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The longer AKP stays in power, the more people will leave islam thanks to all corruption, bribery, injustice, child abuse at islamic foundations like Ensar etc ...

I personally think it is already over 14%..

I just noticed the Protestant ones are the most irreligious while the Catholics are 50/50 while Orthodox countries are less irreligious despite most of them coming out from communist rule.

Whats the increase in irreligious in Turkey?? I dont believe its just akp I believe its multiple factors behind this.

Young generation are giving up on religion. I find that alarming.
Is it a coincidence that the developed countries are irreligious? mine is just a curiosity.

If you mean the west, then there is a big luggage of the past with Christianity(Just like today Muslims in Islam vs. ''Islam'').

Regardless... The relative ''knowledge'' gained day by day polishes the intelligence but also does drain the soul resulting in the emptiness between brain and soul; therefore social dis-order.

That is why the post-primitiveness a.k.a Liberalism pushes hard nowadays against the current social order. Interestingly, Spiritual communities to fill the emptiness between those two blossom in such environments as in USA.
Is it a coincidence that the developed countries are irreligious? mine is just a curiosity.

In general in places with higher standards of living, high literacy rates, urbanization, social and economic development you have populations which are less religious.

A reading, studying and thinking man who has a nice life and is able to see the world has a much higher chance to lose his faith in organized religion than someone who is poor and uneducated.

Being irreligious doesn't mean that you are not spiritual and don’t believe in God though.
I just noticed the Protestant ones are the most irreligious while the Catholics are 50/50 while Orthodox countries are less irreligious despite most of them coming out from communist rule.

Whats the increase in irreligious in Turkey?? I dont believe its just akp I believe its multiple factors behind this.

Young generation are giving up on religion. I find that alarming.

"Whats the increase in irreligious in Turkey?? I dont believe its just akp I believe its multiple factors behind this."

Actually AKP is not the only but one of the factors.

I am not sure if this forum allows us to discuss religous matters.. So better keep within rules.
7 Pakistanis who illegally entered Turkey are captured in the same house and taken in custody, in the query with an official translator confessed the sexual assault, the 5 year-old girl who is raped has in watch of psycholog detected them says the news.

Küçükçekmece'de 5 yaşındaki kıza cinsel istismarda bulunan sapık yakalandı! Pakistan uyruklu...


İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu'dan son dakika açıklaması geldi! 5 yaşındaki kıza cinsel istismarda bulunan insan demeye dilimizin varmadığı saldırgan her yerde aranıyordu ve o fail yakalandı. Dün gece Küçükçekmece Kanarya Mahallesi'nde hareketlilik meydana geldi. 5 yaşındaki bir kız çocuğunun cinsel istismara uğradığına yönelik haberler maalesef doğru çıktı, mahalleli sokağa döküldü ve bu vahşeti gerçekleştiren saldırganı aramaya başladı. Emniyet güçleri olayın aydınlanılması için çalışma başlattı. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığından da açıklama geldi. Saldırgan sapığın Pakistan uyruklu olduğu ortaya çıktı. İşte Küçükçekmece'deki korkunç cinsel istismar hakkında son dakika haberlerinin detayları...

The source: https://www.sabah.com.tr/yasam/2019...kiza-cinsel-istismar-mahalleli-harekete-gecti

The Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said Pakistanis are taken in custody for raping a 5 years old girl after some other attempts to other kids around Kanarya district of Istanbul.

The number in custody is claimed 7 Pakistanis, and waiting for an Urdu translator.

The girl is in hospital. A neighbour told that Her father have had stroke after hearing the assault. ( https://www.haberturk.com/kucukcekm...-mahallesi-nden-son-dakika-gelismeler-2442424 )

The sexual assault took place in april 22 the day before the Children's day/holiday that is celebrated as public holiday. That is why all public got extremely shocked and furious as seen in the picture.


Another sexual attack and kidnapping a 14 year old girl in Beyoğlu district of Istanbul is done by another ''immigrant''.

Meantime... The AKP and Eroğan:


The source: https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/...yedirmeye-icermeye-devam-edecegiz-230962h.htm

Erdoğan says to keep feeding Syrians in Turkey.
A social experiment: Would you accept and host a Syrian in your home?

+ Would you take a Syrian into your home?
- Sure.. brother of religion... Victim... Ummah etc.
+ Here is a Syrian...
- ...

P.S: the video removed but uploaded again, so posted here again.

6:48 I have no husband...(seconds later) no i can't take him before i asked my husband. :lol:

Bizim Millet cok degisti, dürüstlük diye bir sey kalmadi artik.
A social experiment: Would you accept and host a Syrian in your home?

+ Would you take a Syrian into your home?
- Sure.. brother of religion... Victim... Ummah etc.
+ Here is a Syrian...
- ...

P.S: the video removed but uploaded again, so posted here again.

Maybe if Erdogan didn't do what America told him in Syria and kept his borders shut you wouldn't have millions of Syrians in your country neither a Kurdistan in Syria

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