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Why are you always black and white in your thinking ?

Anyway CHP alliance with HDP definitely must be responded to and those traitors must be punished

But unfortunately this is not the way the CHP will go all nuts for excuses now and this will further divide Turkey

Shit look at the posts here on forums and you can see how big the divide is becoming

What I'm trying to say is turkey is a powerful country now and any powerful country can only be destroyed from the inside

So if anyone is gonna divide turkey its gonna be Turks and congrats you Turks are increasingly doing just that so pls have your differences but DON'T resort to violence and Clean house now

For example why the nationalist chp supporters not standing against their party is hating Erdogan more important than defending your country?

Seriously, don't understand why you care so much about Turkish affairs. By the way CHP doesn't have an alliance with HDP. It's neutral towards HDP purely to get Kurds votes. It's also neutral towards AKP so it can get Arab votes.

Anyways, I think you should study more about how AKP is trying to divide Turkey. Just today a bunch of AKP fanatics caused chaos at a soldiers funeral by attacking Kilicdaroglu... (I don't like him but this is not the way people should act a funeral). Can't you see who's dividing us?
In ankara angry people mass attacked to opposetion leader Kılıçdaroğlu in Martry funeral by shouting get out of here Pkk supporter...

Kılıçdaroğluna şehit cenazesinde saldırdılar birkaç yumruk yedi.. içimin yağları eridi..



Do not play with the blood and the family of our martyrs for your political agenda! I can show you reactions of burned families against both political leaders. How low a human being can fall to bring the pain of the burned families in his game? With that move you started to cross some red lines and if you don't behave yourself I swear I will do everything possible to cut your tongue on this forum. Do whatever you want and write whatever you want but don't bring the blood of the martyrs here. Have some respect!
Seriously, don't understand why you care so much about Turkish affairs. By the way CHP doesn't have an alliance with HDP. It's neutral towards HDP purely to get Kurds votes. It's also neutral towards AKP so it can get Arab votes.

Anyways, I think you should study more about how AKP is trying to divide Turkey. Just today a bunch of AKP fanatics caused chaos at a soldiers funeral by attacking Kilicdaroglu... (I don't like him but this is not the way people should act a funeral). Can't you see who's dividing us?

That's why it's worthless talking with you

What evidence you have that AKP supporters are behind the attack ?

They were angry and emotional members of the soldiers family who let out their frustration against a hypocrite ( who cooperated with supporters of people who killed one of their own ) buuuut

What evidence do I have to support the above ?? ( see hope you learned something)

And No I'm against such methods even if for just reasons, this will bring chaos and divide ( if turkey sphere remains tense as it is now )

I guess time will tell

I'm interested in your country why are you annoyed by that ?
What a cheap word playing. i always respect to our martyr families, moreover the one assulaulting Kilcdaroglu was a member of martyr family. Give up your cheap political tongue, it is not working here. Say something to Kilicdaroglu making cooperation with PKK not to patriotics.
It seems you don't know me well in the forum and my position towards all the traitors part of the political authority in the country and the Turkish Armed Forces. Who do you talk to like that? What political word? Don't you have a little shame to talk that way? I will have a word against every traitor which cooperated with terrorist organizations in Turkey. I will have a word against the traitor Kilicdaroglu and will have a word against the traitors who slept with FETO and PKK resulting in so many deaths calling terrorist leaders as "Sayin" and "Hocaefendi" and the ones that are leaving terrorist parties like HDP to be in our parliament still. Every traitor in that country will have a taste of justice. No traitor till now before the current ones gave his soul in a peaceful way and all of the traitors will pay. Kemal, Tayyip, Bulent, Necdet, Yasar for me nor the name or the place is carrying importance.

@cabatli_53 Master there are couple individuals that dare to bring every type of dishonesty in order to strike under the belt of their opponents even without thinking if it is objective or if they are playing with the blood of our martyrs. Individuals which are typing like trolls spamming every political or military related thread with their political bullshit creating discussions with political taste every time on any news, posting bullshit all around the forum and making us look like some kind of mentally ill losers which have 100 text files with archived phrases copy pasting them left and right. People who tend to write "ERDOGAN" and "KILICDAROGLU" in the same sentence on the "Turkey" related information. Individuals accusing other people of political word games, of being FETO members, PKK supporters without any shame or thinking what type of trouble it can bring to somebody. Such individuals must not be tolerated in any way here. Look at the above situation. I am saying not to use martyr's blood for your political agenda and he says me "say something to Kilicdaroglu". Do I have to fall on his level posting martyr families coursing both Erdogan and Kilicdaroglu in order to show him his dishonesty? I prefer not to bring the matter but urge a special attention for such individuals. Nobody must think that he has the luxury of using our fallen heroes for defending a man who was in bed with PKK against another which is in bed with PKK now. First of all it is not good for our martyrs and their families and second of all it is not fair comparison between the two.
What did you expect from someone whose comments are 90% about Erdogan, Kilicdaroglu calling people who are not AKP supporters FETÖ/PKK/traitor...?

He still doesn't understand that Kilicdaroglu and Erdogan are similar types just the different side of the same coin.
Praizing Party "A" but throwing sh1t on Party "B", even though they made the same bs, is Hypocrisy on it's finest and that is what i hate the most.
Leave the Martyres and their families out of your Political bs.
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My advice to Turkish youth is that;
Do not waste your time with daily rumors and politics. Direct all your energy to your work, try to learn science. Science is required to serve the country.

Prof. Dr. Aziz Sancar
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015

Politicians are not interested in what kind of life you have, they just seem to be interested.
While you 're waiting in line to buy potatoes, politicians use all the wealths of your state to the fullest. This is for all politicians. If you think that Erdogan or Imamoglu will save you life, you should see the nearest psychologist.
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For a civil war in Turkey every thing is going on the way.

Unfortunately most of people don't recognize it but this type of actions might be a trigger of civil war. Everyone knows that imperialists have been planning this for decades.

I have been predicting a civil war in Turkey since 2009. unfortunately I am gonna be right one more time.

I suggest you guys to look at the Syrian refugees in Turkey and learn a lesson from them. If a civil war starts your station will be worst them them. They are lucky coz Turkey has been saving, feeding them. They at least have Turkey but you guys have nobody.

If a civil war starts you can't immigrate nowhere and nobody will accept you. Put yourself together and act like sane person.

If there is someone who still thinks this is a conspiracy look what happened in 2016. 15 July wasn't just a coup attempt but a small test for upcoming civil war in Turkey.
What a cheap word playing. i always respect to our martyr families, moreover the one assulaulting Kilcdaroglu was a member of martyr family. Give up your cheap political tongue, it is not working here. Say something to Kilicdaroglu making cooperation with PKK not to patriotics.
Lets not waste each other and accept the fact that you get your knowlege from "Çamur" media news agencies. I guess imperialist countries look at this public, laugh at us about how easy it is to manipulate common people of Turkey which have no habit of reading and learning.

Lets accept the fact that these people,who do nothing but rest their *** throught the day, just wishes to believe that they did something good about their country by punching some 70 year old politician. Because these people are LAZY PARASITES, NONPRODUCTIVE individuals; because it is easier for them to sit on their *** and blabber about patriotism with no knowledge to back it up, while their wives are working in the fields. Because it is easier to physically hurt someone, instead of reading learning producing, instead of doing something useful for this country. This is the basic behaviour of parasite individuals in our community; because they find it easier to punch or harass someone than actually doing something beneficial for their country.
For a civil war in Turkey every thing is going on the way.

Unfortunately most of people don't recognize it but this type of actions might be a trigger of civil war. Everyone knows that imperialists have been planning this for decades.

I have been predicting a civil war in Turkey since 2009. unfortunately I am gonna be right one more time.

I suggest you guys to look at the Syrian refugees in Turkey and learn a lesson from them. If a civil war starts your station will be worst them them. They are lucky coz Turkey has been saving, feeding them. They at least have Turkey but you guys have nobody.

If a civil war starts you can't immigrate nowhere and nobody will accept you. Put yourself together and act like sane person.

If there is someone who still thinks this is a conspiracy look what happened in 2016. 15 July wasn't just a coup attempt but a small test for upcoming civil war in Turkey.

Abi, won’t they take me in as a refugee in Pattaya or the only Farangs they take in are the ones who spend money in the bars and on beautiful Kathoeys around them. :D
It is not embrassment, oppositely it is a source of proud for my nation that attacking pkk rats and traitors everywhere. They see who support to PKK. And nobody care of idiots ideas about Erdoğan like yours.

With this kind of rhetoric, you are dynamiting your own future.

You are (your president and his media) stoking fear and hatred against at least 40% of your own people -- and these 40% is probably the most educated, the most productive, the most open-minded 40% of your country.

If FETO would like to divide your country and prepare ground for a civil war, they would not be able to do it better than your president's media and people like you.

I still respect Turkish state because of its revolutionary and progressive history under Ataturk.

People like you have, in merely two decades, managed to made it a bad copy of a failed Middle Eastern state. And you are pushing for a Lebanon.

Haven't you noticed the trend? Any time the president's party loses part of its power and gets weakened, Turkish internal politics becomes explosive, hatred is stoked, and a heavy air of crisis is being created.
@MKALE1 that is last friendly warning before issuing a serious penalty. If you proceed this irresponsible discrimination rhetoric serving the purpose of people planning a likely civil war among great majority of Turkish people, I will keep you out of this thread along with issuing addition penalty. Besides, I will not delete your Turkish posts one more time in any thread of this forum. Just for your information.
They do not want to go back to their own countries, or any 'Muslim' countries; but only want to go Turkey that they also declare ''non-Muslim'' and lethally attack.

What do these tell about the values and future of Turkey and them backed by oil rich sectarian Arabs/Mullahs along with their 5+ million ''Ummah'' Syrians in Turkey?

Meantime... The AKP and Erdoğan:


The source: https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/...yedirmeye-icermeye-devam-edecegiz-230962h.htm

Erdoğan says to keep feeding Syrians in Turkey.

Where Syrians used to live is now hosting Armenian terrorists next to PKK/YPG while Syrians live in Turkey.

The ''smart'' policies of the AKP and Erdoğan for...

Where Syrians used to live is now hosting Armenian terrorists next to PKK/YPG while Syrians live in Turkey.

The ''smart'' policies of the AKP and Erdoğan for...

What an irrelavent link between two seperate incidents.
Turkey already are preparing to assault to east of fırat (tigris) by training arab soldiers in Turkey. And so far in all military operations in syria 40 thousand FSA member hand to hand struggled in battlefield in front of our soldiers. Stop your anti-arab treat and start to anti-hdp immediatly. Maybe you can start with chpkk and ip coalition with hdp. Arabs are our ally in battlefield, but you are always insulting arab presence in Turkey not to hdpkk guys in chp. This is really comedy.

@MKALE1 that is last friendly warning before issuing a serious penalty. If you proceed this irresponsible discrimination rhetoric serving the purpose of people planning a likely civil war among great majority of Turkish people, I will keep you out of this thread along with issuing addition penalty. Besides, I will not delete your Turkish posts one more time in any thread of this forum. Just for your information.
I hope one day you can see others insulting to muslim majority and arabs in Turkey under the topic by swearing.
What an irrelavent link between two seperate incidents.
Turkey already are preparing to assault to east of fırat (tigris) by training arab soldiers in Turkey. And so far in all military operations in syria 40 thousand FSA member hand to hand struggled in battlefield in front of our soldiers. Stop your anti-arab treat and start to anti-hdp immediatly. Maybe you can start with chpkk and ip coalition with hdp. Arabs are our ally in battlefield, you are always insulting arab presence in Turkey not to hdpkk guys in chp. This is really comedy.

I think you're confusing vagabond syrians in Taksim with the free Syrian army.

Maybe you can start with chpkk and ip coalition with hdp. Arabs are our ally in battlefield, you are always insulting arab presence in Turkey not to hdpkk guys in chp. This is really comedy.

Dude You're really sick. Your psychology is not good. Maybe you will accept an insult this, but I'm really serious.
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