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Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

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There is a difference between morally and intellectually braindead (Ottoman empire in its last years) and the Turkish republic with some problems (i didnt like Inönü but nobody was an english spy)

Maybe they are maybe not but all their steps wasn't good for our country and people...

Some researchers says they were working with external powers because it was necassarry for stand firm.

look Menderes he was hung and look Turgut Ozal he was sabotaged.
Some researchers says they were working with external powers because it was necassarry for stand firm.
I dont know what they mean with ''working with external powers'' Turkey joined Nato in 1952 because there was a serious thread of an Soviet invasion during late 40s and 50s, so indeed there was a cooperation, but Turkey could have been another Soviet state if they didnt worked with the west.

Its true that there was wrong policys in the past and that our state was opressive against everybody be it Kommunists, Religious people, Intellectuals, Kurds and many more, but calling them British Agent is something that only cospiracy theorist nutjobs do.
Maybe they are maybe not but all their steps wasn't good for our country and people...

Some researchers says they were working with external powers because it was necassarry for stand firm.

look Menderes he was hung and look Turgut Ozal he was sabotaged.
I dont support assasination but both Menderes and Özal deserved their fate.
Özal because he let Öcalan go eventhough he was catched
Menderes because he would have turned Turkey into a sharia state

why we are not like japanese, every our people like a different state.

If we expand Turkey it will be something like World, Turkey really incloude every type of ideas :D sometimes iam shock
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why we are not like japanese, every our people like a different state.

If we expand Turkey it will be something like World, Turkey really incloude every type of ideas :D sometimes iam shock

Because some people are stuck in the past and want ancient relicts and institutions such as Sharia, the caliphate or even monarchy back.

why we are not like japanese, every our people like a different state.

If we expand Turkey it will be something like World, Turkey really incloude every type of ideas :D sometimes iam shock
We have many ideas but most are idiotic (Communists/Monarchists/Sharia retards)
Shariah is essentially the laws of islam that are derived from the quran, sunnah, and ijma. These laws effect ones daily life, the moral rules a government should follow in its decision making, and it effects a states judicial system because it outlines its laws.

The objectives of the Shariah are the following:
  1. Preservation of Life
  2. Preservation of Religion
  3. Preservation of Family
  4. Preservation of Intellect
  5. Preservation of Wealth
Shariah is essentially the laws of islam that are derived from the quran, sunnah, and ijma. These laws effect ones daily life, the moral rules a government should follow in its decision making, and it effects a states judicial system because it outlines its laws.

The objectives of the Shariah are the following:
  1. Preservation of Life
  2. Preservation of Religion
  3. Preservation of Family
  4. Preservation of Intellect
  5. Preservation of Wealth

And thats why its not compatible with a modern state and democracy.
While agents of UK
You think this would offend me? If I was a british agent I'd be more than happy with the state Turkey's in.
Open your eyes, there's no Arabs and British, they are all the same.
Arab Revolt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's about us, and them. A Turk's only real friend is a Turk.
And Erdogan is not Turkish, he's a Georgian! Stalin was Georgian, didn't you learn anything?
Looked history who did these things? i'm telling about them.

the first man inonu

İnönü did everything in his power to keep Turkey independent and ready for a war. After the WWII is over nobody voted for him.
And what happened next? 5 years later Turkey joined to NATO. 10 years later they hanged Adnan Menderes.

According to Sharia, a woman can't be a witness in the courts let alone voting. A woman can't inherit any estate. If you find that Islamic or moral we have nothing to talk about.
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You think this would offend me? If I was a british agent I'd be more than happy with the state Turkey's in.
Open your fvcking eyes, there's no Arabs and British, they are all the same.
Arab Revolt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's about us, and them. A Turk's only real friend is a Turk.
And Erdogan is not Turkish, he's a fvcking Georgian! Stalin was Georgian, didn't you learn anything?

Fvck you

İnönü did everything in his power to keep Turkey independent and ready for a war. After the WWII is over nobody voted for him.
And what happened next? 5 years later Turkey joined to NATO. 10 years later they hanged Adnan Menderes.

According to Sharia, a woman can't be a witness in the courts let alone voting. A woman can't inherit any estate. If you find that Islamic or moral we have nothing to talk about.
actually a woman can be a witness in the courts, and she can inherit, and voting is not against any islamic rules.

Anyway I dont want to get involved in politics but if something involves islam give me a heads up.
They tried to remove Our religion. they banned hijab, they burned Quran and history books then they changed history books and try to change Quran and Sunnah, they never let Muslims people to enter army or others important positions so on.... until AK Pary came...

Hijab wasn't banned ANYWHERE until 1980, and those were cold war times there were right-left clashes people were DYING in universities. I understand your butthurt but that was a necessity of that time. There are still radical movements in universities such as Hizbullah. I witness it everyday.

If they tried to remove religion they would succeed. Atatürk got Kuran translated to Turkish with his own money, he had Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır write the current tefsir of the Kuran with his own money.

You're brainwashed
actually a woman can be a witness in the courts, and she can inherit, and voting is not against any islamic rules.
Afghan women begs to differ.
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Ataturk established diyanet and during his time if I am not mistaken sermons were read in the parliament. He wasn't the perfect muslim but still he fought to defend muslims in several wars and for that he has my respect and should have the respect of other muslims. May allah forgive him and all of us for any of our sins.

Afghan women begs to differ.

I dont care what afghans do:

"From what is left by parents and those nearest related there is a share for men and a share for women, whether the property be small or large --a determinate share" (Quran 4:7).

The only verse in the entire Qur'an to equate the testimony of two women to that of one man is the so-called verse of debt (ayat al dayn), which occurs in Qur'an 2:282. This verse contains a significant amount of material that later jurists categorized variously as recommended or merely instructional (irshad) and without legal import. However, a very few jurists opined that the recording of debts, witnessing, and all other matters dealt with in the verse may be categorized as obligatory (wajib).
Whether we agree or disagree with a particular school, there is near unanimity among all jurists that the Qur'an's mention of testimony in relation to transactions was revealed to advise Muslims on how they might reduce the possibility of misunderstandings arising among themselves. Therefore, the entire matter of testimony was revealed to humanity by way of instruction. Obviously, instruction is one thing, while binding legal precepts are another matter entirely.
The verse of debt, moreover, may be seen as connecting testimony, the taking of witnesses, the agreement of both parties to the contract at the time of its ratification, and the judge's (qadi) acceptance of testimony given by the witnesses, as follows:

and call upon two of your men to act as witnesses; and if two men are not available, then a man and two women from among such as are acceptable to you as witnesses... (2:282)
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Let's drink instead for all those changes he brought to our country, instead of asking for forgivness for his "sins", to Atatürk.

Regardless, I disagree that it was better to lift the caliphate up, just for the share of its political influence around the world.

And I'm not talking about a government controlled by a caliph, but a caliph controlled by the government.
For example the Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı could have been the caliph.
Caliphate should be thrown away right after the french revolution. Nationalism was on the rise and that meant religious states was going to weaken. Ottoman empire has kept the caliphate to keep the Arabs happy, but when the british came they revolted anyway.

Arrogance destroyed the empire. They looked over their shoulders to europe and didn't follow the advancements there. Atatürk went beyond that when he gave the women the right to vote, even french women didn't have that right. People were discussing it like they are discussing gay marriage right now. It's better to be ahead of others in civil laws.

Would you rather live in Saudi Arabia that banned slavery in 1963? And still doesn't give the women to drive a fvcking car?

There's a good chance you'd be beheaded in Afghanistan in the name of İslam...

İslam is in a dark age, we didn't reach the point of enlightenmend christians did with renaissance and reformation movement.
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Caliphate should be thrown away right after the french revolution. Nationalism was on the rise and that meant religious states was going to weaken. Ottoman empire has kept the caliphate to keep the Arabs happy, but when the british came they revolted anyway.

Arrogance destroyed the empire. They looked over their shoulders to europe and didn't follow the advancements there. Atatürk went beyond that when he gave the women the right to vote, even french women didn't have that right. People were discussing it like they are discussing gay marriage right now. It's better to be ahead of others in civil laws.

Would you rather live in Saudi Arabia that banned slavery in 1963? And still doesn't give the women to drive a fvcking car?

There's a good chance you'd be beheaded in Afghanistan in the name of İslam...

İslam is in a dark age, we didn't reach the point of enlightenmend christians did with renaissance and reformation movement.
The fact in the end is that they are not following islamic rules so in turn they will be punished for doing injustice.
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