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Turkish rescue plane also attacked by Syria

^^^ Now it is your word vs theirs. Only after investigation we will know the truth( or we may never know)

The problem here is that the investigaton already has been made, and it seems you are not aware of that. Turkey is the one who offered evidence that disproving Syria's two claims. ( "we didn't know it was a Turkish plane" and "We shot it while it was in our territory")

So yes, it is our word against theirs.
^^^ Now it is your word vs theirs. Only after investigation we will know the truth( or we may never know)

Our FM's words depend on solid records of both sides' actions (including radar traces and eavesdropped wireless communication of Syrians) and we are not afraid that the truth will arise. We are acting cool-headed because we know we are right.



EU ministers urge restraint from Turkey over Syria incident

June 25, 2012
Source: Turkish Zaman

European Union foreign ministers called on Monday for a calm response after Turkey accused Syria of shooting down one of its military reconnaissance jets, saying they would increase pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

"We're very concerned about what's happened and very concerned for the family of the two pilots who are missing," said EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton. "We will be obviously looking to Turkey to be restrained in its response."

The ministers were meeting in Luxembourg for a regular conference, a day before a scheduled NATO meeting to discuss how to react to Friday's incident, which Turkey says occurred in international airspace and without warning. Turkey is a member of NATO, but is only a candidate for membership of the European Union.

The ministers added one person and six companies and other entities to a sanctions list, an EU official said. So far, the EU has imposed asset freezes and visa bans on more than 100 people responsible for or associated with the violent repression against Syria's civilian population, and an asset freeze on 43 entities.

British foreign secretary William Hague called for increased pressure, but said the jet incident did not fundamentally alter the situation in Syria, where Assad has been suppressing a 16-month revolt against his rule.

"I don't think it illustrates a different phase," Hague said. "It's very important that we increase the pressure with additional sanctions. Other countries will be very active in arguing for a new resolution from the (United Nations) Security Council."

Russia and China, both permanent members of the U.N. Security Council with veto power, have blocked efforts by Western powers to condemn Assad or call for his removal.

Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has so far eschewed bellicose rhetoric, and has seemed to back away from any suggestion of an armed response.

Calling Tuesday's meeting, he invoked a NATO article providing for urgent consultations if a member considers its security interests threatened. Had he sought some kind of retaliation from the NATO meeting set for Tuesday, he could have invoked another article on mutual defence.

"Military intervention in Syria is out of the question," said Dutch foreign minister Uri Rosenthal. "It is not a matter of consideration for the Dutch government. That is also at stake in the ... context of NATO."

Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç urged restraint. “We must remain calm,” he said. “We must not give premium to any provocative speeches and acts.” :tup:
well , you better know that when russia gave syria the buk 2 and other SAM sites , they had sent some operators to syria to work with those sites , if you don't believe it then it's not my problem.
i'm not saying shot downing a rescure plane is right but if things go like this , i must say that turkey just bark ....
I believe a clarification is required as to why the TuAF Phantom was flying low. Normally that is done to avoid radar detection.
I believe a clarification is required as to why the TuAF Phantom was flying low. Normally that is done to avoid radar detection.
2 possibility: 1- it wanted to bomb somewhere 2- it wanted to detect something , both is act of war
well , you better know that when russia gave syria the buk 2 and other SAM sites , they had sent some operators to syria to work with those sites , if you don't believe it then it's not my problem.
i'm not saying shot downing a rescure plane is right but if things go like this , i must say that turkey just bark ....
Its the anti-Turkish policy guys consistently barking here. If Turkey takes action you will bark like'nato puppets,you should be russian puppets as we are' etc,if Turkey does not take action you will be barking again as you are doing right now.

2 possibility: 1- it wanted to bomb somewhere 2- it wanted to detect something , both is act of war
If Turkey declares war you will see what is a real act of war. I dont support war but one shouldnt support shooting the plane. Then,dont whine if Turkey bombs the s.hit out of Asad.
I believe a clarification is required as to why the TuAF Phantom was flying low. Normally that is done to avoid radar detection.

If you had followed the news carefull enough, you would have known that the mission of the plane was to "test a national radar system". And it makes perfect sense becuase flying in a low altitude is the exact way of testing a radar system.
i said possibilities, look if you be in the place of a SAM operator you can just see that one jet is coming , he don't know what is the airplane! (if he know RCS) maybe he can guess about it , and he will shot because he may think that's a bomber!
and i said another possibility too! why you are just focusing on number one?

I think we should go ahead with a no fly zone .... lets see what Iran will do (nothing)
Probably Turkey will seek if they can destroy all syria anti aircraft defense. I don´t think that Turkey will ask for launching air strike against syria now... but a correspondent access to military tecnology by USA and to know where are the anti aircraft missiles and defenses. Then, on a swift move, it will launch an massive ofensive by sea and air of 2-3 hours to destroy everything they can from the air defenses. After that, they will wait to see what does syria do. If they attack Turkey... then Nato will destroy everything that is military connected to the regime in syria.

And Turkey is still waiting to see why did syria taked down there aircraft, but 3 days earlier a russian bomber that was passing through the region got over syria without authorization and it was a Nato plane that was trailing the russian bomber that informed them they where inside Syria air space.
If you had followed the news carefull enough, you would have known that the mission of the plane was to "test a national radar system". And it makes perfect sense becuase flying in a low altitude is the exact way of testing a radar system.

Well, your recon spy are testing Russian radar systems, reactions, data, and information. That's what common spy plane to test neighbors.

Source: Turkey turns to NATO over Syrian attack
10 hours ago.

Some analysts said the aircraft could have been testing Syria's Russian-supplied radar and air defenses, which would be an obstacle to any possible Western armed action.

Russia, which along with Iran is Damascus's chief ally, has provided most of Syria's arms and has access to a deep water naval base in the country.

Davutoglu said he planned to set out Turkey's case to the U.N. Security Council where Western powers are seeking, against Russian and Chinese opposition, to push through a motion that could allow stronger measures against Assad.

Moscow has made clear it would continue to veto such a move, which it fears could undermine its interests in Syria and wreak anarchy. That apparent inevitability forces the focus for any stronger action on NATO.

Davutoglu said the jet was unarmed and had been on a solo mission to test domestic radar systems, but acknowledged it had briefly crossed Syrian airspace in the area close to both countries' maritime frontiers 15 minutes before it was hit.

"Our plane was shot at a distance of 13 sea miles from Syria's border in international airspace," Davutoglu said.

"According to the radar images, our plane lost contact with headquarters after it was hit and because the pilot lost control, it crashed into Syrian waters after making abnormal movements," he said. "Throughout this entire period no warning was made to our plane."

As if to underline its military reach, Turkey's military announced that over the last three days it had carried out air strikes in northern Iraq against nine bases for Kurdish militants fighting for greater autonomy in southeastern Turkey.

Note: You will see alot of comments in Yahoo below the article, Americans and Europeans made fun on Turkey. :(

Question: If a military spy jet crosses the USA border on a "high speed and low altitude", what would Americans do?
Note: You will see alot of comments in Yahoo below the article, Americans and Europeans made fun on Turkey. :(
"Amy • Los Angeles, United States • 1 hour 51 minutes ago
We should not support the treacherous Turks. They don't support us when we need their help. And this is what they get for always defending and supporting their Muslim friends."

Yep. But the strumpet is right.

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