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Turkish premier signals joint operation with Iran

If iran stops threatning Sunni States and sunni people of Iran , then there might be a possible union or defence pact between Pakistan, Turkey and Iran

And of course, the facts are that Iran has never threatened a "sunni state", but on the other hand, countless Shia in Iran, Iraq and Pakistan have been massacred by Wahhabi terrorists, but of course, you will close your eyes and pretend that Sunnis are the "victim" of "evil Shias".

That is why Pakistan is in the state it is now, because its people close their eyes and pretend not to see the truth, but believe whatever makes them feel comfortable.

---------- Post added at 07:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:23 PM ----------

Do you know alot of iranians don't want anything to do with islam?

Yes, we know, everyone in Iran is going back to Zoroastrianism, we've been told that a million times already.
I don't know last time I checked I saw iranians fasting and playing football 90 min in day time if that is no commitment I don't know what it .. every one else was running for water
I hope it is not going to be as costly in lives. Do not forget these terrorists are really capable of inflicting damage: http://www.defence.pk/forums/political-videos/131513-pkk-pjak-killing-iranian-soldiers.html

Brother during the 90's PKK consisted of almost 50.000 fighters, Turkish armed forces managed to kill all of them for more then 6 times compeletly! Turkey eradicated them miltarily for 6 times but the problem is they recruit fast and regroup again! They have millions of supporters who believes in the ideology like we muslim believe in Allah! They have absolutely no problem recruiting fighters out of the brainwashed Kurdish masses! A Kurdish mother estimated gives birth to 10-15 children! While Turks make 2 or max 3 just to give an idea!

the PKK are really capable of inflicting damage! They are not just an ordinary guerilla force but rather a very professional, organized, highly displined example (the fighters obey the orders even if they know it will be their death like elite commando's! They are motivated and willing to die for the cause! well funded and supported by powerfull countries supported with a strong marxist leninst ideology.

Because of the fact that Iran started to fight them just recently i have the feeling that they dont possess the nessecary experience to fight this guerilla forces tactics.
When this group started their attacks against Turkish troops back in the 80s our neigbours where looking for ways to use it against us for their own benefits! Turkey always warned them not to make this mistake and not turn a blind eye against their activities in these countrie because one day it may be used against themselves! Today the PKK is much stronger and more experienced, and developped their fighting skills strategies and tactics! It will now fight Iran, Syria, Iraq! They have the human resources and the power to do this! I wish all of our neigbours good luck!
The crucial point here is that terrorism is a problem of democratic countries. An antidemocratic country does not have such problem as they kill all issue-related people unlike Turkey. If Turkey was similar to Assad regime in Syria we would have killed almost millions Kurdish who are just sympathiser of PKK. however we do not want to kill innocent people or people wo do not commit crime. This is the difference between Turkey and syria. We dont want to win this crash by killing millions of people although we can do it. Let me tell you something new. According to new concept of Turkish state our army avoid to kill much PKK members. Because we all know that if you kill hundreds of them you will create thousands nnew enemy from their families. Therefore, killing much more people do not help our solutions. But of course we can kill thousands of them if we really want. But this is not big deal. Syria is just something it is not in real. We do not have any problems with Assad but we rather prefer more democratic society instead of such country dominated by a dictator with iron fist...
The crucial point here is that terrorism is a problem of democratic countries. An antidemocratic country does not have such problem as they kill all issue-related people unlike Turkey. If Turkey was similar to Assad regime in Syria we would have killed almost millions Kurdish who are just sympathiser of PKK. however we do not want to kill innocent people or people wo do not commit crime. This is the difference between Turkey and syria. We dont want to win this crash by killing millions of people although we can do it. Let me tell you something new. According to new concept of Turkish state our army avoid to kill much PKK members. Because we all know that if you kill hundreds of them you will create thousands nnew enemy from their families. Therefore, killing much more people do not help our solutions. But of course we can kill thousands of them if we really want. But this is not big deal. Syria is just something it is not in real. We do not have any problems with Assad but we rather prefer more democratic society instead of such country dominated by a dictator with iron fist...

fuc* that sh*t, it is solely because european union of sh*t. and especially Germany that supports this mountain rats and go scream and get butthurt when we "cross the line". if we could be more like Iran. look at them, they made pjak surrender. why cant we make pkk surrender? because of 'the human rights'.

pkk is afraid of getting captured in Iran, but Turkey what do we do, oh yeah. give them luxury in the prison and let them come in to our country and be hailed by a bunch of idiot bdp supporters.

no i'm sorry but that is the truth. as long as we follow this 'human rights' we will never ever win this war. get tortur and death penalty back to Turkey!
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