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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Another bullshit from same person. UN resolution does not include Terrorist groups.


are you doing this on purpose? Is that some kind of hobby or what?

But does Security Council recognize YPG as a terrorist organization? Even if we say we recognize them as them as such, there still a problem of SAA on ground.

At worst case we should say that we will take a break after removing imminent threats to our soldiers aka taking Jindires and Rajo and several other locations.
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Another bullshit from same person. UN resolution does not include Terrorist groups.


are you doing this on purpose? Is that some kind of hobby or what?

I don't like to answer your childish comments... and insults since few days now...
But YPG is not seen as terro by the SECURITY COUNCIL and Turkey knows it...
That's why they said this...

Now , sorry for such words... but you need it... I let it slide too long...

Shut your Trap...you Ignorant Retard.


@cabatli_53 I take full responsibility for my words and consequences... But since nothing was done to him, after many of his insulting behavior in the past and still today...therefore I act.
But YPG is not seen as terro by the SECURITY COUNCIL and Turkey knows it...
You bullshitting here day and night, and yet you start insulting people who is bored of your bullshits. You passed red line so much.

First of all, UN resolution has nothing to do with Turkey's operation against terrorism, includes PKK, YPG, SDF, DAESH. You claimed that Turkey should stop it's operation according to UN resolution, which is a LIE.

You lied, you are a liar, you consistently lie in Turkish defence section, now you start insulting people who slap your lies on your face.

The Q is... What will do TR in Afrin? According to the UN she should stop... for 30 days.

Prove this or get the **** out of here.
Herhalde bunların savunma hatları tamamen sınırlara toplanmış, onlar alınınca bocalamaya başladılar.
beyler, efendiler this is not the traditional turkish hospitality, we usually show our guests. Our guests in the turkish section should feel comfortable giving their input on topic. So please stop that agression against them, even if they have completyle different opinion on some aspects of OOB.
Jinderes has been pounded all day long. Seems now the few hundred Assadists who entered Afrin and moved into Jinderes have marched into an early grave. I'm sure in their final moments they wished they turned back too. Utterly useless.

Meanwhile, 600 Hamza Division commandos have finished their training and arrived in Afrin

Commando's from the Turkmen, Muntasir Billah Division have also completed their training too and entered Afrin

Jinderes has been pounded all day long. Seems now the few hundred Assadists who entered Afrin and moved into Jinderes have marched into an early grave. I'm sure in their final moments they wished they turned back too. Utterly useless.

Meanwhile, 600 Hamza Division commandos have finished their training and arrived in Afrin

Commando's from the Turkmen, Muntasir Billah Division have also completed their training too and entered Afrin

Perhaps I may be wrong to say this but I think that YPG/PKK/w/e is much better equipped and trained than those Assadist groups. Kurdish terrorist groups have covered much larger areas in much shorter timelines than those underequipped and undertrained Assadist groups. So in the end, they will probably be butchered. These people must be so disposable that Assad sent his worse troops to the field. Assad must have known that they will be ripped apart with so many advanced technologies on the Turkish side. I also believe that these Assadist groups will hinder YPG's operations in a way as they will absolutely have miscommunication and strategic issues among themselves. FSA and Turkish Troops are commanded by a single leadership while all these Kurdish and Assadist groups will take orders from various commanders. They may have even made it easier for us to achieve victory in the end.

Still, I'm not a soldier...So time will show us.

Edit: I would like to add one more thing. I think that these Turkmen groups should be told to shave before such photo shoots. Shaved soldiers look much more like organized groups while unshaved soldiers portray a much worse image. When you have an army of shaved soldiers with proper hair cuts, they look much more professional, much more elite. They could still wear those badges but in the end, it would announce the world that these groups are not composed of those who have formed ISIS or PYD or w/e terrorist groups.
I would like to add one more thing. I think that these Turkmen groups should be told to shave before such photo shoots. Shaved soldiers look much more like organized groups while unshaved soldiers portray a much worse image. When you have an army of shaved soldiers with proper hair cuts, they look much more professional, much more elite. They could still wear those badges but in the end, it would announce the world that these groups are not composed of those who have formed ISIS or PYD or w/e terrorist groups.

There is a research by pentagon that concluded that beard is good for soldier effectiveness
(I'm not qualify to put the link here)

Foremost, beard is sunnah
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