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Just so you guys know why are AKTrolls crying non stop left and right for 3 days now. It’s all about the Golden goose that feeds them.

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Guys I remember reading a very long article explaining the truth about the rise of political Islam in Turkey. If I could ever find it again I will post it. However all I can do now is explain it from memory.

What really struck me was the following:

Western nations as well as regional competitors of Turkey had identified that Kemalist Nationalism is a threat which must be eradicated in order to keep Turkey in check. Militarist-Kemalism was to be replaced with Islamism in order to keep Saudi, Israeli and Western interests in the Middle East safe.
Guys I remember reading a very long article explaining the truth about the rise of political Islam in Turkey. If I could ever find it again I will post it. However all I can do now is explain it from memory.

What really struck me was the following:

Western nations as well as regional competitors of Turkey had identified that Kemalist Nationalism is a threat which must be eradicated in order to keep Turkey in check. Militarist-Kemalism was to be replaced with Islamism in order to keep Saudi, Israeli and Western interests in the Middle East safe.
Really a funny story. Stories for dummies.
You as a kemalist want to Turkey having F35s but me as a muslim (you call as islamist, no problem i like it) don't want to any trash from USA. And now western nations want to me be in power. :D

And There are many kemalists, patriotics, like Akar Paşa, and Perinçek to be honest.
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Western nations as well as regional competitors of Turkey had identified that Kemalist Nationalism is a threat which must be eradicated in order to keep Turkey in check...

My first lesson about Turkey emphasized that Kemalism was a pro-Western movement and should be supported since it was so compatible with Western-style post-WWI nationalism: under Kemalism only Turkey's current borders were "sacred" and empire-building for whatever reason was out of the question.

My first lesson about Turkey emphasized that Kemalism was a pro-Western movement and should be supported since it was so compatible with Western-style post-WWI nationalism: under Kemalism only Turkey's current borders were "sacred" and empire-building for whatever reason was out of the question.

He is funny as hell. lol

My first lesson about Turkey emphasized that Kemalism was a pro-Western movement and should be supported since it was so compatible with Western-style post-WWI nationalism: under Kemalism only Turkey's current borders were "sacred" and empire-building for whatever reason was out of the question.

America tried to destroy Kemalism in the 50s with a man named Adnan Menderes. This guy did a lot of bad things including shutting down village institutes (which educated villagers), closing down plane factories and joining NATO.

He was overthrown in 1960 but the damage had already been done. The west realized that it had to tolerate Kemalism in order to keep Turkey in NATO as a bulwark against the Soviets.

This all changed 90s when the Soviet Union collapsed. They started to turn their attention to the Middle East. It was no longer necessary to please the Turkish Military leadership... in fact they were perceived as a threat to American interests. This is why Erdogan met up with US officials around that time. It is a fact that America gave his party millions so they can win.

You be the judge my friend. Don't believe what everyone says. It is a common misconception that Kemalism is pro-Western.

Really a funny story. Stories for dummies.
You as a kemalist want to Turkey having F35s but me as a muslim (you call as islamist, no problem i like it) don't want to any trash from USA. And now western nations want to me be in power. :D

And There are many kemalists, patriotics, like Akar Paşa, and Perinçek to be honest.

Dude I'm only wanting F-35s because were in need of such aircraft very soon (if we get SU-57s we will probably wait another 5 or 10 years) and our two upcoming LHDs are designed to work with STOVL aircraft.

Can someone translate what it says

I will try my best to translate it later on

Erdogan is calling the Mayors of Istanbul and Ankara "crippled ducks"...

Can someone translate what it says

"Turkey is facing a number of backwards (Radical Islamist and separatist) organisations created by outside forces. NGO's originating from America and Germany are posing as civil society groups, when in reality they are groups of radicalists - they (the West) are working on trying to convince the Turkish nation that these groups are just harmless civil society groups. The truth is that these foreign made groups are tools who's purpose is to change Turkey from a Democratic and secular country into an Islamic country.

These radicalist groups are spending 50 million dollars a year to spread their
ideology. They are using intricate propaganda tactics in order capture the minds and hearts of the Turkish people. They have 1.5 million sympathizers and a 3000 man militant group which they are trying to expand. Together with their political wing (AKP) they can spread to all parts of Turkey without any opposition. By being able to comfortably survive they will continue to prepare for their goal of establishing an Islamic state.

These separatist and radicalist groups (including PKK, Gulenists , etc.) have one shared goal... to change the constitution, destroy order, weaken the Turkish Republic and ultimately divide it... this is a known fact. At this point it is known that these groups will continue their activities. This is harmful to Turkey's strength and unity.

We must crush all types of Islamist and Separatist groups as right now as they attempt to spread. We shall use our strength to bring them under control.

The actions of these reactionaries are threatening the Democratic and secular structure of the Turkish republic. They are spreading throughout the country at a rapid speed. As they spread they are giving courage to other groups which wish to destroy the Turkish nation. Radicalist groups are our first concern. The establishment of a Kurdish state in northern Iraq is threatening the security of the region and further boosting the morale of separatist and reactionary forces by giving them support. This is our second threat. In the Aegean sea and Cyprus there is a third threat. Due to our other threats we are theorizing that they have plans to go against our interests.

Specifically in regards to provocations in Istanbul and Southeastern Anatolia we must be ruthless, unforgiving and swift or else these radicalist and separatist groups will continue to spread. Our first movement will be to take strong action against these foreign backed internal enemies whose backwards and separatist actions threaten our state. At the same time we must look at the events in Northern Iraq and perform whichever action is necessary. Our second goal is to strengthen public order and increase the strength of the police so they can deal with upcoming threats... make sure that our security forces take the necessary measures to deal with outside threats and ultimately, restore the state's security and reinstall law and order.

As our Great leader (Ataturk) had said before the Turkish War of Independence "The most important battlefront is the internal one. If the internal front-line isn't held strong then you won't be able to achieve anything". By taking his principles into action we shall destroy separatists from within as well as their allies in Northern Iraq; at the same time we should ruthlessly crush those who use Islamic radicalism to cause chaos and call for a new Islamist state. All reactionary sympathizers shall be taken under control as soon as possible.

It doesn't matter if the threat is from the outside or the inside. Our nation will take the necessary steps. In order to crush separatist and radicalist activities we will need to use half of our available combat forces. In order to remove reactionary threats from our nation's future we must employ similar tactics to those used after our War of Independence which will make sure that all reactionaries are assimilated."
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