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Turkish Sensor and Detector Programs

Helikopter platformları başta olmak üzere hava araçlarının alçak irtifa uçuş koşullarında seyir güvenliğini artırmak amacıyla geliştirilecek fiber lazer tabanlı Aktif Helikopter Engel Tespit Sistemi Projesi Başkanlığımız ile Meteksan Savunma Sanayii A.Ş. arasında imzalandı.



Helicopter platforms, especially in under the conditions of low altitude flight conditions to improve the safety of aircraft fiber laser-based Active Helicopter Obstacle Detection System Project signed between Meteksan Defense Industry Inc.

The Global Positioning System Receiver "KASIF" was developed by TÜBITAK SAGE to use signals from satellite systems.

There are plans to produce KAŞİF versions for different satellite systems, including GPS L1 + GLONASS L1 + SBAS, GPS L1 + GPS L2 + SBAS and GPS L1 + GALILEO E1.

Also deeply coupled integrated INS / GPS version of KASIF will provide precision strike capability for our missiles. An Iranian guy was asking How come our CEP values are so low . Thats your answer. if GPS usage limited our missiles are still very effective by just using barometric altimeter asisted INS
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Domestic Solution for Aselpod (Air Conditioning Unit )

In order for the Aselpod to function properly, the avionics and optics must be heated or cooled according to the outside temperature in different flight conditions. The ambient air conditioning unit at the rear of the pod performs this function.

ANOVA Ar-Ge Teknolojileri A.Ş, operating in the defense industry with its advanced engineering solutions, localized this subsystem supplied from abroad in accordance with the technical needs of the company within the framework of an agreement with ASELSAN.


ANOVA, which creates a completely unique design, has realized the electronics, software, thermal design and mechanical design including the sub-components of the cooling cycle.

The product has the advantages of having a very low drag coefficient and a lower power consumption.

ANOVA ; has received serial orders for the environmental air conditioning unit where qualification tests are performed and started production.


Source : sabah.com.tr
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