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Turkey: Erdogan Calls For Annulment Of Istanbul Election
April 11, 2019 EurActiv 0 Comments

By EurActiv

(EurActiv) — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said electoral authorities should annul Istanbul’s local elections due to irregularities, notably over the appointment of ballot box officials, the pro-government Sabah newspaper reported on Wednesday (10 April).

Initial results show the main opposition Republican People’s Party narrowly won control of Turkey’s biggest city in the mayoral elections, seemingly bringing an end to the 25-year rule there by Erdoğan’s AK Party and its Islamist predecessors.

Speaking to reporters on his plane, returning from a trip to Moscow this week, Erdoğan said that regulations requiring that ballot box officials be civil servants had not been met everywhere, with regular workers placed in charge in some places.

“Our colleagues have established this. Naturally all this casts doubt. If they take a sincere view, this will lead to annulment,” he said.

Any decision to annul the elections would rest with the High Election Board.

A senior AKP official said on Tuesday it would demand a new vote in Istanbul after its bid was rejected for a citywide recount of the 31 March election results after a series of recounts since the vote.

Erdoğan said on Monday the local elections were marred by “organized crime” at ballot boxes in Istanbul. The loss of control in the city would be a setback for Erdoğan, who has dominated Turkish politics for more than 16 years.
In the diplomacy your power backs your rhetoric up, so what has been/will be gained with this rhetoric?
Well we all saw the reactions of some of the diplomats there representing poor and dependent countries which seem to have waited such a reaction against the arrogant politics of countries like France and the US. Turkey must not be a country which excuse me is letting to be fvcked in the *** in front of other diplomatic representatives on its own soil with arguments based on lies and speech full of provocation not only based on the "Armenian Genocide" propaganda but even regarding the PKK terrorist organization which is not a terrorist organization in some countries as we heard.

We may not have the Armenian or Jewish lobbies in countries like France and maybe we are not able to meddle in the internals of such countries regarding issues such as the "Armenian Genocide" but at least we must be able to defend ourselves in front of the international community as a country and nation when somebody is throwing mud at us on our own soil.

The power behind the rhetoric is coming mainly from Article IX of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of which France is a member in a state of ratification which states:

Disputes between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation, application or fulfilment of the present Convention, including those relating to the responsibility of a State for genocide or for any of the other acts enumerated in article III, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice at the request of any of the parties to the dispute.

If for you there is not power behind the rhetoric we saw and which was within the international law and nothing to be won by that action in response to arrogant provocation then I would say that small or big victory is victory. Yesterday we won and for tomorrow there is nothing certain. The honor of the country must be defended and every act of hostility must be dealt with accordingly. In this regard Minister Cavusoglu did a great job as Hulusi Akar did his job participating in similar platform before.

I want to clarify that I don't want to comment deeper regarding the Turkish politics and the current government policies. Everybody who knows me on the forum knows very well my position regarding the Turkish politics. I am here to share the statement of Minister Cavusoglu and thank him for that he gave the desperately needed answer to the disgusting provocation we saw earlier.
First of all, please keep it short to the point, (except this one) no time for each paragraph that sails to refere to multiple fields to be answered.

No power means no justice and order since the beginning of the community life of human nature for the elite to get away from anything unlike the rest just like in today's global order, you should have understood this already in this (ironically defence) forum (if not already in the real life) before typing the convention article (ironically written by the elite).

In diplomacy/brain, The power/muscle has many faces like economy, culture, technology, human resource etc. and the first one in the list is the military against the opponent, but (unless backed by those muscles) not hot speeches(words) that otherwise signal weakness not only to the current opponent but also rest of the world to hit harder you with real actions in return as seen after every hot speeches of the current government in foreign affairs. However, none works well unless national strategy and policy involved to lead the way.

To factually illustrate... Before/During and After the crisis in the North Iraq referendum, election propaganda in Netherlands and Germany, One minute, Armenian G-word recognition in countries, PKK-YPG terrorism, Syria, Agean sea, Russian jet shoting-down, FETÖ case, nowadays Med. Sea oil drills, Sudan and Libya and so on... Hot speeches only serve to touch public ego, and in the end nothing happens till the next opponent hit harder thanks to no national strategy/policy and hereby the weakness that has been globally shown.

To make it easier... No such things happen to USA or France but repetitively to Turkey is coincident?

That brings us back to the question:

  • What has been/will be gained with this rhetoric?
First of all, please keep it short to the point, (except this one) no time for each paragraph that sails to refere to multiple fields to be answered.

No power means no justice and order since the beginning of the community life of human nature for the elite to get away from anything unlike the rest just like in today's global order, you should have understood this already in this (ironically defence) forum (if not already in the real life) before typing the convention article (ironically written by the elite).

In diplomacy/brain, The power/muscle has many faces like economy, culture, technology, human resource etc. and the first one in the list is the military against the opponent, but (unless backed by those muscles) not hot speeches(words) that otherwise signal weakness not only to the current opponent but also rest of the world to hit harder you with real actions in return as seen after every hot speeches of the current government in foreign affairs. However, none works well unless national strategy and policy involved to lead the way.

To factually illustrate... Before/During and After the crisis in the North Iraq referendum, election propaganda in Netherlands and Germany, One minute, Armenian G-word recognition in countries, PKK-YPG terrorism, Syria, Agean sea, Russian jet shoting-down, FETÖ case, nowadays Med. Sea oil drills, Sudan and Libya and so on... Hot speeches only serve to touch public ego, and in the end nothing happens till the next opponent hit harder thanks to no national strategy/policy and hereby the weakness that has been globally shown.

To make it easier... No such things happen to USA or France but repetitively to Turkey is coincident?

That brings us back to the question:

  • What has been/will be gained with this rhetoric?
I think I understood what you are trying to say. So if we can't oppose the US maybe the only super power on earth militarily, economically, culturally, technologically and with human resource we must be quiet so they don't sanction us. Lets be realistic. When will Turkey be able to oppose the US or France economically? If ever possible it will be after many years and changes. Does that mean that when somebody is throwing lies we must be quiet?

Every move targeting the governments of countries in the same position like Turkey for waking up and raising their voice is work for achievement and that achievement is the starting of initiatives for example like "The world is bigger than Five". Every investment we do in humanitarian aid or other civil and military services for poor countries like Somalia for example is bringing us a step closer to the definition of the world is bigger than five.

With this rhetoric which started heavily after 2016 the gained things are that we took the masks from the faces of some people and governments, we actually started to defend our national interests in hot spots all around the world and mostly in the regions of our Southern sea and land borders. In response of course we got economic attacks which made the situation for our fragile economy even worst but because of that we finally saw some positive steps that had to be taken before all that situation which would probably give us a chance to resolve some of the problems, gave us even harsher military embargo which is again responded by more and more defense industry achievements and exports for countries which want to diversify their inventory just like us. It gained us the occasions of which we were able to express our opinions on various issues and also to be heard even if it is hard for the ears of governments like the French. It gained us the support of many countries which also do not like the current system over which the worldly affairs are based and it will bring us one step closer to the system we want.

What would be lost without this rhetoric? Without this rhetoric first of all Turkey will be lost as proud and sovereign country. The South Eastern part of the country will be lost, Northern Iraq will be totally lost, North Syria will be totally lost together with the Miditerranean, Aegean seas, Cyprus will be lost, Azerbaijan will be lost, Karabag will be lost, our military will be totally lost, we will live rich for some time but on the price that all the Middle East will bleed from our hands and when they are done with us one of the hopes for the innocent people on the Earth and symbol of rebellion Mustafa Kemal ATATURK's Turkey will be lost. Turkey was never been in a state of relaxation and will never be because the existence of Turkey and united Turkish Nation is against the system. One of the needed moves to keep the existence of Turkey as a sovereign country is strong rhetoric. As I said for tomorrow nothing is certain.
Well we all saw the reactions of some of the diplomats there representing poor and dependent countries which seem to have waited such a reaction against the arrogant politics of countries like France and the US. Turkey must not be a country which excuse me is letting to be fvcked in the *** in front of other diplomatic representatives on its own soil with arguments based on lies and speech full of provocation not only based on the "Armenian Genocide" propaganda but even regarding the PKK terrorist organization which is not a terrorist organization in some countries as we heard.

Usually, political rhetoric does not translate into solid action -- especially the rhetoric is more aimed at domestic constituency rather than the sole purpose of international diplomacy.

Need more solid action, and less rhetoric. Most of the international relations must be unknown to the regular citizen. IR is just another level and must be mostly limited to those involved and highly knowledgeable.

Solid action and the result should be known by the citizens, not the way the state achieves the stated goals.

Interestingly, Turkey's trade has increased with all the countries that officially recognize the Armenian Genocide. In this case, regular people will only take the rhetoric as real, whereas ground reality betrays it.
Usually, political rhetoric does not translate into solid action -- especially the rhetoric is more aimed at domestic constituency rather than the sole purpose of international diplomacy.

Need more solid action, and less rhetoric. Most of the international relations must be unknown to the regular citizen. IR is just another level and must be mostly limited to those involved and highly knowledgeable.

Solid action and the result should be known by the citizens, not the way the state achieves the stated goals.

Interestingly, Turkey's trade has increased with all the countries that officially recognize the Armenian Genocide. In this case, regular people will only take the rhetoric as real, whereas ground reality betrays it.
There is nothing to do about the "Armenian Genocide" case. All those decisions are part of the internal affairs of the countries. That what really matters is the decision of the International Court of Justice which is not there because there is not any cases. We purposed to the Armenian side to form international commission that would investigate the case with unlimited access of both Armenian and Turkish archives in order to find out what really happened and the Turkish side promised that whatever the end result is Turkey will obey to the decision of the international court.

As Cavusoglu said in his response is Macron's decision contradicting with the decisions of the
Constitutional Court of France? It is contradicting. Is Macron's decision contradicting with the decisions of the
European Court of Human Rights? It is contradicting. Is it a job of the politicians to give decisions about a historical even and especially if it is genocide or not? If we are talking about the international law and system did Macron read the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of the UN? Did he know the conditions in order an historical event to be claimed as genocide written in the convention which also includes a court decision and did he know that a right to give decisions is not given to the politicians? Here a politician can have the arrogance to give decisions about historical event while there is a firm border between personal opinion and official decision in the international law. But how so? With which evidences and documents a decision is taken regarding a historical event? The only reason for his decision is populism. It was the right of Turkey and the right of Minister Cavusoglu to respond to that provocation in the appropriate way.

While that decision doesn't have any weight over the facts everything is a question of rhetoric. Even if all the countries says that there was an "Armenian Genocide" it will not change the truth with even a gram. The thing I want to say is that in order for a rhetoric to turn into action first Armenia must allow a process within the international law with joint commission and unlimited access to archives to form and then follow the decision of the international court. If Armenia is not sure in their evidences and declines to form that process then nothing can be done about the situation. The only thing governments like the Armenian or the French can do is giving decisions based on lies and their personal opinions with no weight at all.

If we need to talk about realities both the Western European countries and Turkey are giving a populist battle against each other. While there is still a crusader mentality in Europe and the current mentality in Turkey there will be events like these. The truth is that non of the sides are done with each other. Non of the both sides are ready to abandon the benefits and security which the one is giving to the other. Cases like the "Armenian Genocide" can only be resolved by international commissions and the international law platforms and not by lobbies. Other than that everything is masturbation. In the meantime we must work for concepts like "The world is bigger than Five" and actually work for the effective work of the UN which lost its shine long ago.

If Tanju Özcan and those two would compete for the mayor of the same city, who would win?

Some hint:

Türkiye'de Kutuplaşmanın Boyutları Araştırması-2017
Bilgi Üniversitesi (5 Şubat 2018)

  • Suriyeliler Ülkelerine Geri Gönderilmeli mi? “Evet” Diyenlerin Oranı (Suriye’deki savaş bittiğinde bütün Suriyeliler ülkelerine geri gönderilmelidir)
  • AK Parti %83.2
  • CHP %92.8
  • HDP %75.9
  • MHP %88.9
  • İYİ Parti %94.9
  • Genel %86.2
Kaynak: https://goc.bilgi.edu.tr/media/uplo...erkezi-kutuplasmanin-boyutlari-2017-sunum.pdf


Tanju Özcan the recetnly-elected mayor of the city of Bolu explains his decision to channel the money back to the Turk citizens:

Burada Iraklı, Suriyeli ve Afgan göçmenler var. 4 ayrı kurumdan para desteği alıyorlar; sosyal hizmetler, sosyal yardımlaşma, belediyeler ve Kızılay. Bolu'da en şık onlar giyiniyor, en rahat onlar yaşıyorlar. Bu dört kurumun da birbirinden haberi yok.

... Burada gördüğüm bir olay var, unutamıyorum. Yaşlı bir teyze, eksi 10 derecede kaldırıma oturmuş yağ-yoğurt satıyordu, karşısında da bu arkadaşlar, hepsi de çok sağlıklı, genç, bankamatik önünde sıraya girmişler, tıkır tıkır paralarını alıyorlardı. Bu vicdani değil.

The source: https://www.sozcu.com.tr/2019/gundem/boluda-en-rahat-suriyeliler-yasiyor-4416313/
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The picture of ...

Yesterday... in the independence war of Turkey:






The source: https://www.ensonhaber.com/galeri/g...asinin-hic-yayinlanmamis-fotograflari-.html#2

Today... in the Istanbul Airport/Turkey:

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