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Turkish public believes Turkey has no friends - but Turks

The best is Ukrainian-Russian relations :D
They were ok before West puts its long nose and ruined my country with bunch of fascists, idiots and traitors helped them for money or because of chronic lack of brain.
They were ok before West puts its long nose and ruined my country with bunch of fascists, idiots and traitors helped them for money or because of chronic lack of brain.
I understand, Russia is never guilty.
I understand, Russia is never guilty.
It is guilty for bad supporting of pro-Russian movement in Ukraine for some reasons. But unconstitutional coup in Ukraine was pure Western project, all following was reacting, not acting.
That was history brother.

Erdoğan is not a western slave like Atatürk.

Erdoğan is taking concrete actions and showing the West who is the leader.

I hope Pakistan soon gets a leader like Erdoğan.

How tf was Ataturk a western slave when he kicked out the western imperialists who tried to dismantle Turkey and make it a rump state?

If it was up to your mullahs and caliph in Istanbul, the western nations would have carved up Turkey like a cheese cake. People with rudimentary knowledge of history are hilarious.

Ataturk saved Turkey. I would rather have a leader like Ataturk than Erdogan a thousand times over.

On topic: The Turks are right. It's something I also say to Pakistanis. At the end of the day, we need to stop acting like wh*res for different world powers or think that someone will save us. We need to fight our own wars.
I can't understand, Why did this Topic reach a point that would insult the issue of caliphate and the founding cadres of the Republic? If there is a discussion within respectful and academic rules, I can translate some official documents on the subject as well as the parliamentary minutes as much as I can. However, I would like to say very briefly; The caliphate was not abolished. The entity lost its causes.

If you criticize our 100 years of struggle, you need start this with self-criticism! There is no captivity in our history. This Flag never landed. We are still bound by the promise of Tughril Beg with our blood and honor. The spirit we carry in us is still the Mujahideen spirit of our ancestors.

âmâlimiz efkârımız ikbâl-i vatandır
ecdâdımızın heybeti ma’ruf-i cihandır
fıtrat değişir sanma bu kan yine o kandır
gavgaada şehâdetle bütün kâm alırız biz
osmanlılarız can veririz nâm alırız biz

Just think, Were there any other sovereign and independent Muslim states in the world while Turks establishing their new state, just after the fought non-stop for about 30 years? What do you think the caliphate would do? Apart from turning into the Queen's political instrument. None of you have the courage to look at the 1920 world map? The caliphate was disintegrated in every aspect, even within its own territory, with the promise of imaginary lands to some tribal leaders by invaders (of course, these were just for the fooling the traitors).

Anatolian Muslims who established the republic of this day: They were people, struggling in their poorness and loneliness. We fought two generations, from the Balkans to the Caucasus and Africa. Millions of people who were victims of these wars took refuge in Anatolia during this time. Have you ever thought why Turks call Anatolia the last castle? Because these lands have been the last shelter for the exiled or oppressed people for centuries. Just like Spanish Jews took refuge in these lands; as well as the Ahiskans or Crimean survivers who escaped from the soviet persecution came to here... The Circassians had taken refuge in these lands, just like the Kurds and Arabs of Syria and Iraq today.

How easy is always to blame Turkey ... Let's hate Turk's western progressivism or reforms together... Thus, we solved all the problems. How simple is the world!
Very good post and a slap to the face of simpletons populating this thread.
At the end of the day Turkey is one of the long established nation states with almost a century of modern history, institutions and state aparatus, a state with own doctrines that has been an exsample else where numerous times.
It has been throught many hard times but never failed and always managed to keep law and order in every inch of its soil. It saw many leaders, some were good others were bad, they come and go but the state stood and will continue to stay. How many of our neighbors can claim the same?
All this thanks to its visionary founders who foresaw the future and whose ideas are still up to date.

“My mortal body will turn into dust, but the Turkish Republic will last forever.”-M.Kemal ATATÜRK

Those who raise their mouth should first looks at their backyard, it seems their toxic and hateful personality is blinding them.
I doubt Britain has any significant influence in America before 17 ct. Anyway - there are no Indian states in America, not republics or autonomous regions. What English people did to Americans was genocide - about the same thing Nazi was doing with Slavic people and Jews in Europe. I suppose they should be grateful to one who saved their *** from genocide and did not asked much in return.

Well, there were Indian Tribe in America by the time Columbus discover America, and during that time, the Indian tribe were at war within each other, and to the Foreign power, the British came, try to expel the Spanish and help the Indian. Well, we all know what's happened next.
Question is, what is NATO good for if they don't support each other? A whole chapter canbe written on what Turks did to change their very ethos to acquiesce and appease everyone(especially Europe) to be liked ... and be part of greater western community...

NATO was created to serve US not the other way around. In event of war there is no way US will intervene for EU or any other NATO member. US will come up with lame *** excuse to stay away from it. All these organisations came into existence after unipolar world emerged after WW2 now that a Multi Polar world is taking shape alliances will make and break.
Well, there were Indian Tribe in America by the time Columbus discover America, and during that time, the Indian tribe were at war within each other, and to the Foreign power, the British came, try to expel the Spanish and help the Indian. Well, we all know what's happened next.
British made their own colonies much earlier they started wars with Spain on the continent. If they really "help" Indians we would see independent Indian states or Indian states with some sort of loyalty to Britain (like Canada or Australia).
British made their own colonies much earlier they started wars with Spain on the continent. If they really "help" Indians we would see independent Indian states or Indian states with some sort of loyalty to Britain (like Canada or Australia).

I think you don't understand 2 things.

1.) British - Amerindian relationship

British helped Indian to established their own to a degree they were helping the British and fought on British side in the war of 1812 against the American.

2.) You dont understand my analogy.

Soviet Union "helped" these Eastern European country to fend of Nazi Germany, but the SU intention is not so that they can create their own states, but to have them sign into a pact with Soviet Union, in another word, land grab. Those Eastern European country only truly "independent" after the dissolve of Soviet Union.

To me, there are absolutely no different what the Soviet UNion done to Eastern Europe and what the British done to its Colony.

You may disagree, as I said, you cannot have both, unless you live in a British Colony and under Soviet Union rules at the same time.
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