araç rahatlıkla görülebilecek.

Yerli keþif uydusu Göktürk 2 uzaya fýrlatýldý - Hürriyet EKONOMÝ

I watched the launch live in CCTV station feeds. It is launched by a Long March Rocket. Hopfully China will assist other nations too.
My father beats all your fathers^^

It's a "rookie" satellite anyway, think of it as a stepping-stone.. beginning of a much greater good
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