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Hi guys, so i am tottally ignorant about Turkish politics.

But could some of you explain where Erdogan's supporters lie? I mean the demographics?

Why do they support him. Thank you :-)

AKP supporters are mainly in country side, in big cities its more like 50/50.
Also the part of society with bad education tends more to vote for AKP.

Many people dont believe his corruption, or they say even if he is corrupt he did something for us, and also a part says simply there is no alternative.
@xxxKULxxx You should stick to your little rule and you should not involve in politics buddy You should continue bragging about the things we have accomplished mostly thanks to the West, whom you see as our prime enemy :)
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This comment posted shortly before Soma event by Gulerce of Fethullah Gulen Movement

He says eveybody must be ready about big distress and oscillations which never seen throughout the history of the Turkish republic, until presidential election.

GAZA CITY — Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh on Monday said the Palestinian people would not forget nine Turkish activists killed by Israel in 2010 while on board a Gaza-bound Turkish relief ship.

"The Turkish activists on board the Mavi Marmara sacrificed their lives in order to break the siege on the Gaza Strip," Haniyeh said.

"Delegates that come in solidarity with Gaza contribute to breaking the Israeli siege on the strip," he said at a reception for the members of two aid convoys that arrived earlier in the coastal enclave.

Israel has blockaded the Gaza Strip since 2006, depriving the territory's roughly 1.8 million inhabitants of their most basic needs.

In May 2010, Israeli commandos killed eight Turkish nationals-and a U.S. citizen of Turkish descent-when they attacked the Mavi Marmara in international waters.

The ill-fated ship had been part of a flotilla carrying humanitarian aid and construction materials to Gaza.

The event sparked international outrage and led to a deterioration of Turkish-Israeli ties.

Since then, Turkey has received an apology from the Israeli government and the two countries are now looking to normalize relations with a deal involving compensation for the victims' families.

Haniyeh said the visit to Gaza by members of the two aid convoys had come at a time of "extremely important" developments on both the Palestinian and Arab levels.

He added that Palestinians were close to reuniting in order to counter Israeli intransigence.

On April 23, Haniyah's Hamas movement, which governs the Gaza Strip, hammered out a reconciliation deal with the rival Fatah movement, which rules the occupied West Bank.

It is hoped that the deal will end inter-Palestinian divisions and open the door for a Palestinian government of national unity.


BERLIN — Germany has rejected calls for Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan to cancel his visit to Cologne on Saturday. He is due to address almost 20,000 supporters in what could amount to rally for Turkey's presidential poll in August.

Erdoğan has not yet said whether he will run for the Turkish president, but he is widely expected to do so.

Although his party says the Cologne speech is not a campaign event, some German lawmakers have urged Berlin to discourage it.
German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said the visit was a private one and the Turkish premier was welcome. He added: "The government expects Prime Minister Erdoğan to approach this appearance with responsibility and sensitivity."

Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said he expected the speech to be "appropriate to international customs and above all fitting to the close nature of German-Turkish ties".

An estimated 2 million Turkish citizens living in Germany have a right to vote in Turkish elections, and Erdoğan would want their support if he stands. Another 1 million people of Turkish origin have become German citizens.

"In theory, we are a country which is open to visitors," said Peter Tauber, the secretary general of the Christian Democrats, Chancellor Angela Merkel's party. "Everyone can speak here and we have freedom of speech and freedom to gather."

Germany welcomes Erdoğan for rally | Europe | Daily Sabah

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu will pay an official visit to China today to represent Turkey at the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) summit.


Foreign Ministry said that the CICA Summit will be held in Shanghai on May 20-21.

Davutoğlu is expected to have bilateral meetings with leaders and ministers from other participating countries.

Turkey took over the term presidency of CICA for two years during the 3rd CICA Summit convened in Istanbul in 2010.

Turkey will hand over the term presidency to China at the 4th CICA Summit.
Davutoğlu attends CICA Summit in China/TRT-English

Turkey has temporarily suspended its consulate activities in Benghazi.

Foreign Ministry officials said that the decision to close the consulate was taken due to the security conditions in the country.

Meanwhile, diplomatic sources said that the consulate will open according to the course of the events.

Algeria and Saudi Arabia have also announced that they have suspended their activities in the country on the grounds of security threats.
Turkey closes its consulate in Libya/TRT-English

Erdogan: Turkey to continue supporting world's needy

PM says Turkey's willingness to aid the world's oppressed is part of its national tradition and culture, as Turkey marks Youth and Sports Day

ANKARA, Turkey

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has hailed Turkey's generosity in aiding the poor around the world as the country marked its Youth and Sports Day in memory of the nation's founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence.

Speaking at a ceremony to mark different welfare projects carried out by the Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency, Erdogan said on Monday: “The process starting on 19 May, 1919, does not have to be confined to our national borders."

"Turkey has turned from a receiving hand into a giving hand and will continue to help people in need throughout the world, because this is an Ottoman tradition and national culture of the Turks.”

He praised Turkish aid agencies for their work in Palestine, Somalia, Georgia and Tunisia and also in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia where 44 people lost their lives during the recent flooding across the Balkans.

Wave of grief

Erdogan added: “It is wrong to say that Turkey was left alone during the Liberation War because the sons of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Palestine, Syria and Iraq also sacrificed their lives, fighting side-by-side with our ancestors, and we cannot forget the financial aid sent by the people of Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan at that difficult time.”

Turning to the 13 May coal mine tragedy in the town of Soma - the deadliest mining disaster in Turkey's history - in which 301 miners lost their lives, Erdogan thanked Pakistan especially for declaring a day of mourning and other countries for sharing the nation's pain.

The horrific disaster sparked a wave of grief across Turkey, where nationals continue to mourn the dead.

The cause of the explosion and fire which followed has yet to be determined. The death toll surpassed that of a firedamp explosion which killed 263 miners in Zonguldak in 1992.

Right to vote

Erdogan also received a delegation of youths, saying: “Our aim is to give the right to elect and be elected to 18-year-old people as in Germany, the Netherlands and other democratic countries.”

The May 19th commemoration in Turkey marks the 95th anniversary of founder Ataturk’s arrival in the northern city of Samsun from the occupied Ottoman capital of Istanbul in 1919, which prompted the country’s war for independence.

Most Turkish territories were at the time occupied by Allied Forces following Turkey's defeat in the First World War in 1918.

Turkey ready to help Serbia and Bosnia, says Erdogan

Turkey is ready to offer every kind of help to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told Bosnian and Serbian leaders as Balkan countries face their worst floods in more than a century.

Sources close to the Turkish prime minister told Anadolu Agency on Monday that Erdogan called Bakir Izetbegovic, the Bosniak Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbian Prime Minister, Alexander Vucic, to offer assistance and his condolences for the loss of lives.

Balkan leaders thanked the Turkish prime minister for offer and also expressed their condolences for the 301 miners killed in the Soma coal mine disaster last week in western Turkey.

Deadly floods

Turkey's Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency has already sent much-needed materials and equipment for use in search-and-rescue operations including a C-130 cargo aircraft and more than 100,000 sandbags, blankets and generators, the presidency said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Turkey’s Cooperation and Coordination Agency and Turkish Red Crescent have also offered their help to the flood-hit countries.

The worst and deadliest floods in the Balkans since rainfall measurements began 120 years ago came after several months of rain fell in only a few days.

The death toll reported by Anadolu Agency teams in the region has risen to 35, while tens of thousands of people have been evacuated in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia, which have called for international assistance.

Erdogan: Turkey to continue supporting world's needy Anadolu Agency

I told you my solution...

"And when i'm voting for AK Parti i look at my choices and i see non of them can be able to rule in Türkiye by far...

These 2 stupid puppet traitors kılıçdaroğlu(chp) & bahçeli(mhp)... I would never vote for them... It's better i die..."

Atatürk and Bahceli both have something you dont have.
They are Turkish and Turkic something you will never be.
And because of people like you i could never support Erdogan even if he did good things for Turkey
Turkey is a lot kinder to its Jewish Population than Israel is to its Occupied Arabs.
Sad to see what has become of Turkey. It's basically no different to the Arab nations now.

Not content with blaming Jews for the protests last year, now Jews are responsible for the mining disaster too.

Amazing how much the Turks have regressed in just a few years from being potential Europeans to being conspiracy theorists, loons and racists.

Of course being anti-semitic might actually get you INTO Europe these days. It's fashionable again.

Nice headline in Yani akit - "O Patronun Damadi Yahudi"
You blond blind or just brainless?
In the Muslim world,who do you blame to get votes?
How can we be antisimetic when we helped the Jews during the Spanish Inquisition,WWII?
When you have a Arab-world oriented government(Erdogan) you allways blame the Jews,it doesnt mean the people are antisimetic.
Fvck the EU,we dont want to get in anymore,dont use the EU card against us.
turkish government latest killing of it own people

the Moment when Uğur Kurt was shot in head in Istanbul’s Okmeydanı

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Sad to see what has become of Turkey. It's basically no different to the Arab nations now.

Not content with blaming Jews for the protests last year, now Jews are responsible for the mining disaster too.

Amazing how much the Turks have regressed in just a few years from being potential Europeans to being conspiracy theorists, loons and racists.

Of course being anti-semitic might actually get you INTO Europe these days. It's fashionable again.

Nice headline in Yani akit - "O Patronun Damadi Yahudi"
Some of my family members are jewish and they never faced discrimmination from any Turk or in Turkey
turkish government latest killing of it own people

the Moment when Uğur Kurt was shot in head in Istanbul’s Okmeydanı

Lol, a guy from Mullah land critisize us about the protests.... :rofl:

Of course you will think government killing of its own people... that's what mullahs do, so you think it's the same everywhere around the world.
I've noticed much more hostility and racism from Turks towards Jews in the last 10 years. Even if a lot of it is online.

My non-Jewish friend lived in Turkey for many years and decided to move because he could feel the country becoming more extreme. He told me he wanted to get out. Now he's in Canada.

Do you think it's only Erdogan?

If Turks found him so offensive, he'd be out of office - yet he and his party are as popular as ever.

Blaming Jews for the protests, blaming Jews for the mine disaster.

You're just Arabs now. No better, no different.
this is like your tenth account
Lol, a guy from Mullah land critisize us about the protests.... :rofl:

Of course you will think government killing of its own people... that's what mullahs do, so you think it's the same everywhere around the world.
no I think you do not like the truth to come out . it very clear anybody look at it and I let people to judge .

Aide to Turkish Prime Minister pictured kicking people turkish people

no I think you do not like the truth to come out . it very clear anybody look at it and I let people to judge .

Aide to Turkish Prime Minister pictured kicking people turkish people

If you had read our comments, you would see most of us are critic about these incidents. If you don't know Erdogan also slapped a person and we disapproved his behaviour. After all we don't fanatically support our government like some other nations in the region.

But to present this particular incident as Goverment start to kill our people.... you are wrong. And you are doing black propaganda against Turkey.

Your pattern of posts, your reply to our posts, the language you use.... pretty much shows your mindset. After all you are not the first and denitely not will be the last person who is obsessed with Turkey. I advice you to overcome your inferioty complex and move on.
You're just Arabs now. No better, no different.
How many million jews did the arabs kill again?
And if u belive that Antisemitism and "blame the jews for everything" is exclusive to the middle east u should visit Hungary or Greece. U would not belive me how many people in germany are still hostile to Jews and im not talking about 80year old men.
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