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Watching this sort of blunder by Turkey makes me cringe. What does Turkey gain from this? It's yet another reminder to Westerners that Turkey is not like us. That's fine, but why then get so hysterical over the press freedom ranking?
Turkey should be more like the U.S

This is what you did to our soldiers in Iraq a decade ago. Americans still didn't apologize for this incident where you abducted our soldiers.

What kind of ally would do this?

While that event was unfortunate, you're comparing a mistake made in the fog of war to the harassment of a journalist covering a protest? Good to know.

Also, please remember that Turkey had denied permission to the US to transit troops through Turkey for the invasion. Fair enough. But is it possible that the resulting lack of coordination contributed to this?

Turkey should be more like the U.S


What does this have to do with press freedom?

Let's not get down in the dirt on this. Turkey's hands aren't exactly clean in how it has dealt with the Kurds, either, so I don't think you have the standing to lecture the US on treatment of prisoners. A discussion on that issue is off topic.
While that event was unfortunate, you're comparing a mistake made in the fog of war to the harassment of a journalist covering a protest? Good to know.
It has to do with respect amongst allies. If you make mistake you apologize. We still didn't get apology and this "hood accident" is still fresh in people's mind in Turkey. Recently US was exposed to wire tapping their allies. From Germany to Turkey. You also didn't apologize for that either.

Also, please remember that Turkey had denied permission to the US to transit troops through Turkey for the invasion. Fair enough. But is it possible that the resulting lack of coordination contributed to this?
Turkey is not obliged to support ILLEGAL wars. Even US consensus says Iraq war was a mistake and nothing to do with 9/11. Turkey informed US it would be mistake and you invaded anyway. Maybe if you listened to your "ally" you wouldn't have made that mistake.

What does this have to do with press freedom?
US jails also journalist for leaking sensitive videos. Exposing government crimes in US is not rewarded but punished in US. US also doesn't have good track record. Even peaceful demonstration such as occupy movement was beaten down very harshly. Why doesn't CNN cover that anniversary too?

When this video leaked american goverment was hunting every reporter who had the information about this leak. No country was safe for assange. wher is the press freedom?
It has to do with respect amongst allies. If you make mistake you apologize. We still didn't get apology and this "hood accident" is still fresh in people's mind in Turkey. Recently US was exposed to wire tapping their allies. From Germany to Turkey. You also didn't apologize for that either.

Turkey is not obliged to support ILLEGAL wars. Even US consensus says Iraq war was a mistake and nothing to do with 9/11. Turkey informed US it would be mistake and you invaded anyway. Maybe if you listened to your "ally" you wouldn't have made that mistake.

US jails also journalist for leaking sensitive videos. Exposing government crimes in US is not rewarded but punished in US. US also doesn't have good track record. Even peaceful demonstration such as occupy movement was beaten down very harshly. Why doesn't CNN cover that anniversary too?

I am not going to defend the US when it comes to mistakes made in Iraq. In hindsight, Iraq was clearly a tragedy. As for spying on allies, the optics of that are very bad, but everyone protects their own interests. Why does the US spy on allies? Turkey traded with Iran despite the embargo, yes? Europe has transferred military technology to China despite depending on the US for its defense, right? Maybe the "allies" don't have clean hands, either. Again, the optics of the NSA scandal are bad. But let's be realistic.

Perhaps the US should have listened to Turkey, but once Turkey refused cooperation with the US, these kinds of mistakes were inevitable. The Hood incident took place in Iraq shortly after the invasion, after all. The US didn't have good intelligence networks developed at the time.

The US sometimes jails journalists for national security leaks, but rarely (e.g. Daniel Ellsburg). Far more often, it jails the leaker (e.g. Bradley Manning). Anyway, what does this have to do with coverage of a public protest? Was that a state secret?

I invite Turkish media to cover Occupy Wall Street or whatever other left-wing protests occur in the US. Have any Turkish journalists been similarly mistreated by authorities in the United States?

Believe it or not, I want Turkey to succeed. What I am trying to figure out how the mistreatment of this journalist serves Turkey's interests. Any insight on that?

When this video leaked american goverment was hunting every reporter who had the information about this leak. No country was safe for assange. wher is the press freedom?

I think I am behind the curve on this. What journalists were jailed over this video?
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I am not going to defend the US when it comes to mistakes made in Iraq. In hindsight, Iraq was clearly a tragedy. As for spying on allies, the optics of that are very bad, but everyone protects their own interests. Why does the US spy on allies? Turkey traded with Iran despite the embargo, yes? Europe has transferred military technology to China despite depending on the US for its defense, right? Maybe the "allies" don't have clean hands, either. Again, the optics of the NSA scandal are bad. But let's be realistic.

Perhaps the US should have listened to Turkey, but once Turkey refused cooperation with the US, these kinds of mistakes were inevitable. The Hood incident took place in Iraq shortly after the invasion, after all. The US didn't have good intelligence networks developed at the time.

The US sometimes jails journalists for national security leaks, but rarely (e.g. Daniel Ellsburg). Far more often, it jails the leaker (e.g. Bradley Manning). Anyway, what does this have to do with coverage of a public protest? Was that a state secret?

I invite Turkish media to cover Occupy Wall Street or whatever other left-wing protests occur in the US. Have any Turkish journalists been similarly mistreated by authorities in the United States?

Believe it or not, I want Turkey to succeed. What I am trying to figure out how the mistreatment of this journalist serves Turkey's interests. Any insight on that?

I think I am behind the curve on this. What journalists were jailed over this video?
Probably if Turkey or any other country would had sent journalist and tried stir up US for revolution, US would have acted very adequately. For example with wikileaks or Manning incident you went outside the boundries to look whether foreign countries were involved. Where is press freedom? Don't Americans deserve to know when their government commits crimes? I think leaking military related information shouldn't be allowed but when you try to cover up crimes that is a crime in itself.

About the CNN reporter. I think manhandling US reporter was appropriate because he got into their faces, it makes me think he did this on purpose because in the past he never did this. He would always find a quite spot to do his broadcasting but this time he was looking for trouble. You live in US, you pick up a camera when there are protest in US and go up close like this CNN reporter and see what happens.
we should honor our police officer with a medal for being such a blockhead.....
Probably if Turkey or any other country would had sent journalist and tried stir up US for revolution, US would have acted very adequately. For example with wikileaks or Manning incident you went outside the boundries to look whether foreign countries were involved. Where is press freedom? Don't Americans deserve to know when their government commits crimes? I think leaking military related information shouldn't be allowed but when you try to cover up crimes that is a crime in itself.

About the CNN reporter. I think manhandling US reporter was appropriate because he got into their faces, it makes me think he did this on purpose because in the past he never did this. He would always find a quite spot to do his broadcasting but this time he was looking for trouble. You live in US, you pick up a camera when there are protest in US and go up close like this CNN reporter and see what happens.

Americans do deserve to know. And we do know. And the journalists who reported these things are still free. It is the leakers who broke the law and betrayed their vows of secrecy who are jailed or on the run.

As far as the CNN reporter, in the video you posted, he was standing several feet away from the police, with his back turned towards them. Then the police advanced and surrounded him--they got in his face, not the other way around. And ironically, this happened as he was reporting that the protesters often turn violent.

In any case, the US makes mistakes, I get it. But you're saying that Turkish police harassed the reporter because the US is flawed? How does that advance Turkey's interests?
While that event was unfortunate, you're comparing a mistake made in the fog of war to the harassment of a journalist covering a protest? Good to know.

Also, please remember that Turkey had denied permission to the US to transit troops through Turkey for the invasion. Fair enough. But is it possible that the resulting lack of coordination contributed to this?

What does this have to do with press freedom?

Let's not get down in the dirt on this. Turkey's hands aren't exactly clean in how it has dealt with the Kurds, either, so I don't think you have the standing to lecture the US on treatment of prisoners. A discussion on that issue is off topic.
U said it makes u think Turkey is not like us, because of that Incident?
100.000 Civilians died in Iraq but this incident makes u cringe?
U are just being supercilious
U said it makes u think Turkey is not like us, because of that Incident?
100.000 Civilians died in Iraq but this incident makes u cringe?
U are just being supercilious

No, it was Turkey's sovereign right to refuse permission to the US. What makes Turkey look different from us is its habit of harassing and jailing journalists. As I said before, that's fine, Turkey has its own culture. But Turkey then shouldn't be bothered by its press freedom ranking. Erdogan was hysterical over that, but he still orders his police to crack down on journalists. It makes me worry for his sanity.
What will our end game be? Better yet, what will Erdogan's end game be?

Will we have to wait till after the elections to see some actions? Shit is getting out of control and they're all ignoring it.
Since the military is Tayyips lapdog, we will have to wait for the day our dumb people wake up.
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