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Dr. Daniel Pipes thinks it's more likely that "the AKP government to pocket this apology and use as a building block for its neo-Ottoman empire: link

Mr. Jewish you seem to care more about Israel than you do about your own country US, who are you working for?
I don't really agree with the apology, because I believe Israel were the victims here. Some extremists were clearly on that ship and looking for trouble. Remember there were 5 other boats in that flotilla without trouble.The UN basically backed Israel.

Indeed, there were some extremists on the ship but there were also dozens of politicians and journalists as well as people from many different countries. Risking their lifes like that in international waters was not acceptable, hence the apology... If Israel had waited for ship to enter its waters instead of intervening in international waters, and if Israel hadn't killed anyone during the raid, Turkey would have been the one apologizing today.

However, that's all history now. In such a hostile and volatile region full of regimes that can kill thousands of their own people in the blink of an eye - it's useful to make friends with some of the more sane/stable ones.

I'm no fan of Erdogan, but this can only be good news for both Israel & Turkey considering the powder keg that is Iran/Lebanon/Syria/Saudi etc.

It would be nice if the friendship wasn't just about arms sales. Let's hope they start to cooperate on issues like environment and energy, water and other things that affect people rather than just the arms industry.

As for this part, completely agreed.
Official Statement of speech between Netanyahu and Erdogan

Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke today with Prime Minister Erdogan from Turkey.

PM Netanyahu told him he had just had good conversations with President Obama about regional cooperation and the importance of Israel-Turkey relations. He regretted the recent deterioration of relations between Israel and Turkey and expressed his commitment to overcoming their differences in order to advance peace and stability in the region.

PM Netanyahu said he had seen PM Erdogan's recent interview in a Danish newspaper and appreciated his words. He made clear that the tragic outcome of the Mavi Marmara incident was not intended by Israel and that Israel regrets the loss of human life and injury.

In light of Israel's investigation into the incident which pointed to a number of operational mistakes, the Prime Minister expressed Israel's apology to the Turkish people for any mistakes that might have led to the loss of life or injury and agreed to conclude an agreement on compensation/nonliability.

Prime Minister Netanyahu also noted that Israel had substantially lifted the restrictions on the entry of civilian goods into the Palestinian territories, including Gaza , and that this would continue as long as calm prevailed.

The two leaders agreed to continue to work to improve the humanitarian situation in the Palestinian territories.

"In light of the Israeli investigation into the incident, which pointed out several operational errors, Prime Minister Netanyahu apologized to the Turkish people for any errors that could have led to loss of life and agreed to complete the agreement on compensation." Netanyahu Apologizes to Turkey for Deadly Ship Raid - WSJ.com

So the Turks get the apology and compensation for "operational errors" while Israel maintains in principle the right to use deadly force in self defence in a legal blockade - for the statement, using the word "any", doesn't precisely admit to specific errors at all. In return Erdogan accepts the by Netanyahu's assurance that the deaths were not what Israel intended and to cancel legal actions aimed at Israeli soldiers.

The ball is now in Mr. Erdogan's court.

Well, that is why we had been waiting for an apology, for the operational errors, in other words: unnecessary, excessive use of power which led to killings of 9 Turkish citizen. So no, Israel does not maintain the right to use deadly force in international waters, and it never will. Today, your pride has taken a damage thanks to idiotic decisions (insistince not to apologize until now) of your politicians, deal with it. Other than that, hopefuly our two countries will maintain positive relations based on mutual interests once again. It is not a defeat for anyone but a victory for both our countries.

Erdogan could declare that the apology wasn't enough and whip up war fever from there. Would you go along for the ride because (at first) only Zionists would be targeted? If nothing Erdogan can do would have you choose opposing him if it meant not hurting Israel then it's only a matter of time before Turkey becomes a dictatorship once more, yes?

Not gonna happen.


It was Obama, remember?
Turkey confirmed that Mr Erdogan accepted the apology. In a statement, the foreign ministry in Ankara added that the Turkish prime minister had expressed his regret that “relations that have strategic importance for peace and stability in the region” had been disrupted and he had emphasised “centuries of common history and strong bonds of friendship between the Turkish and Jewish people”.

“Erdogan is one of the most pragmatic political figures around,” said Ross Wilson, a former US Ambassador to Ankara now at the Atlantic Council. “He will stake out tough if not extreme positions. and yet he will take other actions that advance his and Turkey’s interests and that is what he has done here: he has eased a big problem in US-Turkish relations that constrained President Obama’s ability to deal with Turkey sensibly and he has expanded the menu of possibilities on Syria for Turkey.”

Nevertheless, few officials expect relations between the two governments to be warm, despite the move towards normal diplomatic ties.

Hamas' official internet site statement "This is a great achievement and a great victory for Turkey. Indeed, Turkey, was able to impose its conditions on Israel. Behind this success and self-confidence is Turkey's firm stance. All this again shows that the Zionist enemy understands the language of power and stability"

I'm sure Erdogan will make Netenyahu regret for the apology. He is going to put a show in Gaza.
Let's be serious.

What I am saying is that Israel is breading extremism by refusing peace, take the chance now because there are still moderate and open minded leaders who have a voice, but later they won't be able to even have it. Time definitely isn't in your favor. Just imagine if Arabs accepted two states solutions before 1948 as they do now, we would have been spared taking 10 wars and we would have been living in peace and prosperity. All the extremist, dictator, and brutal regimes and groups take Israel as a pretext of their actions.

It is not in the nature of Arab to accept peace and prosperity. It is also not in the nature of Arab to coexist. Extremist wasn't bred when Israel won her existence, or when the Soviets invaded Afghan, or when the US invaded Iraq, this extremism was in your nature since beginning of time. You people haven't evolved from the middle-age mentality of brutality and barbarity but once you do, then there will be true peace. Until then, an forced peace with a dictator taking the reins is the only real possibility.

Your hate brought you countless dictators that made your life a living hell and then you get democracy and you democratically elect another dictator.

Look at the Turks and then look at Arabs, see the difference? Look even at Iranians and Pakistanis, they are all capable of innovation and bettering mankind unlike Arabs which have the richest countries in the world are are so greedy that they spend their oil wealth on Ferrarris and countless mansions.

Do you have what a utopia could have been accomplished by such an enormous wealth if all that money was in better hands?


"Mainly Arabs, other non-Arab Muslims are a joke."

You call other Muslims who are not Arabs a joke, thus you reveal your true colors. But you fail to see what a sad Joke the Arab themselves are.
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did you see what he wrote before i posted that?
Strange perception you have ,report whatever you want.

I dont care what evryone thinks im with Israel so?
Like or dislike who cares,for me Israel worth something shalom.
Btw im a muslim.

but there are people from our country hate us on PDF. Just go a few pages back you'll see
It is not in the nature of Arab to accept peace and prosperity. It is also not in the nature of Arab to coexist. Extremist wasn't bred when Israel won her existence, or when the Soviets invaded Afghan, or when the US invaded Iraq, this extremism was in your nature since beginning of time. You people haven't evolved from the middle-age mentality of brutality and barbarity but once you do, then there will be true peace. Until then, an forced peace with a dictator taking the reins is the only real possibility.

Your hate brought you countless dictators.


"Mainly Arabs, other non-Arab Muslims are a joke."

You call other Muslims who are not Arabs a joke, thus you reveal your true colors. But you fail to see what a sad Joke the Arab themselves are.

Ignore his pro-arab words. His jihad is over.
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