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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

"8 Daesh positions and 51 US backed PYD(YPG)/PKK targets were hit by the Turkish military as a part of the ongoing Operation Euphrates Shield, the Turkish armed forces says"

Turkish military hits 59 Daesh and PYD targets in northern Syria


"Turkish tanks operating in Syria, hit US backed YPG positions."

Told you guys Tall Rifaat wouldn't be easy, question is when/how/if our guys are gonna push for more active role. Just passive shelling not enough.

Btw YPG released pictures of ~20 killed during yesterdays clashes but I didn't see pictures of the 10 they claimed were killed during airstrikes.
Battle for Mosul: Turkey confirms military involvement
PM Yildrim confirms Turkish military involvement after Peshmerga requests help in battle for Iraq's second largest city.

Turkey has confirmed its troops have fired at positions held by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in a town near Mosul after receiving a request by Kurdish Peshmerga fighters for assistance.

Al Jazeera: 2016-10-23 (2 hours ago).
Told you guys Tall Rifaat wouldn't be easy, question is when/how/if our guys are gonna push for more active role. Just passive shelling not enough.

Btw YPG released pictures of ~20 killed during yesterdays clashes but I didn't see pictures of the 10 they claimed were killed during airstrikes.
"War's never a picnic…although obviously soldiers do end up eating outdoors a lot."
I think it would take 1-1,5 month to take Tal-Rıfat.

We liberated lands from IS easier due to they went back to Al-Bab to get ready for siege defense. But PKK is not retreating area to Afrin (Because there is no threat for Afrin right now), they instead pushing forces Afrin to Tal-Rufat. We have to cook at least 1k-1,5k terrorist to force them retreat from area. It will take time.
They should send all their man to tal rifat and afterwards we should carpet bomb the !village! its a village :D Seriously just carpet bomb it
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