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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Turkish combat operations into Afrin to be considered act of aggression: Syrian Deputy FM
Reuters - DAMASCUS

The Syrian government on Jan. 18 warned Turkey against launching a military operation in the northwestern region of Afrin and said that Syrian air defenses stood ready to defend against such an attack.

“We warn the Turkish leadership that if they initiate combat operations in the Afrin area, that will be considered an act of aggression by the Turkish army,” Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Meqdad said in comments reported by state media.

"Syria will confront any Turkish aggression or military action against its territory with appropriate response," Meqdad told reporters in a press briefing.

News analysis: Disappointed by US, Turkey seeks Russian support in Syria
Murat Yetkin

“The Americans have not kept their promises to us so far,” Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said in an interview on CNN Türk on Jan. 18, in response to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s remarks at Stanford University the day before.

“We are looking for solid steps, not just words,” Çavuşoğlu added, saying Washington should “immediately stop collaborating with terrorist groups,” in reference to the U.S. Central Command’s (CENTCOM) collaboration with the People’s Protection Units (YPG), the Syrian branch of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which is also designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S.

“[Tillerson’s] statement did not fully satisfy us … American officials from Barack Obama to Donald Trump have promised that their collaboration with the YPG would end and all weapons would immediately be collected back. We want them to honor their words,” the Turkish foreign minister also said.

After meeting with Çavuşoğlu on Jan. 16 in Vancouver during a gathering on the North Korea issue, Tillerson said on Jan. 17 that previous statements by U.S. officials about a 30,000-strong Border Security Force in Syria, including the YPG, did not precisely reflect the truth. He said it would not be correct to refer to this force as an “army,” adding that Turkish officials had been told U.S. intentions were only “to ensure that local elements are providing security to liberated areas.”

The first Turkish reaction to Tillerson’s words came in the morning hours from Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım, who said statements from the U.S. administration were “contradictory” and showed “confusion.” Yıldırım had said earlier that it was a “shame” that the U.S. is building a border force against NATO ally Turkey.

Hours before Yıldırım’s statement, the Turkish military buildup on the western side of the Syrian border was put on high alert, in accordance with a statement after a National Security Council (MGK) meeting late on Jan. 17 chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Turkish artillery has started to pound YPG positions around the YPG-held town of Afrin, which Ankara says is used by the YPG/PKK to infiltrate into Turkey.

Meanwhile, Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar and National Intelligence Organization (MİT) head Hakan Fidan are on the way to Moscow in search of more support in Syria against the YPG/PKK build up, “including in the use of Syria air space,” according to Çavuşoğlu. He added that Turkey is also in contact with Iran on the issue.

It seems that the Turkish government is determined to act on the YPG/PKK presence in Syria, even without help from its NATO ally the U.S. The operation is now conditional on support from NATO’s main rival, Russia.

Turkey not satisfied by US remarks about YPG army: Turkish FM
Blablabla. Trying to keep up the illusion of having power. They said the same when we invaded the first time. Afrin will burn and Putin will tell Assad to stfu.
European media broadcasts that Syria threatened to shot down Turkish jets if attacking Afrin.

Seems they got not tired to kicked in their as.
He has to make such statements. This is business as usual. Everybody is expecting such statements. What is important is the fact that Assad may be the president of few loyal Syrians but Russia is the president of him.
Only agreements with Russia are of real value for us and only Russians, Americans and Turks have the capacities to change the ground realities in Syria. In order to achieve success we have to play them off against each other.

The operation didn't start yet officially. However, people should be aware that this intervention will be 10 times more difficult and harder than the Al Bab op. No one should expect a glorious victory within the next couple days. This intervention could last for over a year.

Then again, it's the Middle East. You never knew.
He has to make such statements. This is business as usual. Everybody is expecting such statements. What is important is the fact that Assad may be the president of few loyal Syrians but Russia is the president of him.
Only agreements with Russia are of real value for us and only Russians, Americans and Turks have the capacities to change the ground realities in Syria. In order to achieve success we have to play them off against each other.

The operation didn't start yet officially. However, people should be aware that this intervention will be 10 times more difficult and harder than the Al Bab op. No one should expect a glorious victory within the next couple days. This intervention could last for over a year.

Then again, it's the Middle East. You never knew.
Wzll it's a little more "complex" than just, Putin say smthing...everyone follow in Syria...
The latest exemple is South Idlib offensive... that was made by a group among SAA...while RU wasn't ready for it..; but they tagged along..;since they can't say to the world " they didn't followed our order, to stay calm"...

So, In Syria, among ASSad supporters you have ppl, who dislike Putin/RU "Boss" place... they seek to reunite all of Syria... with no concession... somthing they fear will not happen if Putin, stay as a Boss... that why you get you challenging group... playing out of the roadmap...

Therefore, "problems" could happen... And Everytime that Happen..; it put Putin in a bad "image"... among other powers in the region...

So, whatever SAA fire at Turkish planes... is a possiblity... that Putin, can't do anything about it... and will put him, in the same position, Erdogan was, when a RU plane was shot down... Putin will have to make concessions to Turkey... and that could be translated to "free pass" to other areas in Syria... and maybe more... to the south...

And, I'm sure... that some Higher-up..;may like that to happen..., maybe even Erdogan..;wish that to happen...
Başliyooooo başliyoooo Afrin Afrin başliyoooo 3 gundur uykuya hasret kaldim amk işleri aksattım. Bozkurtlar ordusu, Muhammedin ordusu geliyor amk hewalleri, tengri biz menen.
US calls on Turkey not to take action in Syria’s Afrin
WASHINGTON - Anadolu Agency

The U.S. State Department on Jan. 18 urged Turkey not to take any action in northern Syria, calling on Ankara to remain focused on the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

At a news briefing, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said the U.S. wanted Turkey to abstain from violence in the northwestern city of Afrin.

“We would call [...] on the Turks to not take any actions of that sort,” Nauert said.

“We don’t want them to engage in violence but we want them to keep focused on ISIS,” she said, using another acronym for ISIL.

On Jan. 14, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said the Turkish army will launch a military operation into Afrin, a region bordering Turkey’s Hatay and Kilis provinces controlled by the People’s Protection Units (YPG).

Erdoğan said the Afrin operation would be an extension of the seven-month Operation Euphrates Shield in northern Syria, which ended in March 17 and aimed to fight against ISIL and curb the YPG in the area.

Oh yeah sure hun, why didnt you say so sooner?:tup::tup:

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