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Turkish president expresses concern over situation in occupied Kashmir.

I believe USA and USSR were moments away from conflict in Cuba. Is that "front line" enough? How about the Korean war (an actual war btw)?
cuba was frontline in 1962
was afghanistan ever a "frontline" state ?

Like I said, you are telling us a fairytale, nothing more. Note, Turkey is the key of eastern Mediterranean, US wont give this key to soviets... (which like I said, it is a fairytale.)
you cannot start WW 3 over Cyprus. you have no leverage when both superpowers are squeezing your balls

Israel/Egypt were in similar situations
Turkey expresses concern over India's Kashmir move
India's revocation of special status to disputed Kashmir likely to increase current tension, says Turkish Foreign Ministry
Zehra Nur Düz, Gözde Bayar |05.08.2019


Turkey expressed concern Monday that India's unilateral decision to revoke Article 370 of the Constitution which grants a special status to the disputed Kashmir region is likely to increase tensions.

“We are concerned that the annulment of Article 370 of the Constitution of India on 5 August 2019 which accords a special status to Jammu-Kashmir could further increase existing tensions,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Turkey is ready to contribute to efforts to reduce tensions in the region if the parties agree, the statement stressed.

“We sincerely hope for the resolution of the problem through dialogue and within the framework of the relevant UN resolutions by observing the legitimate interests of all people of Jammu-Kashmir as well as Pakistan and India,” it added.

Since 1947, Jammu and Kashmir have enjoyed special provisions to enact their own laws. The provisions also protected their citizenship law, which disallowed outsiders to settle in and own land in the territory.

The Himalayan region is held by India and Pakistan in parts and claimed by both in full.

Since they were partitioned in 1947, the two countries have fought wars in 1948, 1965 and 1971, two of them over Kashmir.

Some Kashmiri groups in Jammu and Kashmir have been fighting against Indian rule for independence or for unification with neighboring Pakistan.

According to several human rights organizations, thousands of people have reportedly been killed in the conflict in the region since 1989.

Turkey and China only.

Who else here thinks that Pakistan should bring back all soldiers, pilots and other defence staff deployed in Arab countries to help them with training, gear and intelligence, immediately?
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Turkey and China only.

Who else here thinks that Pakistan should bring back all soldiers, pilots and other defence staff deployed in Arab countries to help them with training, gear and intelligence, immediately?

Lawrence of Arabia and the family of Saud...
Ta da da ....
" express concern" , " hope for resolution through dialogue" , " both sides" instead of " we stand completely in solidarity with our brother Islamic country' like it used to.

That tanker deal seems to have done desired effect.
Turkey and China only.

Who else here thinks that Pakistan should bring back all soldiers, pilots and other defence staff deployed in Arab countries to help them with training, gear and intelligence, immediately?
next day they would want their billions of dollars back.
" express concern" , " hope for resolution through dialogue" , " both sides" instead of " we stand completely in solidarity with our brother Islamic country' like it used to.

That tanker deal seems to have done desired effect.

“We sincerely hope for the resolution of the problem through dialogue and within the framework of the relevant UN resolutions by observing the legitimate interests of all people of Jammu-Kashmir as well as Pakistan and India,” it added.


Turkey and China only.

Who else here thinks that Pakistan should bring back all soldiers, pilots and other defence staff deployed in Arab countries to help them with training, gear and intelligence, immediately?

Are they there for free? Are we getting nothing in return? Who gave us a few billion just a few months ago to bail us out?

Are they there for free? Are we getting nothing in return? Who gave us a few billion just a few months ago to bail us out?

Yes, they are there due to the military co-operation Pakistan has offered other Muslim countries. There is no cost on it.

The billions of USD to bail out are there way of 'returning the favor'. But something they weren't ever obliged to do, and neither was part of the condition.
" express concern" , " hope for resolution through dialogue" , " both sides" instead of " we stand completely in solidarity with our brother Islamic country' like it used to.

That tanker deal seems to have done desired effect.

Geopolitics is like a poker game. NOBODY is going to show their cards unless they HAVE to. Especially considering that there's enough noise in the public space to give credence to theories that India and Pakistan may indeed be in some kind of secret agreement backed by foreign powers, external posturing notwithstanding.

Currently, from UAE to Saudi Arabia to Turkey to XXXX, all have their own economic interests: One big contract with India could means 10,000 or 100,000 local jobs or pocketing of $$ commission by the elites of those countries.

Would Pakistan neglect a $10 billion contract for, say, South Sudan to be friendly with the Islamic Sudan? That's just an example, BTW.

So quit putting too much faith into Ummah but, for God's sake, quit being childish with the insulting comments like 'Ummah Chummah, just because the ambassador of UAE to India made some comment about the current Kashmir situation; that's the job of an ambassador: To advance his country's interests in a foreign country; kiss $*** if they have to. Guys here were not so complaining when the leaders of UAE were giving money to Pakistan few months ago?!!

It's ONLY when the chips are down, when the rubber hits the road, or when the $hit hits the fan you'd know who is who!! Until then... its a poker game.
Turkey and China only.

Who else here thinks that Pakistan should bring back all soldiers, pilots and other defence staff deployed in Arab countries to help them with training, gear and intelligence, immediately?
We get aid in return
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