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"Turkey is facing a number of backwards (Radical Islamist and separatist) organisations created by outside forces. NGO's originating from America and Germany are posing as civil society groups, when in reality they are groups of radicalists - they (the West) are working on trying to convince the Turkish nation that these groups are just harmless civil society groups. The truth is that these foreign made groups are tools who's purpose is to change Turkey from a Democratic and secular country into an Islamic country.

These radicalist groups are spending 50 million dollars a year to spread their
ideology. They are using intricate propaganda tactics in order capture the minds and hearts of the Turkish people. They have 1.5 million sympathizers and a 3000 man militant group which they are trying to expand. Together with their political wing (AKP) they can spread to all parts of Turkey without any opposition. By being able to comfortably survive they will continue to prepare for their goal of establishing an Islamic state.

These separatist and radicalist groups (including PKK, Gulenists , etc.) have one shared goal... to change the constitution, destroy order, weaken the Turkish Republic and ultimately divide it... this is a known fact. At this point it is known that these groups will continue their activities. This is harmful to Turkey's strength and unity.

We must crush all types of Islamist and Separatist groups as right now as they attempt to spread. We shall use our strength to bring them under control.

The actions of these reactionaries are threatening the Democratic and secular structure of the Turkish republic. They are spreading throughout the country at a rapid speed. As they spread they are giving courage to other groups which wish to destroy the Turkish nation. Radicalist groups are our first concern. The establishment of a Kurdish state in northern Iraq is threatening the security of the region and further boosting the morale of separatist and reactionary forces by giving them support. This is our second threat. In the Aegean sea and Cyprus there is a third threat. Due to our other threats we are theorizing that they have plans to go against our interests.

Specifically in regards to provocations in Istanbul and Southeastern Anatolia we must be ruthless, unforgiving and swift or else these radicalist and separatist groups will continue to spread. Our first movement will be to take strong action against these foreign backed internal enemies whose backwards and separatist actions threaten our state. At the same time we must look at the events in Northern Iraq and perform whichever action is necessary. Our second goal is to strengthen public order and increase the strength of the police so they can deal with upcoming threats... make sure that our security forces take the necessary measures to deal with outside threats and ultimately, restore the state's security and reinstall law and order.

As our Great leader (Ataturk) had said before the Turkish War of Independence "The most important battlefront is the internal one. If the internal front-line isn't held strong then you won't be able to achieve anything". By taking his principles into action we shall destroy separatists from within as well as their allies in Northern Iraq; at the same time we should ruthlessly crush those who use Islamic radicalism to cause chaos and call for a new Islamist state. All reactionary sympathizers shall be taken under control as soon as possible.

It doesn't matter if the threat is from the outside or the inside. Our nation will take the necessary steps. In order to crush separatist and radicalist activities we will need to use half of our available combat forces. In order to remove reactionary threats from our nation's future we must employ similar tactics to those used after our War of Independence which will make sure that all reactionaries are assimilated."
And the most important thing here is that this is made by the 1st Army of the Turkish Land Forces and shown in the 5-7 March 2003 seminar-discussion on theme "The worst scenario for Turkey" and the discussions were recorded.

These particular recordings took part in the Balyoz case which was initiated by FETO and their political wing on that time AKP with their supreme leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the goal of discrediting the honorable Turkish officer and the Turkish Armed Forces. The more interesting thing is that the recordings are real and in these recordings there is not even one illegal word or phrase and the intentions of FETO and AKP using these recordings as a clue in this case collapsed over their heads.

Today the year is 2019. One part of the traitors who were in bed with FETO from AKP are out of the party and shown as traitors which they are but other part of AKP said just "kandirildik" and that word somehow cleaned them from all the responsibility for the evil they did to Turkey and the Turkish Armed Forces.

For good the justice system is not working like that and every guilty must take a responsibility for its actions because if Erdogan said "kandirildik" yesterday Kilicdaroglu can say kandirildik tomorrow and Fethullah Gulen can say it after two days. Ocalan said it the same day he was captured even gave promises that he will bring PKK on Turkey's side and the Kurdish problem would be solved but as far as I know he is in the most secure prison in Turkey with a life sentence. Why for some "kandirildik" is valid but for some it's not? Wasn't FETO, YPG, PKK, DEASH the same?
AKP's actions over the past few days only further reveals their guilt. If any other party lost elections they would congratulate the other side and move on. However after committing many heinous crimes against the Turkish state including siding with FETÖ against our generals there is a lot to lose for AKP.

It they lose Istanbul it will inevitably lead to the downfall of AKP. Once AKP is downed many members of the party will be arrested for their traitorous actions. We could even see the return of the death penalty.

The fact that they're asking for recount after recount and rejecting results highlights two things. Fear and sheer disbelief. Most of the smarter AKP members know that CHP has won the election's in Istanbul. However they know the consequences of losing. The other group of AKP members who are protesting the results are doing it out of desperation and disbelief. For years they believed their own lies. For years they thought that they were invincible. Now their world has been turned upside down.
AKP's actions over the past few days only further reveals their guilt. If any other party lost elections they would congratulate the other side and move on. However after committing many heinous crimes against the Turkish state including siding with FETÖ against our generals there is a lot to lose for AKP.

It they lose Istanbul it will inevitably lead to the downfall of AKP. Once AKP is downed many members of the party will be arrested for their traitorous actions. We could even see the return of the death penalty.

The fact that they're asking for recount after recount and rejecting results highlights two things. Fear and sheer disbelief. Most of the smarter AKP members know that CHP has won the election's in Istanbul. However they know the consequences of losing. The other group of AKP members who are protesting the results are doing it out of desperation and disbelief. For years they believed their own lies. For years they thought that they were invincible. Now their world has been turned upside down.

But I thought Erdogan was a traitor and dictator

That There is no free elections in Turkey

Are you really Celebrating that you are wrong that the election is indeed free and even AKP lost ??

It didn't take me long to recognize who is who in this forum so thank you and keep up the good work, I admit the effort behind your posts are good
But I thought Erdogan was a traitor and dictator

That There is no free elections in Turkey

Are you really Celebrating that you are wrong that the election is indeed free and even AKP lost ??

It didn't take me long to recognize who is who in this forum so thank you and keep up the good work, I admit the effort behind your posts are good

In case you haven't been following the news I will update you on it:

In previous elections like the one held last year, AKP used its power to deny the rights of the opposition. Erdogan had begun victory celebrations before the results were even finalized. An interesting side note is that AKP was shown to be leading by 80% then slowly their votes declined until the opposition was almost equal with Erdogan then the feed was cut. When CHP asked for all the true results to be revealed YSK denied their appeal. This was presumably because of AKP pressure.

Fast forward to the elections held this week. Despite 90% of the media being held by AKP, despite the lies made up by Erdogan and despite the threats which opposition have faced polls suggested that CHP candidates would win the major cities.

As the election results were getting finalized YSK (the election board) had shown that Imamoğlu had won. AA, an official news agency close to the government which is responsible for showing the real results to the mass public had shown that Binali Yildirm was in front despite that not being the case.

YSK had corrected AA and revealed the final results. Despite all the videos showing AKP members rigging votes, Imamoğlu won. Despite the results being 100% real and final AKP protested and forced YSK to start recounting votes. After being revealed that Imamoğlu won even after the recount, AKP asked for another recount.

Do you understsnd what the problem is?
Eyvah eyvah eyvaahhh...

AK Parti son oy farkını açıkladı!

AK Parti Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Ali İnsan Yavuz, seçim sonuçlarına ilişkin yaptığı açıklamada, "AK Parti ile CHP arasındaki oy farkı şu anda 18 binin altına indi" dedi.

AK Parti Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Ali İnsan Yavuz, seçim sonuçlarına ilişkin açıklamalarda bulundu.

Ali İhsan Yavuz'un açıklamalarından satırbaşları:

Biz bugüne kadar sizleri, kamuoyunu hiç yanıltmadık. Olanı söyledik. Dedik ki, gerçek ortaya çıksın. Herkes de sonucu bilsin ve kabullensin. Kim hangi partiye oy vermişse, o oy oraya kaydedilsin dedik.

AK Parti lehine geçen oy sayısı 13 BİN 969
AK Parti lehine yazılan oy miktarı 11 bin 109 demiştik dün. Bugün AK Parti lehine kayda geçtiği sayı 13 bin 969 olmuştur.

Fark 18 binin altına indi
AK Parti ile CHP arasındaki oy farkı şu anda 18 binin altına indi. 29 binlerden 18 binin altına inen bir farktan bahsediyoruz.
I'm laughing out loud when Akp politicians talk about feto. If ''kandirildim'' were an excuse word, prisoners wouldn't be a prisoner. Imagine if a murderer told the ''kandirildim''.
True but the reality is much more difficult. The main reason behind the cooperation of AKP and the Gülen Movement was the CHP and its undemocratic and dangerous collaboration with the military back then. They literally threatened AKP with a military coup and forced them into a liaison with Gülen. No one can deny these facts.

You guys are too onesided in all your analyses of the past.
But I thought Erdogan was a traitor and dictator

That There is no free elections in Turkey

Are you really Celebrating that you are wrong that the election is indeed free and even AKP lost ??

It didn't take me long to recognize who is who in this forum so thank you and keep up the good work, I admit the effort behind your posts are good

You know that Erdogan is able to depose the governors.
Of the 43 million 651 thousand 815 voters, 1 million 395 thousand 233 votes were invalidated on 31 March, when 84 percent of the voters went to the polls.

Anadolu Agency declared the number of spoilt votes in Istanbul as 290 thousand 394. According to the AK Party, this number is around 310 thousand.

How is a vote deemed invalid?

According to the Supreme Board of Elections, only one of the following reasons is sufficient for a game to be deemed invalid.

Rupture of the ballot

Signing, sign or fingerprinting or writing in any part of the compass, except for the ası Choice kon or veya Yes ası seal,

The ballot papers printed with the seal of arı choice u or bir yes bir overflowing to more than one political party or independent island.

Not all votes are placed in a single envelope and the envelope contains something other than the ballot.

Vote to be given by the election board and the color and shape of the compass "Republic of Turkey Supreme Election Board" to be made of paper without a watermark

YSK emblem on the compass, the seal of county election board, the seal of the ballot box is not included

One vote is a precious vote. You can win just thanks to one more vote
True but the reality is much more difficult. The main reason behind the cooperation of AKP and the Gülen Movement was the CHP and its undemocratic and dangerous collaboration with the military back then. They literally threatened AKP with a military coup and forced them into a liaison with Gülen. No one can deny these facts.

You guys are too onesided in all your analyses of the past.

the law does not work like that. Regret does not eliminate the crime. If it is, then the Feto terrorists have the right to say '' Kandirildim '' in court.
CHP is correct.

AKP's lies, bribes and sheer manipulation is not to be accepted. It's disgusting how they have gotten away with so much b*llshit. Enough. CHP is growing its balls again and I'm hoping they will stick a nail in AKP's coffin.

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