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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Think IS is doing similar action to Mosul, give up easy fight on countryside and draw in for urban warfare. Although Mosul is ofc way bigger.

Won't be easy. I still hope they flee towards Raqqa and do their final stand there.
Hawran, Saoran (last defensive point in west of Al-Bab before reaching outskirt defense line) liberated together with Uwaylin and Qudayran villages. Means, FSA is 2 km away from Al-Bab
idon"t even know who are the bad guys, or the good guys
It depends from your point of view....

From our point of view, FSA are the good guys. YPG, ISIS, SAA are the bad guys....Russia and US are fighting along with bad guys as their partners.
idon"t even know who are the bad guys, or the good guys

Good guys or bad guys dosn't matter. What matter is which guys can serve Turkey's interest, and this is FSA. They are the only one who can prevent a "Kurdish stat" in Syria.

Maybe Assad too, but I'm afraid this is gone too far......today Assad will most likely let a autonomous Kurdish region to be create (because he dosn't have neither the force or will to fight PKK), and the PKK will use this territory to attack Turkey like they done during Assad's father reign.
Good guys or bad guys dosn't matter. What matter is which guys can serve Turkey's interest, and this is FSA. They are the only one who can prevent a "Kurdish stat" in Syria.

Maybe Assad too, but I'm afraid this is gone too far......today Assad will most likely let a autonomous Kurdish region to be create (because he dosn't have neither the force or will to fight PKK), and the PKK will use this territory to attack Turkey like they done during Assad's father reign.

Assad and his father had a long history of supporting and training PKK terrorists .
The Baath party believes that Liwa-eskandaroon " Hatay " belongs to Syria in addition to that they wanted a larger share of water from Euphrates river source in Turkey .

The best scenario to deal with such problems in the future would be to setup permanent security zones along Syrian/Turkish border which protects Turkey from any threats from Syria and put any future central government in a weak position .

Euphrates shield is the first correct step in this direction , it needs to be extended to Riqqah ( Tal-Abyad) and hassakah " if possible" in the future .

Turkey should consider limiting water supplies to both Syria and Iraq unless they fully cooperate against containing PKK threat .
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