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Chp is busted and will lose Istanbul and Ankara, stealing vote is the only thing to win election for chp:-).

Nice story, why dont you post the places wher you guys steal the votes:-).

They think they have the power in the hands now. They dont know that Cumhur Ittifaki forms the majority of the municipal councils in Istanbul and Ankara. For example Istanbul has 39 districts. AKP with MHP combined forms 25
members of the city council and CHP has only 15. In Ankara Cumhur Ittifaki has 21 mayors of the districts!! CHP has only 4 lol.. They really thinkg they gonna rule the big cities =)


Buyuk sehirlerde cogunluluk yine Cumhur Ittifakin. Belediye meclis uyeleri cogunlulukta. CHP zannetmesin ki bu sehirleri o yonetecek =D Ankara'daki buyuk farka bir bakin. Cumhur Ittifakin 21 belediye meclis uyelesi var. CHP'nin sadece 4 tane uyesi var :D
Tell the ex Mayor that he should leave the keys under the mat.
If Cumhur Ittifaki continues to hold the powers in Istanbul and Ankara then I don’t understand what are you guys scared from and why you are acting like rabid animals who throw sheit left and right for 2 days now.

If everything is so great then just chill and give Ekrem and Mansur the keys to their offices in the Metropolitan Municipalities and that’s it. :D
Stop all money and projects for Istanbul and Ankara too and redirect them to Konya, Yozgat, Erzurum or whatever... :D

I have to admit that CHP supporters had been complaining and blaming for fraud until this election but as Akp lost , all roles have been changed.
The position of Erdoğan was a victim in 1998 when he became a İstanbuls mayor.
Now CHP gains all sympathy from nation.
Because now erdoğans government is trying to avoid legitimate results. Poor Erdoğan has been morphed such kind a leader who helplessly oppreses opposition.
Also Akp supporters became really aggressive on social media.
They didn't expect to lose, I am sure Akp rulers aren't ready to new situation.
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Regarding the election: "You can't learn if you always win " - Me

Congratulation to the democracy in turkey
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''...Biz kisik sesleriz.Minareleri ezansinz, gokyuzumuzu bayraksiz birakma Allah'im!Muslumanlik ve Turklukle yogrulan yurdumuzu caresiz birakma Allah'im!Biliyoruz, hasma karsi koymasini! Bizi cansiz birakma Allah'im!Bizi sevgisiz, sussuz, havasiz ve vatansiz birakma Allah'im!Bizi yersiz, yurtsuz, yarinsiz ve yalniz birakma Allah'im!Biz ki, bin yillik kardeslik dedik, bizi ayri dusurme Allah'im!Biz ki, bagimsizlikta karar kildik, bizi esaret altinda birakma Allah'im!Kotulerle mucadelemizde, bizi bir basimiza birakma Allah'im!Milletimizi yasat, devletimizi var et, insanimizi huzurlu ve sadetli et,sen bizden yardimini esirgeme Allah'im!Bozkurtun basini dik, ulkucunun anlini acik ve gelecegin uc hilalini kutlu et Allah'im!!!NE MUTLU TURKUM DIYENE...!!!

Ankara'da ve İstanbul'da camileri ahırlara çevirmeye başlamışlar musluklardan da bira akmaya başlamış.
People are really strange who expect bizard things.


Recounting seems to bring more votes for İmamoğlu.
İn Esenyurt plus 350 votes to İmamoğlu were updated...
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Artık diyorum ki şu aradaki particikler (mhp, ip, sp, hdp vs) yokolup gitse de 2 partili bi sistem oturtsak, o zaman demokrasiyi tam anlamıyla yaşayacağız sanki. Iyi olan kazanır. Antalya ne güzel örnek. Sürekli el değiştiriyor.

2 tarafın da kemikleşmiş oyu, tabanı olsa da belli bi kesim ideolojiden uzak canı kimi isterse ona oy veriyor. Bu kesim seçim sonuçlarını belirliyor.

Bence tadından yenmez. kimse "kirli/temiz" ittifak derdine düşmez. Söylenildiği gibi "devided Turkey" 2 ye bölünmüş olsak öpüp başıma koyacam, biz 8 e bölünmüşüz şuan
AKP supporters crying foul about rigged elections, very ironic.

Even funnier are the reports that those AKP muncipalities that lost are destroying documents and are shifting equipment to other cities where AKP won. What a motherland loving bunch.
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