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    Votes: 5 38.5%
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    Votes: 1 7.7%
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    Votes: 2 15.4%
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    Votes: 5 38.5%

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  • Poll closed .
CHP is correct.

AKP's lies, bribes and sheer manipulation is not to be accepted. It's disgusting how they have gotten away with so much b*llshit. Enough. CHP is growing its balls again and I'm hoping they will stick a nail in AKP's coffin.

CHP is hopeless if they don't kick Kilicdaroglu and Leftist politicans out.

We should not forget how Atatürk left CHP to TR, that's the way they need go.
CHP is hopeless if they don't kick Kilicdaroglu and Leftist politicans out.

We should not forget how Atatürk left CHP to TR, that's the way they need go.

Exactly. Leftists have dragged down CHP. However people like Muharrem Ince, Mansur Yavas and Ekrem Imamoglu have really lifted CHP's image. I think Ince needs to replace Kilicdaroglu. He may be controversial but he is a much better speaker than Kilicdaroglu. He is the authoritative voice which CHP needs.
Man there is a serious election fraude in Istanbul. CHP is panicking.

60% of all votes recounted and still 18.000 Imamoglu infront.

All this happend because AKP voter can't vote correctly.
If you stamp on AKP's logo or write some bs on it, than don't be surprised if they don't count it.


60% of all votes recounted and still 18.000 Imamoglu infront.

All this happend because AKP voter can't vote correctly.
If you stamp on AKP's logo or

What a mentality. The difference after the recount started, dropped from 29k to 17k. You think this is normal? If this go on the whole Istanbul election will be canceled.
What a mentality. The difference after the recount started, dropped from 29k to 17k. You think this is normal? If this go on the whole Istanbul election will be canceled.

Yes, it is.
They count now votes like this... as a normal legit vote.

Before throwing shit on other people, by adressing them as thieves you should teach your own retards how to vote properly.
60% of all votes recounted and still 18.000 Imamoglu infront.

All this happend because AKP voter can't vote correctly.
If you stamp on AKP's logo or write some bs on it, than don't be surprised if they don't count it.


Think before you post. This example of a supposedly invalid ballot card is wrong. It's ctually a perfectly valid vote, according to YSK standards. If these kind of ballots aren't counted for AKP in the first place, CHP will definitely lose the recount. What matters is that the poll workers can clearly identify the party preference of the voting person. You can't just declare this vote as invalid otherwise MILLIONS of votes must be counted as invalid all over Turkey in each and every election.

the law does not work like that. Regret does not eliminate the crime. If it is, then the Feto terrorists have the right to say '' Kandirildim '' in court.

Ignorantia juris non excusat; or as we Turks would say "Kanunu bilmemek mazeret değildir". I'm fully aware of this principle, though, showing regret can lead to a lesser sentence.
Still, you did not get my point at all.

AKP did not share the power over the state and its institution with the Gülen movment just because they were in love with the pseudo-Islamic sermons of that disgusting person sitting in Pennsylvania.

Why should they do something like that voluntarily? It does not make sense. The truth is, they were forced by the powers which are described as "Kemalist" to cooperate with the Gülenist. You cannot deny this. Or this:


Every FETÖ member needs to be punished just like we punish PKK members. We have to treat them as terrorists. I support this. But acting as if the entire story is just the fault of AKP is nothing short of self deception.
Think before you post. This example of a supposedly invalid ballot card is wrong. It's ctually a perfectly valid vote, according to YSK standards. If these kind of ballots aren't counted for AKP in the first place, CHP will definitely lose the recount. What matters is that the poll workers can clearly identify the party preference of the voting person. You can't just declare this vote as invalid otherwise MILLIONS of votes must be counted as invalid all over Turkey in each and every election.

As the election ended Imamoglu was the winner with ~21.000 votes, after the recounts (60% now) it dropped to ~18.000, i guess you had to much optimism for breakfast...
As the election ended Imamoglu was the winner with ~21.000 votes, after the recounts (60% now) it dropped to ~18.000, i guess you had to much optimism for breakfast...

I had no breakfast, actually. And I don't care who's the winner. The election process must be fair, that's all I care about. If AKP has lost the elections in Istanbul according to the official results of YSK, they have to leave the office immediately.
I had no breakfast, actually. And I don't care who's the winner. The election process must be fair, that's all I care about. If AKP has lost the elections in Istanbul according to the official results of YSK, they have to leave the office immediately.

I had no breakfast, actually. And I don't care who's the winner. The election process must be fair, that's all I care about. If AKP has lost the elections in Istanbul according to the official results of YSK, they have to leave the office immediately.

It's almost a week now and they're still counting. Tells you just how fair it is.

A similar case happened back during the 2014 election in Ankara as well, AKP won with 30k votes so CHP objected but Gökçek was already given his mazbata without any delay.

''Ne istediler de vermedik'' alliance in the Turkish Army Schools for destroying the next 40-50 years of commanders since 2007.

Ex-Military student and victim of the alliance, now Academician Yağız Aksakaloğlu tells what 4000 students like him went through:
  • ''Purging'' non-FETÖ commanders in schools,
  • Openly-Mass infiltration of FETÖ members into schools,
  • ''Torturing'' non-FETÖ students and Purging or making them leave in schools,
  • Plotting non-FETÖ students in schools,
  • FETÖ Spying in schools,
  • Killings of non-FETÖ students,
  • No solution today for those 4000 ''purged'' patriot students; while Expelled FETÖ ''students'' get seats in respected universities like Galatasaray or ODTÜ
  • ...



İstanbul seçimleri; Araplaştırmak ve Hıristiyanlaştırmak!

İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanlığı'nı, Ekrem İmamoğlu'nun elinden almak isteyen AKP yetkilileri neden bu kadar gayrı meşru yolları zorluyor?

Çünkü İstanbul'u teslim ederlerse, Türkiye'yi sürüklemek istedikleri rejim değişikliği girişimi de sona erecek.

...nasıl bir rejim tasarladıklarını, Türk vatanı olan Türkiye'yi nasıl gördüklerini birkaç gün önce AKP sözcüsü Ömer Çelik açıklamıştı. Ömer Çelik, "Burası tek millet olarak bizim vatanımızdır. Aynı zamanda Türkmenlerin, Kürtlerin, Arapların vatanıdır. Tüm etnik grupların sığınağıdır. Onun için burayı güçlü ve kuvvetli tutacağız" demişti.

"Arap Derneği" Başkanı Metin Turan ise dün yaptığı açıklamada "Şu an Türkiye'de 5 milyona yakın Arap kardeşimiz ikamet ediyor. Bunlar arasında iş adamları, öğrenciler, Arap baharından sonra gelenler var. 3 milyon 600 bin Suriyeli mülteci var." dedi.

Hulki Cevizoğlu'nun "İşgal ve Direniş; 1919 ve Bugün" eserinde yayınladığı belge, bugünü de izah ediyor.

25 Aralık 1919'da İngiliz Ryan, hükümetine sunduğu raporda şöyle demişti:

"Biz gerçek ideali din imiş gibi davranacak menfaatçi bir grubu idareci olarak takdime çalışacağız. Panislamizmi ezemeyiz. Bu, tıpkı Batı'daki milliyetçilik gibidir. Bizim şimdiki gayemiz, arkadaş gibi davranıp kazanmak ve sonra hükmetmek olmalıdır."

The source: https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/...plastirmak-ve-hiristiyanlastirmak-51462yy.htm

Some article about the election.
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