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Turkish Sensor and Detector Programs


Feb 20, 2008
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Müsteþarlýk sorumluluðunda, içerisinde radar unsuru bulunan 40ý aþkýn proje yürütüldüðünü ve bu projelerden ciddi bir kýsmýnýn halen yurt dýþýndan tedarik kapsamýna girdiðini ifaden eden Sn. Murad BAYAR, askeri anlamda radar sistemleri konusunda önemli bir potansiyelin var olduðunu belirtmiþtir. Radar Sistemlerinin geliþtirilmesinde birçok alt teknoloji kaleminin devreye girdiði ve bunlarýn kazanýlmasýna yönelik olarak ARGE projeleri ile desteklenen ciddi bir çalýþma yapýlmasý gerektiði;

Sahil gözetleme radarý,
Alçak irtifa hava savunma sistemi atýþ kontrol radarý,
Laser Radar,
Ýnsansýz Hava Aracý ve Uydu için Yapay Açýklýklý Radar (SAR),
Pasif Radar,
Deðiþik platformlar için Atýþ Kontrol Radarý,
Füze Arayýcý Baþlýklarý,
Çok Fonksiyonlu Hava Radarý

geliþtirilmesi için kýsa ve orta vadede birçok proje gerçekleþtirildiði/gerçekleþtirileceði Sn. BAYAR tarafýndan ifade edilmiþtir.

http://www.ssm.gov.tr/anasayfa/kurumsal/SSM Dergisi/2009-2-ssmdergi.pdf

According to Murat Bayar, Following programs are under development phase in Turkish defence institutes...

-Coastal Watch radar
-Low Altitude Air Defence Systems Fire Control radars
-Laser Radars
-UAV SAR radars
-Satellites SAR radars (Gokturk-III)
-Passive radar
-Fire Control radars for different platforms (Milgem FCR, TF-2000 AAW APAR)
-Missile Seeker head radars for different programs (Atmaca Anti-Shipping Missile, ? )
-Multi-Purpose Airborne radars (F-16 (?))


Turkish institutes working on Radar technologies;

-Tubitak UEKAE
-Bilkent University
-Tubitak MAM
-Havelsan Tec. Radars
You know A strategic radar development (APAR) program is being under development phase (to integrate on TF-2000 Destryers) in Aselsan-Meteksan-Tubitak and ODTU. It is so strategic because Only a few countries are able to develop such a critical systems on her own. Even Spanish, Norwegian and S. Korean destroyers/Frigates are using foreign APAR radars so It must be a proud for all of us to know that Our institutes are working on such a critical defence program.

Norway Nansen Frigates and USA developed APAR radar

Besides, It is new for me to see the name of Airborne radar development program in this list so I needed to post it here. I think It will be an active elecronic scanned array radar to integrate on aircrafts such as F-16, F-14.


and After Anka SAR radar development program, I supposed that SSM will order a foreign SAR radar to integrate on Gokturk-3 but According to Murat Bayar, Development of a new SAR radar to integrate on satellites is also on schedule. It is also a big thing for me.

Here is a SAR satellite developed by Israel
Along with all those radar programs, Aselsan agreed on constructing a new institute called REHIS to keep development of domestic radar technologies in there.

According to Aselsan officials,

-Aselsan will invest about 204 million $
-REHIS will contain Radar&Electronic warfare technologies Design/Manufacturing facilities, New Radar/system assembly areas, Microwave amplifiers Moduls Design/Manufacturing, Special Computation Labs, Accurate Mechanical Manufacturing facilities...etc
-400 Qualified Engineers

If Turkey really wants to set free itself from the claws of European traitors and their offsprings then it should achieve the higest degree of independence in defense sector as well assisting in fellow Turkic and Islamic block to arm themselves.

By the way, after dealing with some I have come to realise that Turkish electronics quality can be on par with europe at fraction of cost. And they dont demand headache full paper work for exporting high end electronic stuff ..a plus point to expedite things :D :D :D
If Turkey really wants to set free itself from the claws of European traitors and their offsprings then it should achieve the higest degree of independence in defense sector as well assisting in fellow Turkic and Islamic block to arm themselves.

By the way, after dealing with some I have come to realise that Turkish electronics quality can be on par with europe at fraction of cost. And they dont demand headache full paper work for exporting high end electronic stuff ..a plus point to expedite things :D :D :D

We still have a way to go but we do produce good quality consumer electronics.

Is the Turkish fighter AESA radar program (for F-16?) in actual development? If so...then an amazing stride forward for the defence industry in Turkey.

Is the Turkish fighter AESA radar program (for F-16?) in actual development? If so...then an amazing stride forward for the defence industry in Turkey.


Murat Bayar head of Undersecretariat of Turkish Defence clearly stated that "Airborne radar" is being developed/will be developed by Turkish defence industry. At a previous issue of a Turkish defence magazine, I also read such a news related with AESA radar development along with SAR radar programs.

Above design presenting an AESA preliminary design is also posted by a safe forumer called Dr. Okuz. He implied that Picture is belong to Turkish AESA radar program.
There are 9 different institutes working on radar technologies in Turkey and Aselsan is one of the most experienced institute among them. Now a days, A new institute called Aselsan REHIS are being constructed as a radar base of Turkey with 400 qualified engineers.

Here is Aselsan roadway...

About APAR radar (2016), SSM established a team called ATOM and signed an agreement with them to develop it. (ATOM means Aselsan-Tubitak-Odtu-Meteksan).

Multifunctional Phased Array Radar
Objective: Procurement of a Radar System planned to be the main sensor of Air Defence Warfare Frigates TF 2000 Platforms in accordance with Turkish Navy requirements.

Scope: One Radar
Project Model: Local Development
Prime Contractor: ASELSAN
Savunma Sanayii Müste?arl???
I think it's likely possible that Aselsan ASEA Radar will be used in an indigenous light weight Fighter, based on TAI's planned Jet Trainer and export Customer.
There are 9 different institutes working on radar technologies in Turkey and Aselsan is one of the most experienced institute among them. Now a days, A new institute called Aselsan REHIS are being constructed as a radar base of Turkey with 400 qualified engineers.

Here is Aselsan roadway...

About APAR radar (2016), SSM established a team called ATOM and signed an agreement with them to develop it. (ATOM means Aselsan-Tubitak-Odtu-Meteksan).

@ Cabatli_53

Is their any specs set for the AESA and other products mentioned above and yes any of these are completed and tested or deployed ... 1 more little question, what about the T/R modules for AESA which firm is providing it I mean is it indigeniously built or imported ... and what might be the specs set for that ...
@ Cabatli_53

Is their any specs set for the AESA and other products mentioned above and yes any of these are completed and tested or deployed ... 1 more little question, what about the T/R modules for AESA which firm is providing it I mean is it indigeniously built or imported ... and what might be the specs set for that ...

Not yet but When It is revealed, It will be a pleasure for me to introduce them in here.

Besides, T/R modules using GaAs and GaN based devices/ radars, satellites, antennes are the main expertise area of Aselsan. Along with all those programs, Aselsan is developing EHF (Extremely High Frequency) transponders and antennes to integrate on domestic satellites.

You can see the technical details of EHF module in this link...

L/S, X, Ku band, Pulsed or CW (T/R modules) have already been developed succesfully by Aselsan...

-Aselsan X Band Satcom T/R module for Naval ships


In additions, If A country do not have domestic T/R module capabilities, I think No need to start a radar/satellite development programs because It is the most important part of such critical technologies...
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any of these are completed and tested or deployed


-ARS-2000 Land Watch radar are operational in Turkish and Polish army...


-Alper LPI radar was integrated on Milgem corvette...
-Serdar LPI radar will be integrated on Turkey's coast under homeland security program.


-Kalkan Early Warning radars are operational in Turkish army.


-TIHA SAR antennes have been developed by Aselsan and Domestic algorithms have converted raw SAR datas taken by satellites to an image succesfully. (I will share the images in following posts)


-Air Defence Fire Control radars have been developed and introduced in IDEF 2009. Now a days, Trials are being performed. This radar will be the main Fire control radar of domestic low/Medium altitude air defence missile and SPAAG programs.

-There is not any matured information in our hands related with Milgem 3D Fire control radar program yet but If Any delays do not occur the agenda, Second Milgem will carry domestic Aselsan Radar instead of Smart-S Mk2...
-Meteksan is working on MMW mast radar and According to officials, It will be ready until T-129 Atak helicopter become operational...
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If indeed Turkey is developing a fighter-application AESA radar, then it would mean another potential option for use on PAF JF-17s (as well as export variants). In fact, I believe Turkey has substantial R&D going on in terms of ECM/EW technology, the AESA radar is just another excellent step-up.

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