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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Enemy barely possess any heavy weaponry or experience. They don't have air support. While our side have everything they need. Its still a disgrace that there is almost no gain after days of fighting.
Enemy barely possess any heavy weaponry or experience. They don't have air support. While our side have everything they need. Its still a disgrace that there is almost no gain after days of fighting.
no dear this is called strategic restraint.more is going on behind the scenes then we know.maybe the sloce is too bog to chew.just wait and watch
Enemy barely possess any heavy weaponry or experience. They don't have air support. While our side have everything they need. Its still a disgrace that there is almost no gain after days of fighting.

Shiek Essa is a well fortified town , they have been building trenches and earth walls for the past 6 month around this town and also Tell Refaat . These battles will only be over once these fortifications are destroyed which requires concentrated air-strikes and heavy artillery support .

There is no disgrace in war , it took Turkish army 4 weeks to clear cizre from PKK as a result of the nature of Urban which includes trenches and tunnels built by pkk .

I estimate this battle would take 1-2 weeks to be over besides controlling Tel-Refaat means placing entire Afrin region under effective siege . Afrin is sourrounded from its northern , western and eastern borders by Turkish Territory and their only way out south is Tel-Refaat .

Controlling Tel-Refaat and shiek essa would effectively put an end to the kurdish corridor and place afrin under siege .
we could also carpet bomb everything but they would cry i guess.... how much would it cost to carpet bomb tel rifat?
we could also carpet bomb everything but they would cry i guess.... how much would it cost to carpet bomb tel rifat?

I do not think Turkish leadership would do that , lets leave carpet bombing when operations starts directly against Kurdish cantons which will not be any-time in the near future .
Enemy barely possess any heavy weaponry or experience. They don't have air support. While our side have everything they need. Its still a disgrace that there is almost no gain after days of fighting.
Fight didnt started yet, repositioning is making like dabik war. Remember how many days we waited, then in a few days took results.
I do not think Turkish leadership would do that , lets leave carpet bombing when operations starts directly against Kurdish cantons which will not be any-time in the near future .

Why as far as i know there are around 1,7k rebels trained to go for tel abyad (east of eupraths) and with euprahts shield expanding more rebels will probably join !? By the way there are no cantons in syria thats just bullshit the kurds are using for the areas they claim to be theirs.

It's a good thing to train new FSA but also we have to transfer experienced FSA from İdlib to Halep and use this tactic connect cities. I think it's more important than Al Bab:


Nubl & Zahra is a regime stronghold, it's even stayed firm in strongest times of opposition control of Halep. So without touching them we have to clear this area. But definitely Pkk in Afrin and regime in Nubl & Zahra is connected, so even regime might react to this move. But it must be done.
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