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Turkish public believes Turkey has no friends - but Turks

It's not like Turks were a reluctant partner...
In fact they went all out for E.U. membership until they started moving the goalpost.
Why not choose to leave NATO now? EU members is even a more pipedream. Christian EU members never regard Turkish in same level of them. They view below definitely a step below.
We're living in a globalized world. No nation is "going alone" in these days, not even the US. Unlike other nations in the Western camp, Turkey always made it clear that we aren't organically connected to any side. THIS is the difference.

Bro your survey is construed you picked up the countries in that survey who are not either getting along with you or are being selfish. There is no mentioned of Pakistan in that survey as I can't see it, we are the only country stood by you when you went into Northern Cyprus and even Bhutto on record at that time offered you our forces if you need them and we are still with you. Turkey have reciprocated that gesture when we needed them When in the past our grand mothers contributed their jewelleries for your independence do you think their grand kids are not going to come to fight along side with you if God forbid something goes wrong. Self reliance is not a bad thing as pain of a let down is more then fighting it alone. Globalization is more of a marketing buzz word used by the US and the Western countries when its convenient for them or when they want to promote their products in other countries or when they face restrictions on their goods. When your economy is doing well and if you can afford to pay your way every one is your friend and that's a slippery slope my bro.
Why not choose to leave NATO now? EU members is even a more pipedream. Christian EU members never regard Turkish in same level of them. They view below definitely a step below.

I think like everything else in the world... they are waiting for the other foot to drop... besides, they'd not want to rock the boat themselves. It doesn't serve Turkish interests...
Major question on the horizon though is Greece and how it settles... Everyone knows Turkiye was served short end of the stick in the treaty of Lausanne... And Turks have a very odd sea border with Greece... all islands even ones right up Turkish coast belong to Greece...

Either way, Greece only holds a nuisance value and, that, is of value to those who are against Turkiye.

And Greece, it may turn out to be the thing that will break the camel's back, so to speak.

E.U. membership is merely a mirage at this point and it is only for public consumption of some in Turkiye.
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Bro your survey is construed you picked up the countries in that survey who are not either getting along with you or are being selfish. There is no mentioned of Pakistan in that survey as I can't see it, we are the only country stood by you when you went into Northern Cyprus and even Bhutto on record at that time offered you our forces if you need them and we are still with you. Turkey have reciprocated that gesture when we needed them When in the past our grand mothers contributed their jewelleries for your independence do you think their grand kids are not going to come to fight along side with you if God forbid something goes wrong. Self reliance is not a bad thing as pain of a let down is more then fighting it alone. Globalization is more of a marketing buzz word used by the US and the Western countries when its convenient for them or when they want to promote their products in other countries or when they face restrictions on their goods. When your economy is doing well and if you can afford to pay your way every one is your friend and that's a slippery slope my bro.
Look brothery relations are good. We helped each other in history, this is the truth, too. But in a war we can only trust ourselves. Your support was great in 1974 especially medical teams but when it comes to kill or being killed it was only Turkish State's task to complete. No one didn't fight for us and no one will fight for us. Not NATO, not Pakistan no one.
And we like to remind this to our children in schools and thats why Turkish nation doesn't expect any help. ''Only friend of a Turk, is another Turk''
I believe you should think about this philosophy. Let's think about Kashmir for example, How can you take it, Who will fight for it and die for it? China? Turkey? UN? This is the bitter truth, everbody might support you. china and Turkey might send you medic teams and weapons but when it comes to kill or be killed it will be only your task to complete, you can only trust your own.
Look brothery relations are good. We helped each other in history, this is the truth, too. But in a war we can only trust ourselves. Your support was great in 1974 especially medical teams but when it comes to kill or being killed it was only Turkish State's task to complete. No one didn't fight for us and no one will fight for us. Not NATO, not Pakistan no one.
And we like to remind this to our children in schools and thats why Turkish nation doesn't expect any help. ''Only friend of a Turk, is another Turk''
I believe you should think about this philosophy. Let's think about Kashmir for example, How can you take it, Who will fight for it and die for it? China? Turkey? UN? This is the bitter truth, everbody might support you. china and Turkey might send you medic teams and weapons but when it comes to kill or be killed it will be only your task to complete, you can only trust your own.
So, when Turkiye joined NATO it didn't expect other members to fight a common foe, in Soviet Union?
Above is a very self centered view... remnant of kemalism... denigrating the sacrifices of those who came to save Turkiye for nothing but the brotherhood of faith.
So, when Turkiye joined NATO it didn't expect other members to fight a common foe, in Soviet Union?
Above is a very self centered view... remnant of kemalism... denigrating the sacrifices of those who came to save Turkiye for nothing but the brotherhood of faith.
NATO is a contract. If they believe it is for their own interest they might protect you, but it is not you they want to protect, they want to protect their own with this joint army, just like we fought for them in Korea. Thats it.

Kemalism? What do you know about Kemalism maybe some wiki articles? Let me tell you as a simple Turk. Every sane Turk, trusts only to Turkish State. And thats it. religious or atheist it normally something we agree upon. Just like this article says.

And about this sacrifice, we are greteful for that. We really are and thats why we are supporting you in left and right. Is it enough? Maybe yes maybe no. It is a personel decision. But I am sure of one thing, in the next war we will trust only our own. We will win, thanks to our own army. Would you support us, I hope you would. And your support would be great but it won't change the outcome.

Trusting other nations so much pushes states to laziness. If they help you as much as they can, it is great. Always pay your dept, don't let your brothers down. But also be ready for the worse. Be ready for betrayel, so no one will ever surprise you and you will win your wars because you prepared for the worst.
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NATO is a contract. If they believe it is for their own interest they might protect you, but it is not you they want to protect, they want to protect their own with this joint army, just like we fought for them in Korea. Thats it.

Kemalism? What do you know about Kemalism maybe some wiki articles? Let me tell you as a simple Turk. Every sane Turk, trusts only to Turkish State. And thats it. religious or atheist it normally something we agree upon. Just like this article says.

And about this sacrifice, we are greteful for that. We really are and thats why we are supporting you in left and right. Is it enough? Maybe yes maybe no. It is a personel decision. But I am sure of one thing, in the next war we will trust only our own. We will win, thanks to our own army. Would you support us, I hope you would. And your support would be great but it won't change the outcome.

Trusting other nations so much pushes states to laziness. If they help you as much as they can, it is great. Always pay your dept, don't let your brothers down. But also be ready for the worse. Be ready for betrayel, so no one will ever surprise you and you will win your wars because you prepared for the worst.
What you have noted above is what is exactly wrong with nationalism... what is kemalism now could have been ottomanism...
It does invigorate you though, so points for that... but then it divides you into a perpetual us vs them paradigm as well... not to mention Turk as moniker is more of a linguistic one in this case and not ethnic... why for example Kurds still hold onto their identity, after a century no less because they have both a certain ethnic makeup and a language. In the poll Turks consider Azeris, Turkmens and Uzbeks as closer friends... they weren't their own states 30 years ago... that is setting a low bar... when you take away ex Soviet states Turkiye is left with no real friend at all.
I thought Turks thought Pakistan was its best friend....again PDF propaganda shaping my view it seems
Pakistan is indeed arguably Turkey's only true friend, central Asian Turks are not, they are more Russians than Turks, they all adopted Russian style name, use Russian language and always tow the Russian line against Turkey.

Kazakhstan: Crimea was not annexed, and China does not have concentration camps.
For Turks both Pakistan and India share a common number, 34.
This is a rather small sample study, 1000 people...

Here is the link to the study itself
Besides Friend and Foe moniker cuts both ways as you pars the numbers... 18% also say Pakistan is not a friend and in India's case almost 25% also say it is not an enemy... U.S. though is unanimously considered a foe while all neighbors around Turkiye are inside top 10 enemies list, perhaps.
You have a fixation on Turkey's NATO membership and that's what is clouding your judgment. You are misreading the outcome of this survey.

Religious, secular or nationalist - it doesn't matter, none of us really believes that our alliance with the West is irrevocable. At the same time, we don't believe in any alliances within the Muslim world. In a way, Turks are very realistic about their position in the world.

This is neither sad nor bad; it is what makes us different from Arabs and Persians.
I don't want to turn this into another one of these Turks-Vs-Chinese threads but if you really think that even one of your neighboring countries really, really likes you, you must be very delusional.
We're living in a globalized world. No nation is "going alone" in these days, not even the US. Unlike other nations in the Western camp, Turkey always made it clear that we aren't organically connected to any side. THIS is the difference.


Turkey was going thru that phase awhile ago---but not now---. Why---.

At one time Turkey ruled all those kingdoms surrounding it---. The Turks were the masters of the middle east---. During and after the world wars---their dominions were broken up into different nations---.

The Turks found nothing in common with those nations that they had ruled for centuries---. Being the rulers that the Turks were---their mindset was different to those that they ruled---.

So basically there was nothing common here.

Then Turkey chose to join europe---the successful people---the europeans did not want Turkey---.

Once Turkey realized tat they will not be a part of europe---they again started looking inwards---not at their previous dominions but other muslim nations---.

Pakistan came on the top of the list---. The movement of the muslims of India had a great influence over the Turks---the older generation of Turks remembered that and possibly passed it onto the younger generation---.

The Turks had advanced weapons technology---pakistan was in need of that technology---both these powerful muslim nations saw similarity in their cause and belief---thus began the cycle of building some confidence building measures---. The first growth was military to military connection---a strong Turkish military---a strong pakistani military---both playing at equal level---the understanding was there---mutual respect developed---contacts were enhanced---strong confidence building matters were enforced and suddenly Turkey and Pakistan had started a new partnership.

Since Imran Khan cme into power---this relationship has grown---. Just Like Tayyab Erdogan---Imran Khan does not hesitate to speak his mind to the western world---two similar people.

Then Turkeys relationship with Malaysia---very important---Mahathir Mohammad a very charismatic leader---a very strong personality---a person who can take a stand and make the country move forward---.

Looking backwards Turkey has taken a step forward in the right direction---. Looking towards west---Turkey became strong in knowledge education sciences and technology---so joining Nato was the right decision at the right time---. It brought the best of the two worlds to Turkey---. Turkey still has its islamic heritage---its character is still islamic---its identity is still islamic---its eurpoean dress code is an extremely functional dress code---and possibly the europeans may have taken the original Turkish dress code and made changes over the centuries to what it is now---.

We are at a very unique moment of history---. 20 years from now---people will praise the position that Turkey accepted---to look east wards for their true identity---for what made them great at one time will make them great another time---and that time is now---. Look towards west---be ordinary---stay ordinary---.

As Milton once said---" I would rather be a King in hell than a nobody in heavens "---.

How I wish that Pakistan had accepted american offer of taking charge of Yemen crisis in the GCC and build up a massive military presence---. With the GCC under control by pakistan against any foreign threats---Turkey would have been in a very strong position to control other areas in and around its boundaries and its natural affection of Pakistanis towards Turkey---a very important power positioning would have been created by these two nations in the region which would have seen an extremely massive economic boom for both---.

Look brothery relations are good. We helped each other in history, this is the truth, too. But in a war we can only trust ourselves. Your support was great in 1974 especially medical teams but when it comes to kill or being killed it was only Turkish State's task to complete. No one didn't fight for us and no one will fight for us. Not NATO, not Pakistan no one.
And we like to remind this to our children in schools and thats why Turkish nation doesn't expect any help. ''Only friend of a Turk, is another Turk''
I believe you should think about this philosophy. Let's think about Kashmir for example, How can you take it, Who will fight for it and die for it? China? Turkey? UN? This is the bitter truth, everbody might support you. china and Turkey might send you medic teams and weapons but when it comes to kill or be killed it will be only your task to complete, you can only trust your own.


Christian nation chose an alliance when fighting against muslim nations---they make it a christan cause---but under the flag of the UN---and yet the Turks want to stand alone---.

In modern warfare---no nation can stand alone---those who build better alliances will win over those who do not have alliances---.

I firmly believe this education of ARROGANCE needs to be changed in Turkish schools and minds---..

And as I stated before---it is very difficult to make alliances as partners with nations that you ruled for centuries---.

But look at what the christian nations have done---UK & US---.

If turkey does not learn and bring about a change in thought and practise---it will have an extremely tough period of isolation that is very slowly being built around it---.
I guess we'd never know...
but here, eventhough everyone can pick a side... which side is Turkiye?
If Turks say after this long that they're all alone ...
Is Turkiye even seeking allies?
Does Turkiye want to stand for someone, something?

Turkiye (West Asia/Middle East), Pakistan (South Asia) and Malaysia (South East Asia) are the new caliphates that will lead the world.

Why not choose to leave NATO now? EU members is even a more pipedream. Christian EU members never regard Turkish in same level of them. They view below definitely a step below.

Turkiye has power to destroy NATO from within. Why will it quit?
Bro your survey is construed you picked up the countries in that survey who are not either getting along with you or are being selfish. There is no mentioned of Pakistan in that survey as I can't see it, we are the only country stood by you when you went into Northern Cyprus and even Bhutto on record at that time offered you our forces if you need them and we are still with you. Turkey have reciprocated that gesture when we needed them When in the past our grand mothers contributed their jewelleries for your independence do you think their grand kids are not going to come to fight along side with you if God forbid something goes wrong. Self reliance is not a bad thing as pain of a let down is more then fighting it alone. Globalization is more of a marketing buzz word used by the US and the Western countries when its convenient for them or when they want to promote their products in other countries or when they face restrictions on their goods. When your economy is doing well and if you can afford to pay your way every one is your friend and that's a slippery slope my bro.

Azerbaijan and Northern Cyprus is there. Probably South Korea and Pakistan are there too, lower though.

But what is surprising for me is that the difference there is between Azerbaijan and Northern Cyprus.

Turkiye (West Asia/Middle East), Pakistan (South Asia) and Malaysia (South East Asia) are the new caliphates that will lead the world.

Turkiye has power to destroy NATO from within. Why will it quit?

Stop suggesting awful ideas. Get the shitty economies in work first.

For Turks both Pakistan and India share a common number, 34.
This is a rather small sample study, 1000 people...

Here is the link to the study itself

I will cast my right doubt on this survey for many reasons.

China in at and liked by 16%.
Saudi Arabia at 18%.

These should be practically 0%.

Iran is liked by 21% but then also considered in top threats at 47% which I don't understand how.

Iraq, Syria, I can get because of crisis there. Russian Federation, US, Israel, typical. But I do not understand why 50% consider Iran a threat, and why France, Germany and UK are so high on the list. Weird stuff.

From a survey taken in Azerbaijan, about 87% of Azerbaijani people considered Turkey as an allied state.
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